Monthly Archives: November 2021

Full body detox.


A full body detox is a practice that some people believe can eliminate toxins from the body. It may involve following a particular diet, fasting, taking supplements, or using a sauna.

What does a full body detox involve?

There is no single definition of what a full body detox involves, but it may require a person to:

  • follow a specific diet
  • fast
  • drink more water or juices
  • use supplements
  • use colonic irrigation, enemas, or laxatives
  • use a sauna
  • reduce exposure to toxins in their environment

Potential benefits:

While detoxes are not medically necessary for most people, under certain circumstances, they may offer some health benefits, such as:

  • Weight loss: detoxification diets can result in weight loss.
  • Fruits and vegetables: Many detox diets may involve consuming fruits and vegetables
  • Hydration: Many full body detoxes also promote water consumption. Antioxidants: According to some studies have found that certain detox diets can aid liver function and that certain foods can increase the antioxidant glutathione. Glutathione can help remove toxins, such as heavy metals, from the body.

Potential risks:

Some detoxes pose health risks by encouraging people to:

  • restrict food intake, leading to a lack of necessary nutrients
  • drink large quantities of juices or teas, which may lead to a dangerous electrolyte imbalance
  • drink juices that contain large amounts of oxalates, which may raise the risk for kidney problems
  • use detox products that contain laxatives, which may result in  severe diarrhea and  dehydration
  • try diet plans that exacerbate underlying conditions, such as diabetes

Some ideas to support the body’s detoxification system:

·         Stop smoking or drinking
·         Stay hydrated
·         Begin eating a nutrient-dense diet
·         Get enough sleep
·         Improve indoor air quality


A full body detox aims to help the body eliminate toxins. However, there is not much evidence that they provide any long-term health benefits or that they are a sustainable way to lose weight.

Before a person attempts a full body detox or makes significant lifestyle changes, it is advisable for them to consult a healthcare professional.

People can adopt a more balanced approach by using a detox as an opportunity to begin healthful habits, such as drinking more water, eating more fruits and vegetables, and stopping drinking or smoking. However, people should speak with a doctor before making any major changes.

Detoxification foot baths.


Health spas and alternative health businesses are increasingly offering foot detoxification as a way to remove toxins and heavy metals from the body. However, there is no scientific evidence to confirm that they work.

How does foot detoxification work?

  • balances the body’s pH
  • reduces swelling
  • boosts mood
  • relieves stress
  • increases immunity to illness
  • aids weight loss
  • improves heart health
  • destroys harmful microorganisms
Types of foot baths:

The most popular types of foot detoxification include:

  • Foot soak: A normal foot soak is a simple form of a detoxification bath. It involves dipping the feet in warm water. Some people add Epsom salts or a few drops of essential oil to the water.
  • Foot masks: A clay foot mask may clean and lessen the feet. People typically apply the foot mask for a set period before washing it off.
  • Foot scrubs: Regular foot scrubs may clean and detoxify the feet. They may also reduce foot odors and remove dead skin cells. The accompanying foot massage can relax the muscles and reduce tension.
  • Foot pads: Special detoxification foot pads cause the feet to sweat. Some people believe that this process draws out the toxins.
  • Acupressure-based techniques: Using special massage techniques to apply pressure to definite points in the feet can promote relaxation. Some people also think that acupressure aids detoxification.


Foot detoxification is popular alternative health treatments that may relax a person, soften the skin, and treat minor foot complaints. While there is no evidence to support the use of these treatments for detoxification, they are unlikely to be harmful to most people.

Some people should avoid foot detoxification or speak to a doctor before using them. These people include:

  • children
  • pregnant women
  • those with pacemakers or electrical implants
  • people with diabetes
  • anyone who has open sores on their feet


The importance of getting good sleep.

 Though sleep is one of the basic needs of a living being, we humans are grossly neglecting it in current times especially due to the advancement of science, availability of artificial light and over ambitiousness / greed. Screen addiction is a seriously increasing issue. Problems like Mosquito menace, municipal water supply being released to many localities at odd night hours disturb the sleep of many.

 Sleeping at a stretch for 7 to 9 hours every night in physiological hours (around 10pm to 7am) is important for good health.

Having fragmented sleep or sleeping for less time or sleeping late night can cause many illness like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attack, brain stroke, fatty liver leading to cirrhosis, acidity (GERD), accident proneness, dementia, Parkinson’s, Infertility, PCOD, Obesity, Addictions (tobacco, alcohol etc.), Anxiety, Depression, Erectile dysfunction, frozen shoulder, Allergies, Hair loss, Glaucoma etc. Chances of catching infections including COVID increase due to poor sleep.

 Obstructive sleep apnea or OSA (choking of throat in sleep causing blockage of breath multiple times leading to drop in blood oxygen level making the person awaken from sleep leading to poor quality sleep) is the major cause of sleep disturbance.

