Monthly Archives: September 2018


Bates method is a simple method of teaching people to make use of their eyes in a relaxed manner.  This technique was devised by, Dr. William H. Bates who was a leading Ophthalmologist in the New York Postgraduate Medical School.  After seeing over 30,000 patients, Dr Bates concluded that if the mental thinking in the patients improved positively by 50%, their vision also improved.  Dr Bates firmly believed that defective vision was not necessarily as a result of damage of the eye or deterioration of the lens, but it was often as a result of mental stress. He also concluded that for the accommodation of the eye and a sharp vision, the extrinsic ocular muscles of the eye played a major role and not the lens of the eye.

He put his concepts into practice by introducing ‘Palming’; where the patient cover the closed eyes with the palms of the hands, crossing the fingers on the forehead, so as to avoid the direct pressure on the eyeballs.  Some practitioners also combine meditation and visual imagery to this method.  He also advocated the practice of alternate focusing to objects near and far to strengthen the external ocular muscles of the eye.

Bates also believed that the defective eye blinks rarely and that the normal eye blinks both gently and frequently and he advocated his patients to blink the eye consciously.  This improves the vision by lubricating the eyeball and counteracts the harmful effects of staring.

Bates also believed that sunlight was also an important ingredient in improving the vision and extorted his patients to sun themselves with closed eyelids. This should be done along with the silent movement of the head gently, from side to side. This was called as ‘Sunning’.

Many persons who had serious myopic problems improved after trying the Bates method and the power of their glasses came down. 


The Bates Method combines Palming, Sunning, Meditation and Visual Imagery.  It has definitely improved the eyesight of thousands of sufferers. The Bates method combines the rational use of scientific principles with Holistic methods such as meditation.

Some useful Homeopathic remedies – Part 169.



This remedy is derived from Pure Flint or Quartz.

It is a remedy for imperfect assimilation and consequent defective nutrition.  It suits children who have Rickets, with a large head, and a slow closure of the fontanels, with a pale face and distended abdomen.  It is useful in scrofulous rachitic children who are slow in walking.  It also suits children who are headstrong, abstracted with fixed ideas.  ONE PECULIAR SYMPTOM IS THAT THIS REMEDY SUITS CHILDREN, WHO ARE FEARFUL OF PINS AND SEARCH AND COUNT THEM.

It suits adults who are anxious, yielding, faint-hearted, chilly and worse from cold and better from warmth and wrapping up.  This remedy suits subjects, who are restless, fidgety, starts at the least noise, and is easily fatigued and wants to constantly lie down and even mental activity fatigues the patient.

It should be used with great caution in TUBERCULOSIS, because it may re-activate old cavities.

This remedy helps the body to re-absorb fibrotic conditions and scar tissue.  It is a great remedy and it promotes the expulsion of foreign bodies; such as fish bones and splinters.  This remedy is useful in whitlows, carbuncles and fissures in the anus.

It is useful for draining abscesses, curing quinsy, headaches and keloids (excessive scar tissue).

It is useful in combating the ill effects of vaccination.

It is useful in healing fistulas in the anus.

The subjects requiring this remedy are cold, chilly and hug the fire and want plenty of warm clothing. They are generally worse in winter and lack vital heat and are intolerant to alcoholic stimulants.

The subjects requiring this remedy generally lack moral or physical grit and are generally mild and yielding in nature, faint-hearted and anxious, nervous and excitable and sensitive to all impressions.  It suits subjects who suffer from brain-fag.

This remedy suits subjects who have profuse head sweats, which extends to the neck, associated with an offensive smell.

This remedy is also useful in swelling in the lachrymal duct, sty in the eye, in iritis (inflammation of the cornea), in irido-choritis, ulcers in the cornea and in cataracts in office-workers. It also suits subjects who have a corneal opacity after keratitis (corneal inflammation).

This remedy suits subjects who have mastoiditis with a fetid discharge from the ears, and sensitiveness to noise with a roaring sensation of the ears.

This remedy suits subjects who have itching at the point of the nose, which is dry hard with crusts that bleed when an attempt is made to loosen them.  This remedy also suits subjects who are prone to sneezing in the morning with an obstructed nose, with a loss of smell and perforation of the septum.

