Home remedies for common stomach upsets.


Childhood abdominal pain is a very common reason for parents to seek medical advice. The good news is that most childhood abdominal pain is benign and self-limiting, resolving rapidly.

A great grandmother remedy for pain due to indigestion and over eating:

Take a small bunch of crushed fresh mint leaves and put it into 1 cup boiling water.

Then add a teaspoonful of cinnamon powder to the mix.

Then grate half a spoon of ginger into this mix

Then add half a spoonful of cumin seed powder, fennel seed powder and asafetida each.

To this mix add two teaspoonfuls of mango leaves which were previously dried and powdered.

Finally bring the mix to a boil over a small flame.  Cool this mixture and add some honey to taste. Then strain this mix. One glassful of this wonderful mixture worked wonders for any stomach pain or indigestion brought about due to a gastronomic extravaganza.


A word of caution: Chronic abdominal pain refers to pain that has been present continuously, or occurring at least on a weekly basis when intermittent, for a minimum period of two months. This should not be neglected and must be shown to a physician. Also if the abdominal pain is severe please contact your health care provider immediately.

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