 People with OSA suffer from excessive sleepiness, lack of sleep, snoring, choking in sleep, need to get up from sleep to pass urine, unrefreshing sleep, morning headaches, fatigue, giddiness, lack of concentration etc.

 OSA can start in early childhood due to structural defects in the jaw bones or nasal passage or tonsils. Children can present as attention deficit disorders, poor academic performance, obesity etc.

OSA is diagnosed by doing a ‘SLEEP STUDY’ which is a simple non invasive, non painful test done at one’s own residence for one night. Persons having symptoms or diseases described above should get the sleep test done.

 Prevention and treatment of OSA includes diagnosing it early in childhood and doing ‘Airway orthodontic’ treatment or tonsillectomy as indicated.

In adults, Weight reduction, Myofunctional exercises of tongue & face, Yog, Pranayam, Using Positive Airway Pressure machine (commonly known as CPAP) and/or using mandibular advancement device while sleeping and sleeping for 7 to 9 hours form the mainstay of treatment. Having early dinner and avoiding screen (TV, mobile) for at least 1 hour before going to bed is important.

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Dr. Pushkar A. Shrikarkhane. MD; DNB

Chinese Herbal medicine.



Chinese herbal medicine is part of a larger healing system called traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which also includes acupuncture, massage dietary advice and exercise. Chinese Herbal Medicine is very popular in western countries.

The underlying principles of TCM are very different from traditional Western notions about health, illness and the workings of the body. Chinese herbs are prescribed to normalize imbalanced energy, or Qi, that runs through invisible meridians in the body. Whether or not the philosophy is believed, studies have shown Chinese herbal medicines to be successful in treating a range of disorders, particularly gynecological and gastrointestinal disorders.

Yin and Yang:

The ancient Chinese proposed that every living thing is sustained by a balance of two opposing forces of energy, called Yin and Yang. Together, they make up the life essence, or Qi – a type of energy that flows through the body via invisible channels called meridians.  Half of certain organs and meridians are governed by Yin and the other half by Yang.   When Yin and Yang are out of balance in the body, this causes a blockage of Qi and a subsequent illness. Yin and Yang imbalances can be caused by stress, pollution, poor diet, emotional upsets or infection. For diagnostic purposes, Yin and Yang are further subdivided into interior and exterior, hot and cold, deficiency and excess.

The five elements in Chinese herbal medicine

The TCM philosophy proposes that everything including organs of the body – is composed of the five elements: fire, earth, metal, water and wood. The herbs are similarly classified into the five tastes – sweet, salty, bitter, pungent and sour – which correspond to the five elements, for example, since the skin is a metal element Yang organ, it would be treated with a pungent herb.

Herbs used in Chinese medicine

Chinese herbal medicines are mainly plant based, but some preparations include minerals or animal products. They can be packaged as powders, pastes, lotions or tablets, depending on the herb and its intended use. Different herbs have different properties and can balance particular parts of the body. Prescribing a particular herb or concoction of herbs means the practitioner’s diagnosis has to take into account the state of the patient’s Yin and Yang, and the elements that are governing the affected organs.

TCM practitioners most often use two or more substances in Chinese medicinal formulations to create a balanced, synergistic effect that reflects the holistic nature of the diagnosis.

Although there are literally thousands of traditional herbal formulas for just about every condition imaginable, a formula is almost always modified by the TCM practitioner to suit the subtle nuances of the condition and constitution of the patient, making each formulation highly individualized.

Chinese medicinal formulations are prepared in a number of different ways:

  • Chinese herbal decoctions. The most traditional method of preparing an herbal formula in China, decoctions can involve lengthy preparation and result in “teas” infamous for their strong taste and aroma. For these reasons decoctions are not as popular or as widely used in the west.
  • Herbal powders, which can be mixed with hot water to make a tea, are more convenient to prepare and use, and are not as pungent as traditional decoctions.
  • Chinese Patent Formulas are pre-made herbal formulations in pill or tablet form and are perhaps the most widely used form of Chinese herbal medicine outside of China.
  • Syrups, which are soothing preparations for coughs and sore throat, are also a convenient way to administer herbal formulations to children.
  • Liniments, salves, compresses and plasters, which are used for external application .Herbal therapy, next to dietary therapy, is perhaps the most widely used TCM treatment modality. TCM relies on herbal therapies both for the treatment of illness and in the optimization of health and prevention of disease.


Chinese herbal medicine is part of a larger healing system called Traditional Chinese Medicine. Herbs are prescribed to restore energy balance to the opposing forces of energy – Yin and Yang – that run through invisible channels in the body.  Herbs can act on the body as powerfully as pharmaceutical drugs and should be treated with the same caution and respect. 