This remedy is useful in facial neuralgia, with a throbbing of the face with a red face and the subjects are worse from the cold and damp weather.

This remedy is useful for abscesses in the root of the teeth, in pyorrhea where the teeth become sensitive to cold water.

This remedy is suitable in cases of periodical Quinsy (Peri-tonsillar abscess) and for all colds that settle down in the throat and in all hard swellings of cervical lymph glands.

This remedy suits subjects who have disgust for meat and warm food, with a lack of appetite, with excessive thirst, colic in the abdomen and constipation.

This remedy is suitable in cases of fistula in the anus, fissures in the anus, hemorrhoids, painful spasm of the anal sphincters and when the stools come down with great difficulty and recede again.

This remedy suits male subjects who have a blood in the urine with involuntary urination.  It also suits subjects, who have a prostatic fluid discharge while urinating.  It is a useful remedy for children with bed- wetting and in worm infestation.  This remedy suits male subjects who have a burning soreness of the genitals with eruption on the inner surface of the thighs.  This remedy suits subjects who suffer from gonorrhea with a thick fetid discharge from the urethra.  This remedy is also useful in elephantiasis of the scrotum and in hydrocoele (collection of fluid around the testicles).

This remedy suits female subjects who have a uterine colic with milky acrid leucorrhoea, with itching of the vulva and the vagina.  This remedy is also useful in abscess of the labia, vaginal cysts and for dissolving hard lumps in the breast.

This remedy is very useful in colds that fail to yield, with persistent muco-purulent sputum and violent cough, which is worse while lying down with a thick yellow lumpy expectoration.  It is useful in the suppurative stage of expectoration.

This remedy suits subjects who have a weak spine and are susceptible to draughts of cold air, which affect the back with pain in the coccyx.  This remedy is also useful in spinal irritation after injuries to the spine and in diseases of the bones and spine (e.g.: Potts’s spine).

This remedy is useful in subjects with a tendency to sleep walking.  It also suits subjects who are sleepless with feeling of a rush of blood and heat in the head.  It also suits subjects, who frequently start in their sleep, with anxious dreams and excessive gasping.

This remedy is very useful in sciatica with pain thorough the hips, legs and feet with cramps in the calves and soles.  This remedy is also useful in curing in-growing toenails.  This remedy is useful in icy cold sweaty feet where there is an offensive sweat in the feet.  This remedy is also useful in soreness in the feet, which extends from the instep to the sole of the feet.

This remedy is useful for skin diseases for subjects with Felons, abscesses, boils, old fistulous ulcers, painless gland swelling, raised colored blotches, scars that become painful and when every skin injury suppurates.  This remedy is also useful for curing crippled nails, bursas and keloids. It is useful in In-growing toe nails.

This remedy suits subjects with fevers that are associated with chilliness, sensitivity to cold air, with creeping sensation and shivering of the body.

This remedy is useful in subjects, who have constipation, which may be worse before and during menstruation, due to the inactivity of the rectum and the stools often recede and are partially expelled.  THIS IS REFERRED TO AS ‘SHY STOOLS OF SILICEA’ BY SOME HOMEOPATHS.

Another peculiar observation is that Silicea is useful in curing ailments, which come on with the suppression of foot-sweats. This is a strange symptom.

This remedy suits subjects who are worse in the new moon in the morning, who are worse from washing in cold water, who are worse during the menstrual period, worse from uncovering, worse from lying down and worse in the damp weather and worse from lying down on the left side and worse from the cold.

This remedy suits subjects who hare better from warmth, wrapping the head in the summer and in wet humid weather.

The remedies that follow SILICEA well are THUJA, SANICULA, And FLOURIC ACID & PULSATILLA.


A remarkable feature of SILICEA is its ability to promote the expulsion, exteriorization of foreign bodies from the tissues. Many are the records of sphincters, thorns, and pieces of glass, gravel or metal, which have been extruded from various parts of the body after the administration of the drug.  There are sites where surgical removal or attempts threaten are fraught with considerable risk of adding trauma to trauma and the extrusion of the foreign body by natural means aided and abetted by SILICEA in potency, is a preferable procedure ‘albeit’ involving some delay.

