Some useful Homeopathic remedies – Part 149.




 This remedy is derived from the sero-purulent matter of a scabies vesicle.  It is useful for Psoric type of miasmatic manifestation.

This remedy suits infants who are pale, delicate, sickly, restless, and troublesome and whose body and stools have a filthy odor.

It suits children with a history of Eczema in the family and for those who suffer from enuresis, worse during full moon.

It is a medicine that suits subjects who are cold and extremely sensitive to cold. It suits subjects who have debility independent of any disease.  It suits subjects who have a lack of reaction to medicines; it also acts best when the best-chosen medicines fail to act.

It is a remedy that suits subjects who are scrofulous and have a filthy odor in the skin.

It is a good remedy that gives immunity to subjects against catching cold.

It is useful in subjects, who are hopeless and despair that they will ever recover, suffer from religious melancholia with a suicidal tendency.

This remedy suits subjects who suffer from chronic headache with vertigo.  It suits subjects who have moist eczema of the scalp, oozing a sticky offensive fluid.  This remedy suits subjects who are worse with every change of weather, with a humid eruption of scalp, with matted and dry hair.

It suits subjects who have blepharitis (inflammation of lid margin) with chronic ophthalmia where the edges of the eyelids are red.

It is useful in dry coryza with stoppage of the nose with a chronic catarrh.

It is useful in raw oozing around the ears, with an offensive discharge due to eczema around the ears.

It is useful in Tonsillitis where the tonsils are swollen and there is a recurring QUINSY (peri-tonsillar abscess).  This remedy eradicates the tendency for Quinsy and can prevent the possibility of surgically excising the tonsils.

It is useful in subjects, who hawk cheesy balls with a disgusting taste and smell.  It is useful in subjects, who have an eructation, which smells like bad eggs and the subject in always hungry and must have something to eat.

This remedy suits subjects, who have bloody mucous stools, which are hard and difficult with blood oozing from the rectum.

It suits female subjects, who suffer from leucorrhoea, with much backache and debility.

It suits subjects with asthma with difficulty in sitting up and better while lying down and after keeping arms wide apart.

It suits subjects who have a dry hard cough with great weakness in the chest and the cough returns every winter from suppressed eruption.

It suits subjects who have hay fever returning every year. It suits subjects who have a dirty skin, dry lusterless and rough hair.

It suits subjects who have intolerable itching, herpetic eruptions on the scalp, sebaceous glands that secrete excessively, with eczema around the ears.  It suits subjects who suffer from urticaria after every exertion.

It suits subjects who suffer from sleeplessness from intolerable itching, which becomes worse after drinking coffee and changes of weather and subjects who dread the least draft of cold air.

This remedy also suits subjects who are better in heat, warm clothing and summer. This remedy also suits subjects who have a religious melancholy with a despair of recovery and salvation.


I recommend that PSORINUM be tried in hydrocoele, an affliction, which is hard to cure because it presents no indicating symptoms.  The favorable action of PSORINUM on fluids in hernial sacs suggest it for hydrocoele.

Dr. Goullon.

Whenever migraine comes, if the patient sits holding a hot sponge on his head: PSORINUM.

Dr. Blakie.

 PSORINUM is usually needed at some time during the treatment of fibroids.

Dr. Hayes, M.D.

 PSORINUM: This precious anti-psoric remedy has, at various times, in many years, done wonderful work in all types of malnutrition, due to any cause, whether, it be disordered digestion, rickets, scurvy, syphilis, the result of acute infections or secondary anemia.

Dr. William B. Griggs, M.D.

Schizophrenic patients are notoriously dirty and careless of personal appearance. SULPHUR & PSORINUM are medicines to be considered.

Dr. Foubister, M.B., Ch.B., D.C.H.

 Sometimes after acute or violent diseases we find the patient greatly prostrated.  For instance, after Typhoid fever, he is depressed in mind, weak in body, low spirited, hopeless of recovery and yet you know that there is no absolute certainty that the patient cannot get well: that there are no organic lesions remaining. He has weakening night sweats.  Perhaps SULPHUR has been given without result.  In such cases PSORINUM is the remedy.

Dr. Farrington, M.D.

 PSORINUM should be remembered for extreme weakness in acute disease or for after-effects of infectious diseases lasting for years, it clears up recurrent or confused states.

Dr. P Banerjee.

 Give PSORINUM after an acute attack of Appendicitis has subsided, to prevent return

Hom. Recorder. March’ 31.

 In my experience, PSORINUM is often indicated after PYROGEN.

Dr. E. Underhill. Jr. M.D.

 I have found, at least several times that a remedy like PSORINUM, which is so terribly chilly, is necessary in the course of treatment of deep allergies, in spite of the fact that the patient is very warm-blooded.

Dr. Schmidt. M.D.

 PSORINUM: I have stopped the sweating head of rickets after the failure of CALCIUM AND SILICA.