Natural alternatives for back pain.


Backache is such a common problem and sufferers generally resort to OTC pain killers such as Ibuprofen. Some of these pain killers kill the pain and also slowly kill the patient in the process. There are many safer options in alternative medicine which should be considered.

Here are some natural alternatives worth considering:

  1. Arnica: A study found that arnica, applied topically, was as effective as ibuprofen for relieving symptoms associated with osteoarthritis of the wrist, and with fewer side effects.
  2. Ginger: a study  found that ginger was effective as ibuprofen for pain symptoms associated with difficult menstrual cycles
  3. Thyme: A study found that an extract of thyme was as effective as ibuprofen in reducing pain and spasm symptoms associated with difficult menstrual cycles.
  4. Omega-3 fatty acids: A study found that omega-3 fatty acid supplementation with fish oil helped neurosurgery patients reduce their need for medications, and experienced results consistent with previous research indicating palliative effects at least as effective as ibuprofen.
  5. Cinnamon: a 2015 study found that cinnamon was as effective as ibuprofen for pain associated with difficult menstrual cycles
  6. Mindfulness meditation. Several studies have showed that mindfulness-based stress reduction improved back pain. Mindfulness involves being aware of what the body is doing and using meditation techniques to assist with the pain.
  7. Deep breathing. Taking deep breaths in and out for several minutes can calm the body’s stress response.
  8. Progressive muscle relaxation. This involves tensing and relaxing muscles in the body, focusing on one muscle group at a time. Lying on their back, a person can start with their feet and gradually move up to the shoulders.
  9. Guided imagery. This involves focusing on specific mental images to bring about a feeling of relaxation. One study found guided imagery and music helpful in chronic backache.
  10. Yoga. Yoga focuses on particular poses and breathing and can help with relaxation, and relieve chronic backaches.
  11.  Good sleep. An uncomfortable mattress, pillows that are the wrong size or simply not getting adequate sleep could trigger back pain. When practiced regularly.
  12. Wearing shoes that do not fit or that offer no support could cause muscle strains in the back, legs, and even neck.
  13. Touching the toes: In addition to stretching the hamstrings, bending forward to reach your toes will help loosen the muscles in the lower back.
  14. Cobra Pose: Lying on your stomach, with your hands face down beside the shoulders, gently lift your chest up so that the top of your head points toward the ceiling.
  15. Cat-Cow Pose: Beginning on your hands and knees, slowly alternate between arching your back toward the ceiling and dipping it toward the floor.
  16. Child’s Pose: Sitting on the heels with your knees hip-width apart, lean forward to place your head on the floor, stretching your arms out in front of your head.
  17. Ice packs are most beneficial when a person uses them directly after an injury, such as a strain. Applying an ice pack wrapped in a towel directly to the back can reduce inflammation.
  18. A heating pad can relieve stiff or achy muscles. People should be sure to read and follow the instructions on any heating pad and test the temperature carefully to ensure it is not too hot.


People can often treat back pain with home remedies and some patience. However, a person should speak to a doctor about chronic or severe back pain.

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