Some useful Homeopathic medicines -Part 150.




 This remedy is derived from the Wing Flower.

It is predominantly a remedy for female subjects, who are mild, gentle, yielding in disposition, sad, crying and who readily weep while talking.

It suits subjects who are better IN THE OPEN AIR.

It suits subjects who have thick discharges, which are bland and yellowish green.

THIRSTLESSNESS IS THE KEYNOTE SYMPTOM OF THIS REMEDY. This remedy suits subjects who do not feel thirsty, who are peevish, chilly with a great sense of sensitiveness.

It suits subjects who weep easily and fear to be alone in the dark in the evenings and for those subjects who fear ghosts.

It suits children who like to be fussed and caressed.  It suits subjects who have a morbid dread of the opposite sex.  It also suits highly emotional subjects.

It suits subjects who have headaches and the pain extends to the teeth. This remedy suits subjects who have Frontal & Supra-orbital pains and neuralgias that commence in the right temporal region, associated with scalding lacrymation of the affected side. It suits subjects, who are taxed with a headache, due to overwork.

This remedy suits subjects, who have a thick bland ear discharge, with an offensive odor with pain in the ear, which is worse at night.

This remedy also suits subjects, who have a thick profuse bland discharge from the eyes, with itching and burning in the eyes.  This remedy is of PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE IN STYE IN THE EYE associated with inflammation of the lids. This remedy is useful in conjunctivitis in children. (This disease entity is called as OPHTHALMIA NEONATORUM).

This remedy suits subjects, who are prone to colds with a stoppage of the right nostril, pressing pain in the root of the nose, with a sense of loss of smell and large fetid scales in the nose.  This remedy is useful for the stoppage of the nose, which is worse in the evening, with yellow mucous and when it is associated with bad smell in old catarrhal nasal infections.

This remedy suits subjects who have a dry mouth without any thirst and a crack in the middle of the lower lip.  The subjects who require this remedy find that food and bread tastes bitter and the taste is often bilious, greasy, salty and foul.

This remedy suits subjects, who are averse to fat and warm food and drink.   It suits subjects who have frequent eructation and the taste of the food remains in the mouth for long. This remedy suits flatulent subjects who dislike butter.  This remedy is also useful in cases of dyspepsia with great tightness of the abdomen around the waist and the subject must loosen the clothing.  It is a remedy that suits subjects, who are prone to vomiting of food eaten long before. It also suits subjects who have water brash with a foul taste in the mouth.  This remedy is useful in subjects, who have abdominal distension and colic with a watery and rumbling stool at night.  It also suits subjects, whose no two stools look alike.

This remedy is useful to cure Hemorrhoids (piles) with itching and stitching pains in the stomach. It is a useful remedy for dysentery when the stools are filled with mucous and blood.

This remedy suits subjects who have a frequent urge to urinate, with a burning sensation in the orifice of the urethra, during and after urination. It is also useful when subjects have involuntary urination at night while coughing or passing flatus.  This remedy is useful when there is a spasmodic pain in the bladder after urination.

This remedy suits female subjects who have amenorrhoea (less menstruation), whenever menstruation is suppressed and whenever the menstrual blood is dark, clotted and changeable, acrid and associated with leucorrhoea, which is burning creamy and associated with backache.

This remedy suits male subjects who have testicular inflammation (orchitis), pain in the abdomen with stricture in the urethra, when the urine that is passed drops in a stream, which is thin and interrupted. This remedy is also useful in acute Prostatitis, where the pain in the back is worse while lying down.  This remedy is useful in Orchitis associated with Mumps.

This remedy is useful in subjects, who have hoarseness with a dry cough, which is worse in the evening and night and the subject has to sit up in the bed to get relief. This remedy is also useful whenever the cough is loose in the morning with a capricious mucous expectoration.

This remedy suits subjects, who are wide awake in the evening and wake up in the morning un-refreshed, with an irresistible sleepiness in the afternoon.  This remedy suits subjects, who sleep with their hands over their head.

This remedy suits subjects who have a tearing pain in the thighs and the legs and the pains in the limbs shift rapidly.  It also suits subjects, who feel a sense of numbness around the elbows and pain around the hip joint and have swollen knees with tearing pains.

This remedy is useful whenever the feet are red, inflamed and swollen.

The remedy suits subjects who have urticaria (hives), associated with diarrhea after eating rich food, which is worse while undressing.

This remedy is useful in Acne (pimples), which occur during puberty.

This remedy is also useful in varicose veins.

This remedy suits subjects who have fever with chilliness in a warm room without thirst.  It is also useful, whenever there is intolerable burning heat at night.  It is also useful whenever the fever is associated with diarrhea, loss of appetite and nausea.

This remedy suits subjects who are worse in the heat, fat rich food and who feel better in the open air, motion, cold applications, cold food and drinks.


 PULSATILLA will empty the majority of the pus tubes.

Dr. Boger. M.D.

 After labor, PULSATILLA is very useful in promoting the secretion of milk when this is deficient, or in improving the quality.

