
Reincarnation is an ancient belief, widely believed by the Hindus and the Buddhists and even great thinkers from the west.

Reincarnation is not accepted by the Church, but research by Western Medical Schools have shown that reincarnation exists and many persons actually remember their past lives during “Regression” in Hypnosis.

The most famous case was that of Shanti Devi, a girl of three from Delhi, who recalled the details of her former life in a town of Mutta about eighty miles away.  She identified all her past life relatives and her home and indicated the place where money had been buried and later removed by her family.

Reincarnation is a controversial subject, but researchers like Dr. Ian Stevenson, School of Medicine at the University of Virginia have presented cases studies where past life has been verified scientifically.

Dr. Morris Netherton and Dr Helen Wambach from California are the pioneers of Past Life Therapy and have used Hypnotic Regression and Psychotherapy to help patients get rid of anxieties and phobias.

Dr. Weiss, a Miami based Psychiatrist has written a book, MANY LIVES MANY MASTERS, about the life of one of his patients whom he regressed and found of that she had live 86 past lives and recalled many of them vividly and most of her fears and anxieties experienced in this life were due to bad experiences in her past lives.

The Methodology:

Past Lives Therapy combines Hypnotherapy and Regression to take the patient to his past life and seen the mental anguish that he suffered.  For example; a person suffering from fear of air travel may be suffering because he might have been killed in an air accident in the past life.  The patient is made to relive this past life experience during hypnosis, in a detached manner.   This structured therapy is seen to help patients resolve unexplained anxiety and phobias.


Past Lives Therapy works effectively in persons who are open minded about it.  It is clear that human consciousness registers sensory impressions and memory patterns that extend back further than the present life span.

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