Dr. D. M. Gibson, F.R.C.S., etc.

 Hydrocoele and scrofulosis (glandular swellings) disappear after SILICEA.

Dr. Hartman.

 When a mastoid operation has been carried out and there has been slow healing and a constant discharge from the ear, the administration of SILICEA will clear up the trouble.

Dr. Beta.

 SILICEA is also one of the greatest remedies for chronic diarrhea in soldiers due to sleeping on damp grounds, eating all sorts of food, long exhausting marches.

Dr. Kent, M.D.

 SILICEA is excellent for pyorrhea and also PHOSPHORUS and a lotion of SYMPHYTUM Q –2 drams to 8 ounces of water is a good application to the gums in these cases.

Dr. Ruddock, M.D.

 In impending tetanus, we certainly have efficient preventives of the full-fledged disease. ACONITE with fever, anxiety, tension of the muscles, tingling and numbness.  VERATRUM VIRIDE, HYPERICUM with excruciating pain in the wound, BELLADONNA, CICUTA, SILICEA and possibly AUGUSTURA: if the wound is suppurating or has suddenly ceased to discharge pus.

Dr. Farrington, M.D.

For harmful effects of Penicillin: ARSENICUM, THUJA, NUX VOMICA & SILICEA.

Dr. Kent, M.D.

If such bad effects as erysipelas, convulsions or diarrhea should follow vaccination, SILICEA will cure the case, THUJA itself, is complementary here; and comes in very well for diarrhea following vaccination and also when the vaccination fever is high. Pustules like those of Smallpox together with a rash that appears all over the body.

Dr. E. A Farrington, M.D.

PHOSPHORUS is the surest remedy for Glaucoma and helps more frequently than any other remedy; if a cure is not completed by PHOSPHORUS, LYCOPODIUM and no less SILICEA will be found indispensable.

Dr. Jahr.

SILICEA appears to cause a leucocytosis and may increase body resistance to disease in this way.

Dr. Ruddock, M.D.





The World Health Organization estimates that about 2.5 billion to 3 billion persons are anemic worldwide.  50 % of all anemia cases are caused by Iron deficiency.

In the US it is estimated that:
  • More than 3.5 million people in the United States have anemia.
  • Anemia occurs in all age groups and in all racial and ethnic groups.
  • In the United States, sickle cell anemia affects about 72,000 people.
  • Sickle cell anemia occurs in one in every 600 African-American births.
  • About 2 million Americans have sickle cell trait.
  • Approximately 10 percent of children with SCD suffer fatal or debilitating strokes.
  • Aplastic anemia occurs in about 500–1,000 people in the U. S.

Anemia can be caused by several factors:

 Older Adults & the Elderly

  • Fatigue, weakness and other anemia symptoms can be misconstrued as normal signs of old age, but neither anemia nor these symptoms are a natural part of aging and should receive meticulous medical attention.
  • 10% of persons aged 65 and older have anemia
  • 50% of nursing home residents have anemia
  • Anemic elderly are twice as likely to hospitalized for falls

 Cancer Patients

  • 80% of chemotherapy patients have severe anemia


Chronic Kidney Disease Patients

  • Anemia is a common and early complication of chronic kidney disease (CKD)
  • 28% of mild CKD patients are anemic
  • 87% of severe CKD patients are anemic

 In Critically ill Patients
Many factors contribute to anemia in critically ill patients including

  • Trauma,
  • Surgical blood loss,
  • Inflammation
  • Nutritional deficiencies.
  • 50% of patients in the intensive care unit are anemic
  • 75% of long-stay critically ill patients are anemic

 Women of Childbearing Age

  • Heavy bleeding with normal menstruation may cause iron deficiency anemia.
  • Anemia can also develop during pregnancy
  • 12% of women aged 12-49 are iron deficient
  • 20% of pregnant women in the U.S. have anemia

Anemia related to poor nutrition:

