Monthly Archives: November 2023

Medicinal  benefits of Pineapple

One whole pineapple, a ripe, fresh tropical fruit, cut out and isolated on a white background. The prickly exterior of the raw food hides the juicy, sweet, yellow dessert treat inside. A gourmet Hawaiian meal ingredient, the crop may be grown organically for part of a vegetarian, healthy eating diet.


Pineapple contains nutrients and beneficial compounds, such as vitamin C, manganese, and enzymes, to help aid digestion. Eating pineapple may help boost immunity, lower cancer risk, and improve recovery time after surgery.

1 cup (165 grams) of pineapple chunks contains:

  • Calories: 82.5 kcal
  • Fat: 0.198 grams (g)
  • Protein: 0.891 g
  • Carbs: 21.6 g
  • Fiber: 2.31 g
  • Vitamin C: 78.9 milligrams (mg), 88% of the Daily Value (DV)
  • Manganese: 1.53 mg or 109% of the DV (for women) and 2.3mg or 66% of the DV (for men)
  • Vitamin B6: 0.185 mg, 11% of the DV
  • Copper: 0.181 mg, 20% of the DV
  • Thiamine: 0.13 mg, 11% of the DV
  • Folate: 29.7 micrograms (mcg), 7% of the DV
  • Potassium: 180 mg, 4% of the DV
  • Magnesium: 19.8 mg, 5% of the DV
  • Niacin: 0.825 mg, 5% of the DV
  • Pantothenic acid: 0.351 mg, 7% of the DV
  • Riboflavin: 0.053 mg, 4% of the DV
  • Iron: 0.478 mg, 3% of the DV

Benefits of Pineapple:

Promotes tissue healing

“Pineapple is the only food known to contain bromelain, an enzyme that helps your skin and tissues heal.  Consuming bromelain from pineapple might also help your skin heal after surgery or injury.

Fights inflammation

“Inflammation is a natural process that occurs in our bodies to help fight off illness, the anti-inflammatory power in bromelain can help fight inflammation and may suppress the growth of certain tumors.

Of course, eating pineapple isn’t a cancer-free guarantee. “But eating lots of colorful fruits and vegetables, including pineapple, is a good way to help prevent cancer and other health conditions.

Aids digestion

Here’s another reason to make pineapple your go-to dessert: Pineapple contains a significant amount of fiber, which is associated with better digestion. Bromelain is also thought to aid in digestion, though there’s not enough scientific evidence to say for certain. 

Relieves arthritis pain

The anti-inflammatory power of pineapple’s bromelain may provide pain relief for people with osteoarthritis.

May help with weight loss

Most weight loss experts recommend a diet rich in fruits and vegetables if you’re trying to shed pounds. But pineapple could be your diet’s best fruit friend because its enzymes just might help with fat burning.

Helps with post-workout recovery

When your muscles work hard, they produce inflammation — leading to that inevitable soreness that can sideline you for up to three days. But popping pineapple into your diet might help you get back to your training regimen a little sooner. “The anti-inflammatory power in pineapple could soothe muscles and may help them recover more quickly.

Supports heart health

Pineapples contain potassium and fiber, both of which are important for maintaining heart health.

  • Potassium helps to regulate blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke.
  • Fiber helps to lower cholesterol levels, which can reduce the risk of heart disease.

May improve fertility

According to some studies it is seen that eating foods that are rich in antioxidants can help prevent infertility. Because free radicals can damage the reproductive system, foods with high antioxidant activity like pineapples are recommended for people who are trying to conceive.

May prevent asthma:

The beta-carotene that is found in plant foods like pineapples helps lower the risk of respiratory inflammation and asthma.

Prevents depressive illnesses:

A study found that consumption of vegetables and fruits that have a high content of nutrients may be of importance in the case of preventing depressive disorders.


Benefits of pineapple (Ananas comosus) include the fact that it’s high in vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C for immune system support and potassium for heart health. It’s also the best source of the enzyme called bromelain, which helps with digestion and has anti-inflammatory effects. Vitamin C is the most abundant vitamin in this fruit, while antioxidants like flavonoids and tannins within also help fight oxidative stress. Some of the positive effects of pineapple include helping normalize blood sugar and blood pressure, decreasing constipation, supporting fertility, fighting cancer, reducing inflammation of the bowels, and more.

Medical benefits of the Shatavari plant.

