Monthly Archives: December 2016

Some useful Homeopathic remedies – Part 125.



It is a remedy for hysteria and nervous paroxysms, fainting fits and convulsions.

It is useful when the subject is prone to fits of uncontrollable laughter, anxiety with palpitation, sexual hypochondriasis.

It is useful whenever the subject has a desire for black coffee, stimulants and aversion to food and when the abdomen is grossly distended.

It is useful remedy when male subjects have violent sexual desires, with involuntary emissions, impotence associated with diabetes.

This remedy is also useful in cases of premature senility.

It is a useful remedy when there is nausea and vomiting after coitus.

It is useful when the menstruation is too early with a tendency to faint.

It is also useful in female subjects, who have an intolerable sexual desire with titillation of the parts.

It is also useful in subjects, who have profuse urination associated with Diabetes.

It is a useful remedy when the respiration is difficult with oppression of the chest and hysterical spasm of the chest.

It is also a useful remedy for hysterical palpitation with trembling around the heart, with a weak pulse and fainting.

It suits persons who are better in the open air and worse with cold.


 As an outlet for post-operative distension, many operators rely exclusively on tincture of MOSCHUS.

Dr. R. L. Redfield, M.D.

 I always carry MOSCHUS in my pocket case, on account of its great value in 2 conditions demanding speedy relief.  They are the ‘hysterical paroxysm’ and ‘nervous palpitation, I know nothing, which so rapidly dissipates a hysterical attack, even when it has gone as far as unconsciousness, as MOSCHUS. It is probably Homeopathic to this condition, as it was early noted that in hysterical subjects the odor of the drug was liable to bring on their work. It is of no less potency in palpitation, which has been set off by some nervous excitement, when there is no organic disease in the heart.

 Dr. Hughes, L.R.C.P.




Naturopathy literally means treating a disease by adhering to the laws of nature.  In the year 400 B.C, Hippocrates had referred to the healing power of nature in his writings. The term ‘Naturopathy’ was first used by a Homeopath, John Scheel.  But many practitioners have added their knowledge to this field.  One of them was Father Sebastian Kneipp (1821-1897) who cured himself of a lung disorder by immersing himself in cold water and then alternatively warming himself with exercise.  He also recommended walking barefoot on wet grass and on cold streams. The idea was that intense cold followed by resurgence of blood to the limbs by heat increases the blood flow to the affected parts of the body.

A group of Kneipp practitioners met in 1900 A.D and formed the American school of Naturopathy in New York and it was popular till the1960’s. With the advent of industrialization, the antibiotic era and tremendous strides of Allopathy, Naturopathy saw a gradual decline in the U.S.

Naturopaths believe that there is a life force that flows through the body in various channels called as ‘Nadis’ in Sanskrit.  Any blockage in these channels produces diseases and manifest as disease of specific organs.

The principles of Naturopathy are Holistic and the person is treated as a whole; mind, body and soul.  The Naturopath focuses on taking a detailed history, details of life-styles, diet, exercise etc and then aims to cure the disease by re-vitalizing the body by eliminating the toxins within. Naturopaths believe that diseases are as a result of poor eating habits, emotional factors, bad breathing practices, improper posture and muscular tension.   Naturopaths usually combine nutritional correction with mineral and natural vitamins, Osteopathy, Chiropractic, Massage therapy, Acupuncture, Mud baths, Hydrotherapy, Homeopathy, Iridology and Meditation.



Naturopathy thus aims at nourishing the depleted body with pure food and water. It nourishes the mind with pure thought and peace. Thus, the body is cleansed of all the toxins.  Overall, the Naturopath seeks to restore the vitality and the energy of the body and build the body’s natural defense and thus build up the natural capacity for Holistic health.


Some useful Homeopathic remedies – Part 124.



This remedy is derived from an herb called as Yarrow.

This remedy is useful in hemorrhages, which are profuse and bright red and painless, without fever, nausea.  This remedy is useful when such hemorrhages occur due to an injury or a fall from a great height.

This remedy is also useful in hemoptysis after Pulmonary Tuberculosis.

This remedy is useful in cases of suppressed menstruation with colic in the abdomen.

This remedy suits persons who feel worse from injury, stooping, violent exertion, coffee and hemoptysis.

This remedy also suits subjects who are better from bleeding, lying down, vertigo, wine and discharges.

Copper Therapy

A lot can be learnt from observing the behavior or primitive tribes in Africa and even the villagers in India. Copper therapy owes its existence after studying the behavior of the so called primitive tribes.



Over the years, many alternative therapies have been discovered by observing nature or by observing the behavior patterns of the ‘so called primitive tribes’.  Many such therapies have been scoffed at by the skeptic scientific orthodox medical systems. Copper therapy is another controversial alternative therapy that owes its origins to the tribal people.


History has it that when Dutch settlers began to explore virgin Africa, they found that in the hinterland of Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), that the tribal people who lived there were almost free from rheumatism.

All these tribal people wore copper ornaments and they explained that their jewellery had healing effects.

Even in India, it is common to see people wearing copper bangles, talismans, bracelets and amulets.

Today, it is estimated that about 5 million Americans wear copper bangles and ornaments, to alleviate bodily aches and pains.

Research into Copper therapy:

 Many scientists have researched the effects of copper on the body. Australian researcher Prof. Dr. W. R. Walker of the University of Newcastle found that the weight of the copper bracelets worn to counter rheumatism decreased about 40 mg every month. This does not appear to be due to abrasion.  Prof Walker felt that the copper dissolved in the human perspiration. It is postulated that copper merges with the natural amino acids and enters the veins and thereby reaches the source of rheumatic inflammation and inhibits the pain producing prostaglandin and enhances the pain reducing prostaglandin.

Another researcher, Lt Col. A. Forbes of Cheltenham in England has produced copper bracelets to aid sufferers of rheumatism and has also developed special copper bearing straps to be worn by racehorses and pet animals that become lame for no apparent reason.


 Copper therapy as an aid to rheumatism has come down as a tale from the folklore. The exact mechanism as to how copper works is still subject to much medical debate and controversy.  Many scientists argue that in the long run, copper may be toxic to the liver.  But, people who work and live in humid conditions have found copper bands help reduce bodily pains and rheumatic ailments.