  • Vitamins and minerals are required to make red blood cells.
  • In addition to iron, vitamin B12 and folate are required for the proper production of hemoglobin.
  • Deficiency in any of these may cause anemia because of inadequate production of red blood cells.
  • Poor dietary intake is an important cause of low folate and low vitamin B12 levels.
  • Strict vegetarians who do not take sufficient vitamins are at risk to develop vitamin B12 deficiency

 People with Heart Disease

  • Hypertension can precipitate or worsen many established cardiovascular diseases, advancing the severity of anemia and congestive heart failure.
  • 17-48% of patients with heart failure have anemia
  • 43% of hospitalized heart attack patients have anemia

People with Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • 30-60% of rheumatoid arthritis patients have anemia

People with Chronic Health Conditions

Anemia is often associated with these diseases and often goes undetected

  • Chronic kidney disease,
  • Cancer,
  • Diabetes,
  • Cardiovascular disease,
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Inflammatory bowel disease.

Pernicious Anemia:

  • There also may be a problem in the stomach or the intestines leading to poor absorption of vitamin B12.
  • This may lead to anemia because of vitamin B12 deficiency known as pernicious anemia.

Sickle cell anemia:

  • In some individuals, the problem may be related to production of abnormal hemoglobin molecules.
  • In this condition the hemoglobin problem is qualitative, or functional. Abnormal hemoglobin molecules may cause problems in the integrity of the red blood cell structure and they may become crescent-shaped (sickle cells).


  • This is another group of hemoglobin-related causes of anemia.
  • There are many types of thalassemia, which vary in severity.
  • These are also hereditary


  • Poor nutrition and deficiencies of vitamins and minerals are associated with alcoholism.
  • Alcohol itself may also be toxic to the bone marrow and may slow down the red blood cell production.

 Aplastic anemia:

  • Occasionally some viral infections may severely affect the bone marrow and diminish production of all blood cells.
  • Anti cancer medications and some other medications may pose the same problems.

Hemolytic anemia:

  • Hemolytic anemia is a type of anemia in which the red blood cells rupture (known as hemolysis) and become dysfunctional.
  • Some forms of hemolytic anemia can be hereditary with constant destruction and rapid reproduction of red blood cells.
  • This destruction may also happen to normal red blood cells in certain conditions, for example, with abnormal heart valves damaging the blood cells.


The symptoms of anemia:


The symptoms are very imperceptible at first. The symptoms of anemia include weakness, fatigue, dizziness, headaches and heart palpitations. These symptoms result from the body not getting enough oxygen through the bloodstream.  It can become a life-threatening condition if left untreated for a long time.

 Some foods that raise the Hemoglobin:

Pumpkins are rich in vitamins and folic acid and vitamin B12 and are useful in combating anemia.

Vegetables like spinach and broccoli, sweet potatoes, beans, green peas, pulses and all green leafy vegetables are rich in iron, folic acid and B12.

Zucchini this is another very effective food for treating anemia. Eat in salads or steam cooked.


Tamarind leaves tea is very good for raising hemoglobin.


Guavas are great for preventing anemia, and it is believed that they may also prevent leukemia.

Some home remedies that are useful in anemia.

Red wine

Believe it or not! A glass of red wine daily corrects anemia very soon.

Vinegar and molasses

 2 spoons of apple cider vinegar and blackstrap molasses with water or tea is a very good home remedy to correct anemia.

Bee Pollen

1 teaspoon of bee pollen is a powerful biological stimulant and increases the red cells in the bone marrow.

Herbs and anemia.
Yellow dock root

It is a common roadside weed. It has the property of raising the hemoglobin levels.  Many people with anemia have surprised their doctors when they reported that their good results came from this simple plant.

Some have been able to raise their hemoglobin count in a few weeks with yellow dock.

It is available in tincture form as well as capsules. This herb can have the side effect of causing diarrhea if the dosage is too high.

Nettle leaf.

The stinging nettle, also called nettle leaf. This plant can be herb contains a stinging irritant to skin; it can be cooked and eaten like spinach.

It grows in moist shady places. It can be obtained as the bulk dried herb, tincture, or capsule form at health food stores.

