Monthly Archives: June 2017

Some useful Homeopathic remedies – Part 137.



This remedy is derived from gummy exudation of the unripe capsule of Poppy.

It is a remedy which suits subjects, who are depressed, drowsy or in a state of stupor, with a general sluggishness of vital reaction.  This remedy is good for ailments, which arise from fear, fright, anger, shame, sudden joy and alcohol.

It is considered to be a good remedy in epilepsy associated with vertigo, drowsiness, inertia and torpor with an absence of any neurological reaction.

It suits subjects, whose complaints are associated with painlessness and a lack of vital reaction.  It suits subjects, who want nothing, and have a complete loss of consciousness.

This remedy is useful in Apoplexy of drunkards, with stertorous breathing and dilated pupils.  It is a useful remedy for Delirium tremens.  It is useful when a subject has delirium with wide-open eyes.

It is useful in vertigo in old persons and in vertigo after fright.

It suits subjects, who have a red face, look intoxicated, who are blabbering with difficulty in clear articulation and swallowing.

It suits subjects, who have a hard bloated abdomen, and during colic there is an urging for stool with discharge of hard feces.

It is useful in OBSTINATE CONSTIPATION, with no desire to go for stool, and the stools recede and have a black and offensive and are frothy.

It is useful in subjects, who are prone to deep snoring, with a rattling stertorous breathing.

It is useful in subjects with deep intermittent unequal respiration with great drowsiness, and the subject falls into a heavy stupid sleep.

It is a useful remedy for subjects who have pleasant amorous dreams.

It is useful in fever with stupor, when the pulse is full and slow with lots of perspiration.

This remedy suits subjects, who are worse in the heat, during and after sleep and are better from cold things and constant walking.


 The condition, which most frequently calls for OPIUM is paralytic ileus after an abdominal section.  There is a loop of bowel, which is completely paralyzed, accompanied by reversed peristalsis and the pumping of bile back into the stomach. The patient is horribly sick and bringing up masses of bile – stained, rather foul smelling vomit and has an extreme sensation of abdominal distension. I think that is the commonest condition in which you get paralytic ileus, you find there is a history that OPIUM or one of its derivatives has been given before or after operation.

Dr. D. M. Borland, M.B, Ch.B.

Occasionally OPIUM is useful post-operatively when an old fright is presumably re-stimulated by another frightening experience.

Dr. Foubister, M.B., Ch.B, D.C.H.

You may find OPIUM indicated in that very dangerous condition, Strangulation of bowels. There are violent colicky pains and vomiting of matters having fecal odor.

Dr. E. A. Farrington, M.D.

When you have before you a body, which is doing nothing, no sweating, nothing, you think of only one remedy, OPIUM. OPIUM is just the situation where there is no sweat; no stool no movement there (comatose).

Dr. Pierre Schmidt, M.D.

OPIUM is indicated when retention of urine follows parturition. I have twice confirmed.

Dr. E. A. Farrington, M.D.

It is most important to trace convulsions to their origin. It may be found that these manifestations date back many years to the fright of the nursing mother, when OPIUM will serve well.

Hom. Recorder, Feb ’32.

OPIUM is a drug (in Homeopathic preparation) to be thought of for those abnormal children whose moral sense has never been developed, who lie and steal, and are heading for a mental institution.

 Dr. Tyler, M.D.


Dr. Younan, M.B. C.M.

If a patient has had enuresis or other psychosomatic illness beginning after discharge from a hospital, it is worthwhile to remember OPIUM, if apparently indicated remedies fail.

Dr. Foubister, M.B., Ch.B., D.C.H.

I know of some people who are made absolutely sleepless by Opium in all sorts of doses, and OPIUM 30 has helped me in cases of sleeplessness, as often as COFFEA. My experience goes to show that whether the drug- effect is primary or secondary, it is a drug-effect and is good for prescribing.

Dr. Clarke, M.D

Importance of a strong metabolism


A healthy metabolism is not merely to have a thin body. A healthy metabolism is also  beneficial for fertility, a good immune function, lean muscle mass, lower rates of degenerative diseases and infectious diseases, brain functionality, longevity, having more energy

The brain is the best benefiter of a good metabolism because of its extremely high demands for energy.  Metabolism naturally and constantly slows after age 40. This means that as you age, you need to start increasing your metabolism in order to maintain your health and be youthful.

