
The Neem tree is also called as the Margosa tree and this tree is almost planted in every home in rural India. The leaves, the bark, wood, roots and fruits of this plant are extremely bitter. The Botanical name of this plant is AZADIRACHTA INDICA or MELIA AZADIRACHTA. There is a well-known proverb about Neem, which goes as follows;

In a land where Neem abounds,

Can Death, disease therein be found?

Medicinal Uses:

Ayurvedic physicians know the medicinal uses of this plant since antiquity.  Charaka found it very useful in Leprosy. Sushrutha also found it useful in Leprosy, gonorrhoea, in fevers with burning sensation all over the body.  Harita found it useful in boils and a blood purifier.  Bagabhata used it in baldness of the head.  Chakradatta found it useful in boils, ulcers, eczema, scabies and other skin diseases.  Bangasena found it to be a sovereign remedy in Sciatica and also in eye diseases in children.  Bhavaprakasha used it in worm and parasitic infestations.

Homoeopathic physicians find that it is useful in persons with loss of memory, vertigo, troublesome cough, constipation, fever with chills and itching all over the body.

Allopathic research has revealed that the Margosa plant contains non-crystalline resinous substances, tannins, sugars, Neem oil, Margosine, catechin gum and salts.

Researchers have further found out that this plant has tonic, astringent, for worm infestation, boils and non-healing ulcers and leprosy.


With the giant strides in Allopathic medicine, Herbal remedies have lost their place in the mainstream therapy.  However, parts of the Neem tree are used for fever, loss of appetite, worm infestation, jaundice, boils, in non-healing ulcers, leprosy and gonorrhoea by Native physicians in rural India.

It is also a good remedy in forgetfulness, where the patient cannot remember anything, forgets important names, forgets to write in examinations.

It is also a grand remedy in Leprosy and counteracts the ill effects of Quinine, which is given in Malaria. It is also used as a poultice or a plaster in many skin diseases, such as abscesses, boils, buboes, carbuncles and non-healing chronic ulcers.

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