Monthly Archives: June 2022

Health benefits of Fulvic and Humic acid.

Fulvic acid and Humic acid


Fulvic acid is an organic compound naturally found in the earth’s soil and bodies of water. It is created as a consequence of millions of microbes breaking down decaying matter during a process called humification.


  • Electrolytes
  • Antioxidants
  • Prebiotics
  • Probiotics
  • Enzymes
  • Amino acids
  • Natural detoxifying compounds


Fulvic acid will help prime your body to create more energy at a more efficient rate, and therefore minimize fatigue, leading to an increase in mental acuity, physical performance and endurance.


Research has also shown that fulvic acid acts as an anti-microbial substance, which may further help to protect the body against infectious diseases.


There is emerging research showing that fulvic acid has nootropic properties. A nootropic is a substance that can help increase markers of intelligence and cognitive performance, such as working memory and one’s ability to learn and retain information. Researchers state that fulvic acid has the potential to improve and protect cognitive impairments, such as those which fall under the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. The underlying cause of Alzheimer’s disease causes the blockage of other neurons from making connections.


Fulvic acid helps your body absorb more nutrients by increasing cell permeability. In order for your cells to effectively absorb nutrients, they require electrolytes to allow for the flow of ions. Fulvic acid is high in electrolytes.


Research has shown that fulvic acid can decrease hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) in diabetic rats. Other research shows that fulvic acid can increase antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) in the beta cells of the pancreas. A study from the Journal of Medicinal Food found that obese individuals who used pure shilajit responded better to exercise than those who didn’t.


The antioxidant properties of fulvic acid support the idea that fulvic acid should be used in pharmaceuticals as an accessible source of natural antioxidants.


Research has made it clear that poor gut health is the backbone of inflammation and many diseases. There is emerging evidence that fulvic acid offers a lot of therapeutic potential to improving gut based diseases. The alleviation of these symptoms can help to improve diseases such as small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).


One study found that men between 45-55 who used fulvic/humic acid experienced a significant increase in testosterone. The mutual increase in ATP through increased mitochondrial efficiency and the increase in testosterone will work synergistically to improve recovery, muscle hypertrophy and performance.


Research has shown that fulvic acids act as a potential mitigator of toxic metal absorption, as seen by reducing toxic metal agents in water. One reason why fulvic acid is so powerful for both digestion and energy levels is due to its ability to detoxify the body. Consuming humic acids helps to bind and break down toxins and metals which are consumed through one’s diet.


 Chronic inflammation is one of the key driving factors of disease. Chronic inflammation simply describes a range of illnesses which cause and accompany prolonged inflammation. Fulvic acid has the capacity to reduce the pro-inflammatory markers.


Fulvic acid is anti-inflammatory, protects against oxidative stress, and is good for the mitochondria; it is more than probable that fulvic acid is incredibly beneficial for those of us trying to live a long and healthy life.


Evidence has shown that humic acids help to improve skin health. Fulvic acid supplementation significantly improved symptoms associated with eczema compared to other commonly used eczema treatments.


Fulvic acid (FvA), one such NHP, comes from humic substances produced by microorganisms in soil. Traditional medicine and modern research claim FvA can modulate the immune system, influence the oxidative state of cells, and improve gastrointestinal function.

Alternatives to Hormone Replacement Therapy.

Alternatives to HRT


The last few decades have seen doctors prescribing synthetic hormones to women who are near menopause or to those who have attained menopause. These hormones are also used in regulation periods, as contraceptives, in premenstrual syndrome (PMS), for women with heavy bleeding during pregnancy, women with fibroids, endometriosis and for post-menopausal depression, hot flushes and lack of sexual drive. It was also hoped that hormone replacement therapy would stave off heart disease and osteoporosis.

But hormone replacement therapy is fraught with great risk. There was an increased risk of cardiovascular events, strokes, breast cancer and dementia.

What are the alternatives for this problem?

Alternative therapists prefer Soy as a natural remedy as it contains goodish amounts of plant estrogens.  Japanese women suffer from lesser incidents of breast cancer and menopausal symptoms are milder because of a diet that is rich in soy. A soy rich diet along with a low fat diet helps to keep bones strong.

Other sources of plant estrogens are red clover and flaxseed. Both are available as supplements.

Black cohosh is a Native American herb that is useful in preventing hot flushes and insomnia and vaginal dryness, which are usually associated with menopause.

Ayurveda and menopause:

Like other Complementary systems, specific ayurvedic herbs are used for different female types.  Some of the useful herbs used in ayurveda are Aloe gel, Shatavari, Saffron, Kapikacchu, Ashwagandha, and these are taken in milk decoctions. Shatavari and Aloe gel are useful to maintain the youthfulness of the females.  Chavanaprash is another great rejuvenating remedy.

Homeopathic options in menopause:

A good homeopath can ameliorate many distressing symptoms by choosing the correct constitutional remedy. Few remedies are listed here, which are commonly used.


This remedy is useful for hot flushes with throbbing sensation in the head. This remedy suits women who have short bursts of anger and a craving form lemons and lemonade.

Calcarea carbonica

This remedy may be helpful to a woman who has severe heat sweats and weight gain during menopause. Such women usually crave for eggs and sweets also.