It is often combined with red raspberry leaf and oat straw herb, and used as a tea. The addition of anise seed seems to improve results. 

Dandelion and burdock root.

These herbs are often used in combinations to treat anemia. These plants are widespread and easy to identify, and could be used in cases where medical help is not available. They may work by increasing the body’s ability to absorb iron from food.


This is a plant that is very nourishing when taken in tablet form. It is often included in combinations of herbs designed to build up the blood.

Alfalfa tablet doses are usually large, like 18 per day. It is more like a food than a medicine.

Dong quai.

It is a Chinese herb, has been reported to help in the treatment of anemia, but to date, no scientific studies have been done to verify this.

Homeopathic remedies for anemia.

Ferrum Metallicum

 Iron is the great allopathic remedy for anemia from almost any cause. It is also a great homoeopathic remedy, but it will not cure every case of anemia; careful individualization is necessary.

It suits patients who have an appearance of full bloodedness or plethora, which is followed by paleness or earthiness of the face and puffiness of the extremities.


Pulsatilla is the great remedy and is indicated in the anemic conditions where the patient is relaxed and worn out; chilly and suffers from gastric and menstrual derangements.

The patient requiring Pulsatilla feels better in the open air. Dizziness on rising, absence of thirst, and the peculiar disposition will lead to the remedy. 


 It is the chief remedy for anemia resulting from loss of fluids, as in lactation or hemorrhage, or from all exhausting discharges, such as menstrual flow, long lasting and diarrhea.

Natrum muriaticum is also a remedy for anemic and debilitated conditions due to loss of fluids, especially in women who suffer from menstrual disorders and in chronic cases with a dead, dirty-looking skin.

Chininum arsenicosum is sometimes prescribed for anemia.  It has been found to be curative in certain cases of pernicious anemia.

Calcarea carbonica

Almost any of the deeper acting constitutional remedies may be of use in anemic and debilitated conditions

Arsenicum album

This is a very useful remedy in cases of pernicious anemia or in anemia’s due to hemolysis in malaria.

It indications are excessive prostration considerable edema, violent and irregular palpitation, marked appetite for acids and brandy, extreme anxiety and rapid emaciation.  There is irritable stomach and intense thirst.


It is an excellent remedy in anemia. It suits especially anemia from prolonged hemorrhage in women enervated by indolence and luxury, or such as are worn out with hard work; they are too tired to sleep and the strained muscles burn and ache.  This anemia is associated wih disturbances in the urinary and sexual organs.

It is useful in dull, heavy and confused females. It is useful in debility of females from a protracted illness.  Power and energy of mind and body are weakened.


This remedy is useful in progressing anemia, where the patient is pale, bloodless and jaundiced in color.

Ayurveda and Anemia
1) Lauha bhasma

Historically (1500 B C) in Ayurvedic literature Charak Samhita described fatigue and pallor due to bloodlessness, which can be cured by Lauha bhasma (Calcified iron).

2) Lohasavam is a curative for anemia, jaundice, liver affections, cardiac lesions, dropsy and fever. Lohasavam mixed with Draksharishtam is effective in pregnant women.

The main ingredients are Iron, Triphala, trikatu, Vidanga, Motha, Chitrak, Dhtaki and jaggery.

3)  Dhatri Lauh

It is very good Ayurvedic remedy for peptic ulcer syndrome, pain in abdomen, hyper acidity, anemia and Pitta imbalances.

It is also useful as a regular supplement after first trimester of pregnancy and lactating mothers. The action of these roots is balancing three doshas in body.

4)  Navayas Lauh has nine (Nava) main constituents.

It has Triphala and Nagarmotha, which are very well known digestive rejuvenator.

Trikatu in it corrects the metabolism of the body.

Pippali is an immuno modulator and digestive and respiratory rejuvenator.

Vidanga kills the intestinal worms.

Chitraka mool corrects all aspects of digestive system; digestion, assimilation of food and evacuation of feces.

