Monthly Archives: December 2020



Josh Billings said that, quote, ‘In youth we run into difficulties; in old age difficulties run into us’.Unquote. That is so true of old age. As we grow older, our sight dims, we have arthritis, memory problems and so on.  But one of the most disturbing symptoms that my older male patients face is an increasing frequency of overnight visits to the bathroom. They wake a lot more than they used to and they have a poor stream of urine, sometimes there is urgency and then an irritating hesitancy when they think that they might actually wet their pants. Sometimes there is even a leaking of urine with dribbling.  All these usually point to a benign enlargement of the prostrate.  Of course, we run all the tests to rule out urinary infections and prostate cancer and finally the urosurgeon advices an operation.  This is when panic sets in and they want to avoid surgery.

The Allopathic medical line of treatment:

For those who do not want surgery there are tablets that shrink the prostate. Some of them approved by the US FDA are Finasteride and dutasteride, these tablets work by inhibiting the production of the hormone DHT, which is involved with prostate enlargement. The use of either of these drugs can either prevent progression of growth of the prostate or actually shrink the prostate in some men.  Other drugs that shrink the prostate are terazosin and tamsulosin. These drugs act by reducing the bladder outlet obstruction and help the elderly to urinate properly

There is safer and natural alternative:

1) Saw palmetto is an herb that has been shown in clinical studies to have an important role in maintaining a healthy prostate.  Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) grows naturally in the southeast United States, including Georgia, Mississippi, and particularly Florida.

When it is extracted in Homeopathy as a mother tincture, it is called as Sabal serrulata Q.  Several small studies suggest that saw palmetto may be effective for treating BPH symptoms although many allopathic physicians are skeptical whether this mother tincture actually reduces the prostate size in a benign prostate enlargement.

2) Pygeum is another herb that is found useful in France. In France, this herb is found in over 75 percent of all doctors’ prescriptions for enlarged prostate. Doctors report that the herb reduces symptoms in at least half of the men who try it, and it does so in less than six weeks. But it is not as effective in cases of severe prostate enlargement. The recommended dose is 100 or 200 mg capsules once a day or in two divided doses.

3) Nettle leaves have long been known as an excellent diuretic and are used to stop the urine retention that often accompanies prostate inflammation. It is useful for mild prostate enlargement and patients with mild prostate enlargement who took nettle root found that their symptoms disappeared within three weeks of therapy.

4) Pumpkin seeds contain abundant amounts of b-sitosterol, a hormone like substance known to reduce prostate inflammation. These natural herbs also contain isoflavones such as genistein and daidzein, phytosterols such as sitosterol, and carotenoids and these are said to help in reducing prostate inflammation.

My recommendations in Homeopathy:

I find that in the beginning of a prostate enlargement Sabal Serrulata 3x potency is better than Sabal Serrulata Q. I suggest 15 drops in a Luke warm porcelain cup of water to be taken twice daily for 5 to 6 months. At 3x potency the efficacy of the medicine is better.

 I normally follow it up with Ferrum Picricum 200. I prefer 30 size pills and recommend 2 to 3 globules thrice a day. Ferrum Picricum suits elderly patients who are restless who have burning in the urine with enlarged prostate.

Another remedy that I use inter-currently is Chimaphila Umbrellata. I prefer this remedy in the 30 or 200 potency and I use 30 size pills and I advise the patient to try this for 3 to 4 months. This remedy is very good for enlarged prostate with irritation in the bladder.

Other useful remedies may be Thuja, Mercury, Cantharis and Staphisagria, just to name a few.

Home remedies for common stomach upsets.


Childhood abdominal pain is a very common reason for parents to seek medical advice. The good news is that most childhood abdominal pain is benign and self-limiting, resolving rapidly.

A great grandmother remedy for pain due to indigestion and over eating:

Take a small bunch of crushed fresh mint leaves and put it into 1 cup boiling water.

Then add a teaspoonful of cinnamon powder to the mix.

Then grate half a spoon of ginger into this mix

Then add half a spoonful of cumin seed powder, fennel seed powder and asafetida each.

To this mix add two teaspoonfuls of mango leaves which were previously dried and powdered.

