Autogenic training.


Autogenic training (AT) is a relaxation technique developed by German psychiatrist Johannes Heinrich Schultz and was first published in 1932. Since that time, it has been widely used in clinical practice and research to foster the mind’s ability to produce relaxation in this reflects the ability to self-produce a relaxed feeling of warmth and heaviness throughout the body by saying various verbal phrases aimed at encouraging a state of physical relaxation and emotional calm. It is considered a form of self-hypnosis and is used to increase relaxation and restore balance in the body. It is a technique often recommended when a health issue is present and when stress is a contributing factor to producing or maintaining health issues. The body. Autogenic means self-generating, or produced from within.

Specific phases of Autogenic training:

The core of AT is standard exercises that focus on six physical manifestations of relaxation in the body:

  1. Heaviness in the musculoskeletal system
  2. Warmth in the circulatory system
  3. Awareness of the heartbeat
  4. Slowing down the breath
  5. Relaxing the abdomen
  6. Cooling the forehead

How is it taught?

AT can be taught in individual sessions, and it is frequently used in group treatment. Training is best done while sitting or lying in a comfortable position, as it allows the mind and body to switch off the sympathetic fight/flight/freeze stress response and restore the parasympathetic rest, recuperation, and recovery response. It is recommended that a person learn AT with a licensed professional. They can help explore positive relaxation responses experienced with AT, process any possible negative initial relaxation responses, and examine ways to enhance motivation for practice. It typically takes several training sessions to master AT, and without regular practice, it is not likely to have an effect. Success with AT requires motivation and commitment to practice regularly.

Benefits of Autogenic training:

Autogenic training could consistently and significantly reduce some symptoms of anxiety. Conditions such as social anxiety disorder (SAD), general anxiety disorder (GAD), depression, and insomnia can benefit from autogenic training, Autogenic training is also helpful in managing daily stress and it can even be helpful during panic attacks.


Autogenic training should not replace your current treatment plan. If you’re participating in psychotherapy or taking medication for anxiety, autogenic training should be used in addition to your current treatment.


Autogenic training is a relaxation technique that can help lower stress levels and promote a feeling of calm in the mind and body.

Although this method is useful on its own for minor stress reduction and basic relaxation exercises, autogenic training should not replace psychotherapy or medication for mental health conditions.

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