Navayas Lauh
  • Is useful in indigestion, anemia, and eye diseases
  • Is useful in all skin diseases
  • Helps in all diseases involving the liver i.e. jaundice, hepatitis, loss of appetite etc.
  • Is useful in management of heart diseases which are having their origin in anemia
  • Is useful in management of hemorrhoids

Diet in Ayurveda:

Ayurveda also recommends a good well-balanced diet rich in iron, sesame seeds, almonds, vegetables as beet, lettuce, spinach, soybean, radish, carrots, tomatoes and fresh fruits as banana, black berries, strawberries, apple, amla, and plums.

Lifestyle modifications

  • Enjoy sunbathing as the sunlight stimulates the production of red blood cells.
  • Yoga postures such as Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana), Posterior Stretch (Paschimotthanasana), Corpse Pose (Shavasana) are also considered useful in combating anemia.


Some useful Homeopathic remedies – Part 168.



This remedy is derived from the brownish black juice in the ink bag of the Cuttle fish.

This remedy suits subjects who are weary and full of misery.  Subjects requiring this remedy are generally very sad and weep while relating their symptoms.  They are miserly, anxious and indolent and most of their complaints are worse in the evening.

This remedy suits children who take to cold easily.

This remedy has a predominant action on the portal system, especially when associated with congestion and venous stasis.

It also suits flabby puffed up women, with narrow male like hips.   This remedy suits subjects who suffer from weakness with a yellow sallow skin. It suits women who are extremely irritable, easily offended, who permit no opposition, are hysterical, with a changeable temper. ONE OF THE KEYNOTE SYMPTOMS OF THIS REMEDY IS THAT THE PERSON IS INDIFFERENT TO ONES OWN FAMILY AND OFFSPRINGS, WHOM SHE ONCE LOVED.  It also suits women who dread being alone, of men and of meeting friends.  These subjects are averse to any occupation.

This remedy suits subjects who feel cold even in a warm room.

This remedy suits female subjects have headaches associated with scanty menstrual flow.  Their hair has a tendency to fall out and the roots of the hair are very sensitive.  The headache is stinging and it shoots from within outward and goes upwards.  Subjects having headache also have nausea and vomiting and they are worse indoors and while lying on the painful side.

This remedy is useful in Atrophic Rhinitis, where there is a thick greenish discharge with thick plugs and crusts, with pain in the anterior part of the nose and pain in the root of the nose.  This remedy is useful in chronic nasal catarrh with post-nasal dripping of heavy lumpy discharges, which will have to be hawked from the mouth.

This remedy is also useful in subjects with eye problems like Asthenopia, black spots in the line with the vision, tarsal tumors, ptosis (paralysis of the eyelid) and ciliary irritation.

This remedy is useful in subjects with herpes infection behind the ears or on the nape of the neck or in swelling and eruption of the external ear.  This remedy suits subjects who have yellowish blotches of the face, or a saddle like distribution of brownish pigmentation on the nose and the cheeks.

This remedy suits subjects who have a feeling of emptiness in the stomach, not relieved by eating.  This remedy is useful in combating dyspepsia caused by tobacco, which is associated with nausea before eating and vomiting after eating.  This remedy suits subjects who have a longing for vinegar, pickles and acids.  It also suits subjects who are worse after milk and have acid dyspepsia and bloated abdomen with sour eructation.  Such subjects also loath having fatty food.

This remedy suits subjects have a flatulent headache, where the liver is sore and painful, relieved by lying on the right side.  It also suits subjects who have a BEARING DOWN SENSATION IN THE ABDOMEN.

This remedy suits subjects who have bleeding at stools with fullness in the rectum, with constipation and a feeling of a ball in the rectum.  The stools are generally dark brown, round balls glued together with mucus oozing from the anus with prolapse of the anus.

This remedy suits subjects with involuntary urination (nocturnal enuresis) during the first sleep.  This remedy is also useful in chronic cystitis with slow flow of the urinary stream.

This remedy suits male subjects who have a discharge from the urethra more in the night. It also cures condylomas surrounding the head of the penis.  It also suits male subjects who have complaints coming on after coitus.

