Shalparni: an Ayurvedic herb.


Shalparni is one of the most powerful herbs used in the traditional system of Ayurveda that fosters indispensable medicinal and therapeutic benefits. The leaves of Shalparni resemble the leaves of Shaala, hence it is also known as Shaalparni. The root of this plant is one of the herbs in Dashammola laden with numerous ayurvedic properties.

This herbal plant is known by different names in vernacular Indian languages:

  • Hindi – Sarivan,Salaparni
  • Sanskrit – Vidarigandha, Anshumati , Shalaparni
  • Bengali – Shalapani
  • Marathi – Salavan
  • Gujarati – Shalavan
  • Telugu – Gitanaram, Kolakuponna, Nakkatokaponna
  • Tamil – Pulladi, Moovilai
  • Malayalam – Pullati, Moovial
  • Kannada Nariyalavona, Murele honne
Health Benefits of Shalparni
Remedies Bronchitis

Shalparni is extremely valuable in controlling bronchitis.  According to Ayurvedic medicine, bronchitis is termed Kasroga and it is caused by poor digestive function. The potent Ushna and Kapha pacifying nature of Shalparni herb reduces Ama and gets rid of excess mucus from the lungs, thereby offering respite from the symptoms of bronchitis.

Digestive Health

Shalparni is well-known to enhance gut health and offer relief from gastritis, diarrhoea, nausea and flatulence is also suggested for the management of anorexia. Further, this herbal formulation helps to treat peptic ulcers, by lessening acid secretion and increasing the release of mucins that safeguards the intestinal lining and cells.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a disorder where disruption of Vata dosha and accumulation of Ama (toxic remains) takes place in the joints. The Ama gets accumulated in the joints resulting in severe joint and muscle pain. Shalparni extracts help to reduce Ama owing to its Ushna potency and vata balancing property. Thus, regular use of this herbal

Medicine offers respite from the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis such as pain and swelling in the joints.

Male Reproductive Health

This powerful herbal supplement is highly suggested for boosting men’s reproductive health. Shalparni is attributed to possessing Vrishya (aphrodisiac) traits that augment male sexual performance by increasing the blood flow to the penis and improving the quality and quantity of semen. Furthermore, taking this supplement helps to correct premature ejaculation and promotes vitality and strength.

Treats Headache

Topical application of Shalparni aids in easing headaches caused due to stress. The vata pacifying nature of Shalparni is valuable in relieving pain and relaxing the strained muscles. Applying Shalparni leaves powder or juice extract on the forehead alleviates headache and fatigue-related symptoms.


Shalparni may be involved in allergic and irritant skin reactions, so it is advisable to consult with your ayurvedic practitioners before taking it. There is not enough scientific evidence on the effects of Shalparni during pregnancy or lactation period, it is recommended that pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid using this herbal extract without medical supervision. Also, there is no reliable information on its effects on managing diabetes. So, consult your doctor before taking Shalparni in case of diabetes.

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