Finally bring the mix to a boil over a small flame.  Cool this mixture and add some honey to taste. Then strain this mix. One glassful of this wonderful mixture worked wonders for any stomach pain or indigestion brought about due to a gastronomic extravaganza.


A word of caution: Chronic abdominal pain refers to pain that has been present continuously, or occurring at least on a weekly basis when intermittent, for a minimum period of two months. This should not be neglected and must be shown to a physician. Also if the abdominal pain is severe please contact your health care provider immediately.


Heat as a therapy, has been known to man since pre-historic times. There are many references in the writings of Ayurvedic physicians, Arabs, Greeks and many physicians from ancient civilizations about the value of heat.

How does Heat help?

 Heat therapy is based on the principle that warmth relaxes the muscles, dulls the pain and reduces the inflammatory process in the body.  Heat also promotes the discharges of boils and abscesses.  Heat can be applied to relieve stomach cramps during periods or due to digestive upsets.  Heat also helps alleviating the aches caused by sudden muscular spasms or in arthritis.

Heat works by relieving relaxing the muscles.  Heat helps by increasing the blood flow to the injured or inflamed part and this increases the oxygen supply to the part and promotes healing.  Heat has probably a direct effect on injured nerves and may act by releasing certain chemicals called as prostaglandins, which inhibit the pain.

How can heat be applied?

  • As a hot water bag, pack, poultice or through electrical heat pads.
  • Infrared lamps.
  • Hot spoon bathing (here a wooden spoon is heated in water and after the drops of water are shaken off, the spoon is applied on the affected part.
  • Short wave diathermy and other methods in Physiotherapy.
  • Along with balsams in combination with massage therapy.

Heat should not be used in:

  • In patients taking anti-blood clotting medications, as this may cause more bleeding.
  • In patients having a blood clot in the muscles, as this clot may be dislodged and may travel to the brain or the heart and cause sudden death.
  • It should never be applied over the abdomen of pregnant women.
  • In cases where a tumor is suspected.  Application of heat will allow the tumor to spread.
  • In cases of burns, after radiation therapy in cancer patients.


Heat therapy has come from Naturopaths; it is a safe home remedy, which is suitable in minor sports injuries and ordinary aches and pains.  The most important thing about Heat therapy is not WHEN? BUT WHEN NOT TO APPLY IT.



A large egg contains about 6 grams of protein. Eggs also are a good source of other nutrients, including vitamin D, which aids bone health and the immune system and choline, which helps metabolism and liver function, as well as fetal brain development.

One large egg also contains:

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin):

9% of the RDAVitamin B2 (riboflavin):

15% of the RDAVitamin A:

6% of the RDAVitamin B5 (pantothenic acid):

7% of the RDASelenium: 22% of the RDA

Eggs actually reduce the risk of Coronary heart disease:

Studies show that eggs actually improve the cholesterol profile. They raise HDL (good) cholesterol and increase the size of LDL particles, which should lower the risk of heart disease.

Eggs Are Loaded With Choline, an Important Nutrient for the Brain:

Choline is an essential nutrient for human health and is needed for various processes in the body.  It is required to synthesize the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and is also a component of cell membranes. Choline is an essential nutrient that few people get enough of. Egg yolks are an excellent source of choline.

Eggs Contain High-Quality Proteins with a Perfect Amino Acid Profile

Proteins are the main building blocks of the body and serve both structural and functional purposes.  They consist of amino acids that are linked together, kind of like beads on a string, and then folded into complex shapes. There are about 21 amino acids that your body uses to build its proteins. Nine of these cannot be produced by the body and have to be obtained from the diet. They are known as essential amino acids.  Eggs are an excellent source of protein, with all the essential amino acids in the right ratios.

Eggs for Breakfast Can Help You Lose Body Fat:

Eggs contain only trace amounts of carbohydrates, but plenty of protein and fat.  They score very high on a scale called the satiety index, which is a measure of how much foods contribute to satiety. For this reason, it is not surprising to see studies showing that eating eggs for breakfast may lead to fat loss.  Eggs are very satiating. As a result, eating eggs for breakfast may reduce calorie intake later in the day and promote fat loss.


Eggs are among the most nutritious foods you can find, providing virtually all the vitamins and minerals you need. To top things off, eggs are cheap, taste awesome and go with almost any food. They really are an exceptional super food.