Asparagus Racemosus Willd


Shatavari is also known as Asparagus racemosus.  It is a member of the asparagus family. It is also known as an adaptogenic herb. Adaptogenic herbs are said to help the body cope with physical and emotional stress. Shatavari is a general health tonic to improve the strength of the body and is a popular herb in Ayurvedic medicine.

Benefits of Shatavari:

Antioxidant properties

Antioxidants prevent free radical cell damage and also battle oxidative stress, which is the main cause of disease. Shatavari is high in saponins.  Saponins are compounds that exhibit antioxidant properties.

Anti-inflammatory properties

Racemofuran found in Shatavari and has significant anti-inflammatory properties. Its action is similar to COX 3 inhibitors and exhibits anti inflammatory properties, while being gentle on the digestive system.

 Boosts the immune system
Shatavari is used in Ayurveda as an immune booster and animal studies clearly show that it has the capacity to resist infections in animals, when judiciously administered
 Has anti-tussive properties
Shatavari root juice is a natural cough remedy. It is used extensively in West Bengal, India and is considered to be as effective as codeine.
 Helps relieve diarrhea.
It is used in folk medicine to relieve diarrhea and it also has the ability to stop castor oil induced diarrhea.
 Acts as a diuretic
It has the ability to rid the body of excessive fluid and is used in patients with congestive cardiac failure.

Treats peptic ulcer disease

Shatavari is useful in treating bleeding peptic ulcer disease and small ruptures in the esophagus and small intestine that can have devastating life threatening complications such as perforation.

Dissolves kidney stones:

Shatavari root extract prevents to formation of oxalate stones and also increases the magnesium concentration in the urine and thus help prevent stone formation
 Regulates blood sugar levels
Shatavari has spooning that stimulates insulin levels but the mechanism of action largely remains unclear.
 Anti aging properties
The spooning in Shatavari root protect skin damage due to their free radical scavenging activity and thus prevent the excessive formation of wrinkles and also prevent skin collagen break down and maintains the elasticity of the skin.

Mood elevating properties

Shatavari is used in ayurveda to tackle depression

Possible side effects of taking Shatavari:

This includes:

  • rash
  • fast heart rate
  • itchy eyes
  • itchy skin
  • difficulty breathing
  • dizziness


Shatavari has been used in ayurvedic medicine for centuries. However, not enough scientific studies on humans have been done to recommend it for any medical condition. That said, it’s safe to eat it in small amounts, and doing so will allow you to reap its antioxidant and immune-boosting benefits.

Medical benefits of Gooseberry.

Gooseberry is the common name for a small round edible fruit. People use gooseberry fruit to make pies, jellies, and jams. Additionally, some varieties have herbal properties, and people use the plant in Ayurveda and alternative medicine.


There are various types from different regions, including:

  • European gooseberry: A green and hairy fruit whose botanical name is Ribes grossularia. It is indigenous to Europe; northwestern Africa; and west, south, and Southeast Asia. People eat European gooseberries in puddings, jams, and pies.
  • American gooseberry: A green to purplish fruit that grows naturally in the northeastern and mid-western United States. People commonly plant American gooseberry in fruit or vegetable gardens, and its botanical name is Ribes hirtellum.
  • Indian gooseberry (Amla or Emblic fruit): A yellowish-green fruit that grows in India, Southeast Asia, China, Iran, and Pakistan. Its botanical name is Emblica Officinalis.

A nutritious diet

Gooseberries are nutritious fruits, low in calories and fat, and can help someone achieve their daily amount of nutrients as part of a balanced diet.

Additionally, the fiber they contain may help keep a person’s bowel movements regular, allow them to feel full, and maintain their ideal body weight.

Gooseberries contain the following:

  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Fiber
  • Antioxidants such as phenols and flavinoids

100 grams of gooseberries contain:

NutrientsAmount (per 100g)
Fiber4.3 grams (g)
Vit C27.7 milligrams (mg)
Vitamin A,  15 micrograms (mcg)
Calories44 kcal

Benefits of Gooseberries:

Good for the hair

A study suggests that Indian gooseberry strengthens hair and promotes growth, noting that people use traditional recipes containing Indian gooseberry for enriching hair growth and pigmentation.

May protect the brain

A study suggests that Indian gooseberry may be beneficial for brain function. The review notes that animal studies demonstrate improved learning and memory with gooseberry extract.

Reduces blood sugar

Scientists have used Indian gooseberry leaves, fruits, and flowers to study their effects on diabetes and they have found that it is beneficial; for controlling elevated blood sugar levels.