Dr. Hughes, L.R.C.P.

 The Obstetrician of Durham College in 1901 at a clinic, witnessed by a group of students, changed a breech presentation to a normal delivery in less than a minute by 1 dose of PULSATILLA CM. Dr. Kent reported a similar result, In fact, there are several cases on record.  When you have a case of prolonged labor with no progress, in a woman inclined to be fat, with a mild, tearful disposition, who pleads with you to open the window, as she is smothering, and you think it is a case for forceps delivery, just hunt for the forceps, while your nurse gives the patient a dose of PULSATILLA anywhere from 30 to the CM.  You will lay your forceps aside unless there is a malformation.

Dr. William H. Schwart. M.D.

When molar pregnancy is discovered, PULSATILLA is the best remedy to be administered with reference to expulsion of the degenerate ovum.

Dr. Sheldon Leavitt, M.D.

 Ascites due to menstrual difficulties especially at puberty or at the menopause is cured by PULSATILLA.

Dr. Jousett.

 For gouty symptoms in women at menopause, study BURSA PASTORIS AND PULSATILLA.

Dr. Burnett, M.D.

 If there are no specific reasons for other remedies, I start treatment in young girls with mild catarrhal discharge (leucorrhoea) by giving PULSATILLA especially if the discharge is thick like cream, and then SULFUR or SEPIA according to symptoms.  If these remedies are not sufficient to affect a cure, then CALC. CARB or GRAPHITES come in question.  In children, MERCURY or CALC CARB is mostly indicated.

Dr. Wassily.

 Mothers come to hospital; “cannot think of what is the matter with the child”; it is so grizzly lately, PULSATILLA generally cures.

Dr.Tyler, M.D.

Don’t forget the young nursing babies whose greatest fault is constipation – remember to give the mother PULSATILLA 12x every 2 hours for several days and watch the baby’s constipation correct itself.

Dr. Bonnell, M.D.

 PULSATILLA is a specific for a cough, which is loose by day, but becomes dry and tickling on lying down at night.

Dr. Hirschall.

I want you not to select PULSATILLA for a loose cough unless you are sure that all the symptoms of the case call for it; it often tightens such a cough without curing it.

Dr. Farrington, M.D.

PULSATILLA is often a valuable palliative in nocturnal loose cough, as of phthisis; and is sometimes the best medicine in sub-acute and chronic bronchitis occurring in delicate persons and accompanied with much mucous expectoration.

Dr. Hughes, L.R.C.P.

In my own hands, PULSATILLA assumes a growing importance as a reducer of the prostatic irritation, which troubles so many elderly men.  I find the 6th dilution most effective.

Dr. Krussler.

In cases of orchitis, our first remedy is not SPONGIA; PULSATILLA stands at the head of the list and next to it we may rank HAMMEMELIS.  The later drug could be used both locally and internally. It relieves the intense soreness and enables the patient to attend to his duties.

Dr. F. A. Farrington, M.D.

I have repeatedly found the administration of PULSATILLA helpful in removing the objection to fatty kinds of food.

Dr. Ruddock, M.D.

PULSATILLA will blight a sty in the eye almost as effectually as BELLADONNA will a boil.

Dr. Hughes, L.R.C.P.

PULSATILLA is a better antidote to Whiskey than even NUX VOMICA.

Dr. Hering, M.D.

As an orthodox practitioner, you cannot go far wrong if you give the patient a few powders of this remedy, for there is no other treatment for Measles apart from nursing and commonsense, but if you give PULSATILLA, which is so often indicated and it happens to be the right remedy, as it usually is in 9 cases out of 10, you are unlikely to be troubled with any of its troublesome complications.

Dr. R. Kerr Shearer.

For the twitching of the eyelids with dazzling of sight, with which some patients are annoyed, I know of no remedy so useful as PULSATILLA.

Dr. Hughes. L.R.C.P.

PULSATILLA will cure earache in almost all sensitive children who cry pitifully.  But those who are snappish, who are never suited, who will throw away something they have asked for and slap the nurse in the face, must have CHAMOMILLA. With PULSATILLA, CHAMOMILLA & ALLIUM CEPA, you can cure the majority of earaches in children.

PULSATILLA, above all other remedies, has the power to unlock suppressions of modern serum therapy.

Dr. T. K. Moore, M.D.

PULSATILLA is probably the strictly homeopathic remedy that I use most often in early Tuberculosis.

Dr. Walter Sand Mills, M.D.

These three. SANGUINARIA, IRIS & MELILOTUS together with PULSATILLA and IPECAC can have and will take care of most headaches.  And this is not after the manner of Aspirin and its companion sedatives, but carefully matched removes it lock, stock and barrel.

Dr. T. K. Moore, M.D.

Dr. Roberts has said to me many times that PULSATILLA is the great un-locker of suppressions.

Dr. Allen D. Sudherland, M.D.

Inflammation of the parotids (Mumps) changing of the testes or mammae is generally cured by CARBO VEG or PULSATILLA, but ABRONATUM has cured when these remedies have failed.

Dr. Kent.