Herbs those are useful to combat infections.


There are many herbs that are effective in combating bacterial, fungal and viral infections. They boost the immunity of the body and help maintain positive health.


This herb is better than some antibiotics, without the harmful side effects. That’s because oregano contains two powerful compounds, carvacrol and thymol, that have powerful antibacterial and antifungal properties. It’s the carvacrol that reverses viral infections, as well as allergies, tumors, parasites and disease-causing inflammation.

Olive Leaf

has antiviral properties, giving it the ability to treat the common cold and dangerous viruses, including Candida symptoms, meningitis, pneumonia, chronic fatigue syndrome, hepatitis B, malaria, gonorrhea and tuberculosis; it also treats dental, ear and urinary tract infections and is a natural treatment for shingles.

Research shows that olive leaf extracts effectively fight against a number of disease-causing microbes, including some viruses that cause influenza and other respiratory infections. The powerful compounds found in olive leaves destroy invading organisms and don’t allow viruses to replicate and cause an infection.
Licorice Root

Licorice is emerging as a prominent player in the search for treatment and prevention for diseases like hepatitis C, HIV and influenza. The Chinese Journal of Virology published a review that confirms the antiviral activity of licorice root due to its triterpenoid content. It is useful in many conditions

Sore throat remedy for fast relief

Cough natural remedy

Protection against leaky gut signs and symptoms

Heals adrenal fatiguePain relief


Ayurvedic medicine has praised ginger’s ability to boost the immune system before recorded history. It believes that because ginger is so effective at warming the body, it can help break down the accumulation of toxins in your organs. It’s also known to cleanse the lymphatic system, our body’s sewage system.

Ginger prevents the accumulation of toxins that make you susceptible to viral, fungal and bacterial infections. Medicinal ginger health benefitsalso include working asa natural remedy for nausea, pain alleviation, anti-inflammatory properties and improving diabetes.

Cat’s Claw

The bark and root of cat’s claw have been used by South Americans for centuries to treat health problems including fevers, stomach ulcers, digestive conditions and dysentery. Cat’s claw works as a natural arthritis remedy and treats peptic ulcers as well.

This powerful herb is also anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal. It’s used to treat digestive problems such as ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis and leaky gut. The best way to consume cat’s claw regularly is by making an herbal tea with a tablespoon of the herb in eight ounces of water.

Astragalus Root

Astragalus root, another powerful antiviral herb, has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries, and its main use is to boost the body’s immune system. Scientific studies have shown that astragalus has antiviral properties and stimulates the immune system, suggesting that it may help prevent common cold and flu.


Experiments have shown that garlic — or specific chemical compounds found in garlic — is highly effective at killing countless microorganisms responsible for some of the most common and rarest infections, including tuberculosis, pneumonia, thrush and herpes. Because of its antiviral properties, garlic can be used to treat eye infections and as a natural ear infection remedy.


The flower petals of the calendula plant, which is sometimes called pot marigold, have been used for medicinal purposes since at least the 12th century. This antiviral herb has high amounts of flavonoids, which are plant-based antioxidants that protect cells from being damaged by free radicals; it also fights viruses, inflammation and bacteria. The dried petals of the plant are used in tinctures, ointments and wash to treat infections, burns, wounds and heal cuts fast.


Echinacea has become one of the top-selling herbs of all time; that’s because regular use of Echinacea is beneficial for immune support and overall health. There is considerable evidence suggesting that phytochemicals in Echinacea have the capacity to reduce viral infections. This powerful herb contains a compound called Echinacea that inhibits bacteria and viruses from penetrating healthy cells. This greatly reduces the chances of contracting any type of infection while consuming Echinacea.


Elderberry has a long, rich history of use for medicinal benefits by numerous cultures. It fights infections including influenza, herpes, viral infections and bacterial infections. Most every part of the elderberry can be used — the flowers, bark, roots and leaves are often used for their amazing health benefits.


Since ancient times, herbs have been used as natural treatments for various illnesses, including viral infections.  Due to their concentration of potent plant compounds, many herbs help fight viruses and are favored by practitioners of natural medicine. At the same time, the benefits of some herbs are only supported by limited human research, so you should take them with a grain of salt.