Keeps the heart and blood vessels healthy
A small study indicated that 500 mg of Indian gooseberry in concentrated power supplement form daily for 18 weeks improved endothelial function in blood vessels and prevented coronary artery disease.
Anti cancer properties

Indian gooseberry may have potential as an anticancer agent. Laboratory and animal studies indicate that the fruit reduces the incidence and number of tumors at various organ sites.

Rich in antioxidants

Gooseberries contain several antioxidant compounds:

  • anthocyanins
  • flavonoids
  • phenolic acids

This helps in combating several diseases such as:

  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Neuro-degenerative diseases
  • Kidney diseases
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Eye diseases

Consuming gooseberries as food is generally safe. Toxicological studies do not show adverse effects, even at high doses.


Gooseberries are a nutritious fruit containing vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They are low in calories and fiber-rich, helping people to manage their weight.

Scientists have suggested that taking gooseberries may benefit cancer, brain function, and diabetes. In addition, people have used Indian gooseberry traditionally for healthy skin and hair.

People can add gooseberries to their diet or take them as a supplement or beauty product. However, a person should speak with a health practitioner before using herbal remedies, especially if they have a health condition.

Health benefits of Kalmegh plant.


Kalmegh is also known as known as andrographis paniculata; it is a seasonal herb native to India and Sri Lanka. It is one of the most popular medicinal plants used traditionally for the treatment of diseases such as cold, fever, diabetes, hypertension, ulcer, bronchitis, skin diseases, diarrhea, and malaria. In the Indian system of medicine, Kalmegh is also widely used for its anti-fertility, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, and immune-stimulatory properties. 

Health benefits of Kalmegh:

It helps with the common cold

It is believed that taking Andrographis or Kalmegh alone, or as part of an herbal combination product is likely to improve cough and sore throat in some people.

It can ease osteoarthritis

Taking Andrographis or Kalmegh extract daily helps to reduce pain and stiffness in people with mild or moderate osteoarthritis of the knee.

It is loaded with antioxidants

Kalmegh is loaded with antioxidants and polyphenols that may help to fight the harmful free radicals in our body. This, in turn, seems to protect the body cells from harmful bacteria and viruses.

Kalmegh has anti-inflammatory properties

The anti-inflammatory properties of Kalmegh potentially allow the body to fight infections effectively. Moreover, this herb may also help the body to repair tissue damage, and thus proves to be extremely useful. Kalmegh also helps to reduce swelling and pain caused by inflammation in the body.

It aids the digestive system

Kalmegh helps to effectively manage digestive problems like loss of appetite. It may also help to improve the digestive fire as well as liver functions.

It’s a great liver Tonic

Kalmegh also helps in the management of liver problems. It has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and liver protective properties, and may help to prevent the damage of liver cells caused by free radicals.

Kills intestinal worms

It is believed that Kalmegh helps in killing intestinal worms and supporting good intestinal health.

It has anti-acne properties:

Kalmegh also helps to treat skin ailments with its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Loaded with antioxidants, Kalmegh also helps in fighting harmful free radicals that are responsible for various health and skin ailments.

Antibacterial properties

The anti-bacterial properties in Kalmegh may allow the body to fight bacterial infections. Although Kalmegh appears to have weak direct antibacterial action, it may possibly have beneficial effects in reducing diarrhea and symptoms arising from bacterial infections.

Anti diabetic properties:

Andrographolide in Kalmegh helps reduce blood glucose levels. It may help in the release of insulin from the pancreatic cells, thus promoting the utilization of glucose. Since it is loaded with antioxidants, Kalmegh may also help in lowering the risk of diabetic complications.

Detox and skin cleansing

Studies suggest Kalmegh has blood purifying properties. It may help remove toxins from the blood, and manage skin diseases.

Antiviral properties

Studies suggest that Andrographolide in Kalmegh has antiviral properties. In fact, China mandated the use of andrographis by all doctors to overcome corona virus


Today, Kalmegh is used all over the world. The plant still grows natively in India and is useful for more than just immune support. The dry and penetrating properties of the herb help to loosen the dense phlegm caused by increased kapha, and it also reduces pitta and kapha in the head and chest, helping to maintain a normal body temperature.

In addition, it potentially promotes a healthy respiratory tract, sinuses and throat, and may also be used externally to help balance excess pitta in the skin that causes skin ailments. A final word of caution, please consult your healthcare provider before using Kalmegh in any form.