This remedy suits a woman who is chilly, pale, and sluggish. Such women are prone to obesity in menopause. These women are also prone to eczema.


Ignatia is a useful remedy for mood swings during menopause.


This remedy is useful in intense hot flashes with red or purplish flushing, palpitations, and feelings of pressure, congestion and constriction. Such women tend to be very talkative, with jealousy and suspicion.

Natrum muriaticum

This remedy suits women who are over sensitive, who craves for salts and have severe headaches after going out in the sun.


This remedy suits weepy women with changeable moods. Such women feel better in the open air.


This remedy suits women who are weary and lose interest in day-to-day tasks during menopause.


This remedy suits mild mannered women who have menopausal problems such as depression. It helps women who have been abused and many suppressed emotions.  .


The cure of menopausal symptoms need life-style changes that include, regular exercise, yoga, meditation and switching to a healthy diet that is more vegetarian in nature.

References and links:

Miraculous health benefits of Tree resins.


Resins, balsams, and related substances are complex chemical products produced by specialized ducts, cavities, or metabolic by-products of trees and other plant forms. Resins are insoluble in water and are usually hard, transparent, or clear. When heated, they soften and usually melt. Their chemistry is elaborate, containing mixtures of resin acids, alcohols, tannins, esters, and other compounds.

Oleoresins are mixtures of resins and volatile oils. Oleoresins include turpentine and Canada balsam.

Some useful Tree resins:


The history of myrrh is nearly as ancient as written history itself. In biblical times, the price of myrrh was equal to that of gold. The Ebers papyrus, written in 1500 B.C., describes the use of myrrh for wounds, sores, and as an ingredient in embalming solution. Ancient Sumerian records document its use for worms and the treatment of infected teeth.


It is an oleo gum resin from the Commiphora mukul or C. wightii species, has attracted attention both in the marketplace and in the scientific literature in recent years. This resin has been used in Ayurvedic medicine as a treatment for arthritis, a weight-reducing agent, and to lower cholesterol.


Frankincense, like myrrh, was once a gift of the Magi to the infant Christ.  The gum is not used medicinally today, although animal studies have shown some anti-inflammatory activity. However, it is still widely used as an ingredient in perfumes, including those with floral, citrus, and violet scents.


This oleo gum resin resembles frankincense, which comes from African and Middle Eastern species of Boswellia. But Boswellia serrata is a small tree, up to fifteen feet in height; it is found in dry hilly areas in India.  Boswellia is valued as a traditional anti-inflammatory; it’s used to relieve arthritis and low back pain. The resin is composed mostly of triterpenes including alpha- and beta-boswellic acids and other boswellic acid derivatives.  Boswellia does have an advantage over conventional NSAIDs in that it has a much lower rate of side effects, especially gastric irritation and ulcer-inducing activity.
Sweet gum, an American resin:
The common sweet gum, Liquidambar styraciflua, is still a modern source of resin.  Modern pharmacology confirms that sweet gum’s resins have antiseptic, expectorant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties. Its primary commercial use is as an ingredient of the compound tincture of benzoin, available in every drugstore.
Other useful Resins:
Balsam of Peru and Tolu balsam are occasionally used as ingredients in cough or cold formulations.


Tree Resins and their by-products are still very much a part of our everyday lives. They are often used in infinitesimal amounts, as flavorings, perfume fragrances, and cosmetics. The use of resins such as myrrh, boswellia, and guggul is as relevant today as it was in the Biblical times.



Sonopuncture is based on the same principles of acupuncture; however as opposed to the manipulation of needles in the skin, sound waves are used instead of these needles. For sonopuncture special sound heads, some similar looking to tuning forks, are used to generate a beam of inaudible ultra-sound. These devices can produce concentrated beams of sound that range from two to five millimeters in width.

The principle of Sonopuncture:

The human ear can hear sound waves with frequencies between 20 to 20,000 cycles per second. Sound waves with a frequency above twenty thousand cycles per second are too high pitched to be heard by human ears and are called ultrasound, and range from various frequencies between 750,000 to 1,000,000 cycles per second.

Sonopuncture is also a very good at healing tissue.  Applying the sound head over the area that is infected, like a small abscess or a wound that is not healing, improves the blood circulation in the area being treated and causes an increase in white blood cells and antibodies in area.

Sonopuncture is very good at breaking up areas with a reduced blood supply, like fibrous tissue or connective tissue, and helps to heal and remove that scar tissue by breaking down the fibrous tissue with an increase in blood supply, thus improving and speeding up the healing process.

Benefits of Sonopuncture:

  • Are interested in acupuncture, but can’t tolerate needles
  • Have sensitive skin that has been irritated by acupuncture in the past.
  • Have found traditional medical treatments to be ineffective for their medical conditions and chronic pain.
  • Can cure all types of infections
  • Removing wrinkles, scars and rejuvenating skin
  • Varicose veins
  • Spinal problems
  • Asthma and bronchial problems
  • Prostate problems


Research has shown that ultrasound stimulation, via the use of tuning forks, applied to specific acupuncture points for a minute or less, has the same effectiveness as traditional acupuncture. The ultrasound waves penetrate deep into the body’s tissues to generate healing and can be used for people of all ages safely and non-invasively. An additional benefit of sonopuncture treatment is that it does not cause the irritation to the skin that often comes with acupuncture.