This remedy suits female subjects, whose pelvic organs are relaxed with a prolapse of the uterus and the subject feels compelled to cross her legs to prevent the protrusion of the uterus.  This remedy suits female subjects, who have leucorrhoea, which is yellowish green.  It also suits female subjects who have a painful vagina, especially after coitus. It is considered to be a woman’s remedy and helps women who have a tendency for repeated abortion.  This remedy is also useful to combat the hot flushes during menopause.  This remedy is one the best remedies for uterine prolapse.

This remedy is useful in female subjects who have frequent flushes of heat, and sweat with the least motion, and experience a general lack of warmth of the body with shivering and thirst.

This remedy suits subjects who have a dry fatiguing cough, with the taste of rotten eggs during coughing.

This remedy suits subjects who have weakness in the back with a tendency to extend the back.

This remedy suits subjects who have restlessness in all limbs with twitching and jerking, night and day.

This remedy suits subjects, who have itching not relieved by scratching, worse on the bends of the elbows and knees. This remedy has the power of removing chloasma (saddle shaped hyper-pigmentation over the cheeks or nose).  It is also useful in herpetic eruptions on the lips.  This remedy is also useful in hives (urticaria) on going out in the open air.  This remedy is also useful in hyper-hydrosis (excessive perspiration) with an offensive odor of the skin.

This remedy suits subjects who are worse in the forenoons and evenings, worse washing and after doing laundry work (THIS REMEDY IS ALSO CALLED AS A WASHER-WOMAN’S REMEDY).

This remedy suits subjects who are worse from dampness and after sweats and worse in cold air before thunderstorms.

This remedy also suits subjects who are better by pressure, exercise, warmth of the bed, hot applications, drawing up the limbs, cold bathing and after sleep.




 Clinically SEPIA has given grateful relief in some cases of complete inguinal hernia with distressing dragging and bearing down sensation. The size of the hernia has been considerably reduced and the pressure symptoms largely overcome.  In these cases, the cross-legged sitting posture of SEPIA was habitual, although the value of this symptom in the case of hernia may be questioned, as this posture tends to reduce the hernia and may therefore be entirely of mechanical origin.

Dr. E. Underhill. Jr, M.D.

 Sinusitis: in my experience, SEPIA is a treasure in sinusitis, and also STICTA in the dry ones.

Dr. E.W. Hubbard.

 Sensation as if the fetus in the uterus has stopped moving inside the uterus: SEPIA 1.M.

Dr. Knerr.

 In the misplacement of the uterus, whether from prolapse, ante-version, or ante-flexion, SEPIA will in most cases restore it to the normal position; so great is my confidence in recent cases that I never resort to manipulation.

Dr. Mercy.

 One of the important uses of SEPIA is in traumatic affections of the heart associated with annoying empty eructation. Often there is the history, perhaps years back, of cardiac involvement in some severe acute fever, compensation has taken place and but slight evidence of the old lesion remains.  Over-lifting, running or over-fatigue suddenly affect the heart and it is just this combination that SEPIA fits especially where there is an uncertain, unsteady feeling about the heart, aching down the left arm and the persistent eructation.

Dr. E. Underhill, M.D.

 When you get a head-nodding child, think of the possibility of SEPIA for it; do not dash off to one of the typical chorea remedies at once.

Dr. D. M. Borland, M.B., Ch.B.

 Dr. Drury, who has much experience in disease of children, expresses great confidence in SEPIA in recent RINGWORM.

Dr. Hughes, L.R.C.P.

 SEPIA given repeatedly, cures enuresis (bed-wetting,) occurring during first sleep.

Dr. Boeninghausen.

 SEPIA & NATRUM MURIATICUM are the 2 most potent remedies for cataract. 

Dr. Spiens. Alexander.

 SEPIA may be regarded as an excellent remedy for the paroxysms of hemi-crania (migraine), which constitute a source of distress to anemic females with lively temperaments.

Dr. Boehr.

 More walking fast more ameliorated in asthma. SEPIA.

Dr. Robert. Redfield, M.D.

 The best remedy for small ulcers about the points of the fingers is SEPIA.

Dr. E. A. Farrington, M.D.

 A history of bed wetting in early life is a good pointer to SEPIA.

Dr. T. Douglas. Ross.