Refined Sugar – the sweet poison


Sugar was once called “white death”.  It deserves 100% of this title. It is a key factor in most degenerative diseases. We must understand its dangers and limit its consumption.

Dangers of refined sugar:

Sugar causes blood glucose to spike and plummet.   Unstable blood sugar often leads to mood swings, fatigue, headaches and cravings for more sugar.

Sugar increases the risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

Sugar interferes with immune function.
Research on human subjects is scant, but animal studies have shown that sugar suppresses immune response.  More research is needed to understand the exact mechanisms; however, we do know that bacteria and yeast feed on sugar and that, when these organisms get out of balance in the body, infections and illness are more likely.

A high-sugar diet often results in chromium deficiency.
If you consume a lot of sugar and other refined carbohydrates, you probably don’t get enough of the trace mineral chromium, and one of chromium’s main functions is to help regulate blood sugar.

Sugar accelerates aging.
It even contributes to that telltale sign of aging and sagging skin.

Sugar causes tooth decay.

Sugar can cause gum disease, which can lead to heart disease.
Increasing evidence shows that chronic infections, such as those that result from periodontal problems, play a role in the development of coronary artery disease. The most popular theory is that the connection is related to widespread effects from the body’s inflammatory response to infection.

Sugar affects behaviour and cognition in children.
Sugar increases stress.
When we’re under stress, our stress hormone levels rise; these chemicals are the body’s fight-or-flight emergency crew, sent out to prepare the body for an attack or an escape.

Sugar takes the place of important nutrients.
According to USDA data, people who consume the most sugar have the lowest intakes of essential nutrients––especially vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, vitamin B-12, calcium, phosphorous, magnesium and iron.


It is a pity that the majority of us truly have no idea how devastating sugar really is to our health. The world’s consumption of sugar or processed carbohydrate that converts to sugar has grown to enormous proportions in the last century. It is estimated that the average Western person consumes about 10 –200lb of this highly processed substance each