Critics argue that there is no physiological evidence that qi or meridians exist, and scant evidence that TCM works. There have been just a handful of cases in which Chinese herbal treatments have proved effective in randomized controlled clinical trials. One notable product that has emerged from TCM is artemisinin, a drug which is used in falciparum malaria.

Creative visualization as a therapy.


Visualization is the effortless act of closing your eyes, relaxing your mind, and then vividly imagining a scenario in your mind that you would like to occur in your life. When you visualize a scenario repeatedly, it has shown to help create new powerful mindsets, attitudes and results by mentally ‘programming’ your subconscious mind to attain a specific result we desire.

What Can I Use It For?

It is also excellent for improved physical or mental results and performance. As well as being used for health, business and sports improvement, this technique can be used to overcome many specific problems and issues as well, also in both the mental and physical realm.

What Can Visualization Do For My Health, and for Self Help?

Visualization can:

* create internal changes within the body, and help the immune system to fight disease, and release healing chemicals such as endorphins and encephalin into the bloodstream

* discharge long term emotional blockages affecting our life

* free long term stress from your body, which increases functioning of the immune system

* build confidence, inner belief, positive attitudes

* improve relationships

How safe is Visualization?

Very safe – in fact, you have been using visualization all your life, without even knowing! Every time you have ever imagined a person, place or object in your mind, you are visualizing. The technique of visualizing simply focuses this everyday activity into a more powerful form, like the way a magnifying glass focuses the sun’s rays.

Here are five ways visualization can help your performance.

  • Visualization decrease stress and reduces performance anxiety. …
  • Visualization boosts confidence. …
  • Visualization improves your abilities. …
  • Visualization alleviates pain & helps you heal faster. …
  • Visualization enhances motivation.


The practice of creative visualization can be summed up by this simple phrase, “if you can visualize it, you can achieve it.” Here are just some of the benefits you can gain by practicing creative visualization.

  • Achieve Your Goals

You can utilize the process of creative visualization to vividly see yourself achieving your goals in your mind’s eye.

  • Improve Your Health

If you suffer from a medical condition or emotional problems, like anxiety or depression, you can use creative visualization techniques to help you recover. All you need to do is close your eyes and clearly envision your body renewing itself. You can use creative visualization to reduce stress, improve your mood, lower blood pressure, and so much more.

  • Improve Your Happiness

The powerful act of visualizing something that you want, or an experience that you want to have, can bring you immense happiness, even it is just in your head.

  • Boost Your Self-Confidence

When you see yourself doing something or obtaining things you want through your mind’s eye, it can help to boost your self-confidence.

  • Improve Your Memory

When you hear something that you want to remember, you can create a detailed visual picture of it in your mind. This helps to embed the memory so that you can recall it much easier later on when you need it.  If you practice creative visualization for 20 to 30 minutes a day, you will start to see dramatic changes in all areas of your life.

Electromagnetic therapy.

Human knee therapy in medical clinic with the use of electromagnetic radiation therapeutic equipment


Electromagnetic therapy or Electromagnetic field therapy refers to therapy involving the use of magnets or electromagnets. Types include: Bio-electromagnetics, the study of how electromagnetic fields work together with and influence biological processes.

There are several types, including:

Static magnetic field therapy: In this, you touch a magnet to your skin somehow. You might wear a magnetic bracelet or other magnetized jewelry. It could be a bandage with a magnet in it, or you may wear a magnet as a shoe insole. You could also sleep on a special mattress pad with a magnet in it.

Electrically charged magnetic therapy (electromagnetic therapy):  The magnets you use here have an electric charge. Treatment with electromagnetic therapy usually comes through an electric pulse.

Magnetic therapy with acupuncture:  Magnets go on the same sections of your skin that an acupuncturist would probably spotlight on in an acupuncture session. You may hear these areas called your energy pathways or channels.

How It Works

Your body logically has magnetic and electric fields. All your molecules have a small amount of magnetic energy in them. The thought behind magnetic field therapy is that certain problems happen because your magnetic fields are out of equilibrium if you put a magnetic field near your body, it’s believed things will go back to normal.

Ions like calcium and potassium help your cells send signals. In tests, scientists have seen magnets change how these ions act. However, so far, there isn’t evidence that magnets have the same effect on cells when they’re in your body.

What it’s used for:

Scientists have specifically studied its use for:

  • Arthritis
  • Wound healing
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Fibromyalgia


While it’s generally safe for most people to wear low-intensity static magnets, it’s not a good idea to have magnetic field therapy if you:

  • In patients using a pacemaker
  • In patients having an insulin pump
  • In pregnant women.


There haven’t been many studies on magnetic field therapy. The ones that have been done don’t have enough data to draw solid conclusions. Some clinical trials have shown a potential for magnetic field therapy as a treatment for back pain, for the most part, there’s no clear proof that it can treat any condition.