Determinants of a good metabolism:

They include your gender, genetic makeup, age, hormonal health, body composition (percent of muscle mass and fat), and level of activity. Your metabolic rate has a big effect of on your energy levels, mood, and appearance because it determines how well you can “burn” calories.

Signs that your metabolism is sluggish:

  • feeling cold,
  • ongoing fatigue
  • dry skin
  • thinning hair
  • brittle fingernails
  • trouble sleeping through the night
  • bloating after eating
  • constipation
  • mood disorders like depression and anxiety
  • frequently urinating
  • struggling to lose weight
  • trouble concentrating
  • food allergies
  • low energy levels
  • getting sick more often

How to improve your metabolism:

Getting good sleep is a way to health. When the body is fatigued it slows down the metabolism in order to save energy. Lack of sleep is associated with high cortisol levels which are connected with weight gain, poor mental functioning, and becoming resistant to insulin.

Eat Metabolism Boosting Foods to Your Diet:

Add metabolism boosting foods to your diet such as garlic, cayenne pepper, chilli, cinnamon, ginger, green tea, and apple cider vinegar.

Avoid Unhealthy Foods

  • processed foods
  • sugary drinks
  • artificial ingredients and sweeteners
  • low-quality animal and dairy products


Eating enough every day is critical for hormonal, cognitive, and overall health.  It is especially important to consume calories from various unprocessed whole foods.  Eat well and experience better digestion, positive moods and a desire to be active and more stable blood sugar levels.  By eating enough you’ll have more motivation to be active, gain muscle mass and strength quicker, and feel less fatigued.

Some useful Homeopathic remedies – Part 136.



It suits subjects, who have a lack of will power and concentration and co-ordination.

It is a great remedy for MIGRAINE.

It is useful in subjects, who have headaches from eyestrain.

It is useful in subjects with sexual neurasthenia.

It is useful in subjects, who have pain in the eyeballs between the orbits.

It suits subjects who have a craving for iced-water and cold drinks.

It is useful in psychological impotence in male with a loss of desire, speedy emissions and deficient erections.

It is useful in subjects, who have uterine pains with a complete destruction of the sexual desire.

It suits female subjects, whose menstruation is too early and too prolonged.

It suits female subjects, who have acrid, yellow and profuse leucorrhoea.

It suits subjects who have a staggering gait, great muscular weakness and weariness.

It suits subjects, who are worse with motion, jar and tight clothing.

It suits persons who feel better when they are undressed, lying on the back, from cold drinks and after eating.





 Kinesiology is an Alternative therapy, which is both diagnostic as well as therapeutic.  It holds that various muscles are associated with specific organs and glands, and that a weakness in a muscle can signal a problem elsewhere in the body (for example, a weak deltoid muscle may signify a problem in the lungs or a nutritional deficiency affecting the respiratory system).  Likewise, correcting a muscular problem can relieve a disorder in associated organs (for example, strengthening the leg muscles can correct the function of the adrenal gland). However, Allopathic physicians dismiss this therapy completely and say that it has no role in scientific health care.

The treatment:


Most Kinesiologists analyze the posture, gait and range of joint movement. A muscle is that stays fixed is considered to be strong or locked and muscle that gives way immediately is considered weak or unlocked.  A practitioner may ask the patient to touch various areas of the body when he repeats the muscle testing.  This is believed to help isolate the source of trouble within the body.  While evaluating nutritional deficiencies, the therapists may assess the muscle strength while touching various points along the Acupuncture meridians.  Some practitioners also test nutrients by placing them on the tongue for 10 to 20 seconds at a time. If a taste of a substance strengthens a muscle, it means that the patient has a particular deficiency.

Treatment varies according to the diagnosis, but may include deep massage, joint manipulation and realignment, cranial therapy, meridian therapy, nutritional therapy and diet management.

The aims of therapy:

  • To make a non-equipment assessment of a patient’s health status.
  • To restore the faulty gait and posture and to improve the range motion
  • To restore normal neuromuscular function.
  • To achieve a normal endocrine, immune, digestive and other internal functions.
  • To permit early intervention in degenerative disease.


Kinesiology has come for a lot of criticism because improper muscle test results can occur when there is nerve dysfunction, nutritional inadequacy, toxic chemicals, meridian imbalance or poor blood or lymph circulation. Kinesiology should only be used as an adjunct to conventional treatments.