Monthly Archives: March 2023

Health benefits of Cumin.

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Cumin is a leafy plant that grows low to the ground in China, India, the Middle East, and the Mediterranean region. The fruit of the plant is called the cumin seed, and it’s popular all over the world as a spice.

Benefits of Cumin:

Contains antioxidants

Cumin seeds contain naturally occurring substances that act as antioxidants. That means that these substances (called aliening and luteolin) keep the tiny free radicals that attack healthy cells from being successful. Antioxidants help you feel healthier and more energetic, and they help keep your skin from looking aged.

Has an anticancer property

Cumin appears to have the ability to keep cancer cells from multiplying, according to some experiments.   Studies have found that out of nine popular herbs and spices, basil and cumin were the most powerful anti-carcinogen plants.

Helps control blood sugar

Studies have shown that Cumin helps in controlling blood sugar levels.

May help treat diarrhea

Traditional medicine practitioners have recommended cumin for the treatment of diarrhea for centuries. Western medicine is just starting to catch on to this benefit of cumin.

 Has an anti-inflammatory effect

The active ingredients in cumin seeds have an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect. Cumin in your diet may counter the effects.

May help lower cholesterol

A hypolipidemic is a substance that helps your body control high levels of fats that hurt your heart and cholesterol levels. Cumin is considered to have hypolipidemic properties.

 Aids in weight loss

Several group studies have looked into ways cumin can help you lose weight. More research however is needed.

Improves symptoms of IBS

Researchers have evaluated cumin extract for treating the cramps, digestive spasms, nausea, and bloating associated with Irritable bowel syndrome.

Boosts memory

Cumin can help your body by stimulating your central nervous system to be more effective. This can result in a sharper memory and greater control over your limbs.


Cumin has a variety of benefits ranging from helping improve your digestion to boosting your memory. Cumin may also prevent cancer cells from multiplying and help reduce pain with its anti-inflammatory properties.


How to get rid of Heavy Metals naturally from the body.

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Heavy metals occur naturally on the planet, and some like iron, zinc, and even silver and copper are vital for life in trace amounts.  Heavy metals accumulate in the body over time. They hide out deep in our tissues and organs — and can be highly toxic, contributing to many chronic health problems.

Where can one ingest heavy metals?

  • Lead from old pipes, paint, or even leaded gasoline still in topsoil (with children particularly at risk because even brief exposure can affect brain development)
  • Mercury from dental fillings and industrial applications
  • Cadmium from tobacco smoke or food grown in cadmium-rich soil
  • Arsenic from treated lumber, coal-fired power plants, and runoff into groundwater

How can heavy metals be harmful to the body?

Heavy metals bond to and accumulate in organs and tissues, causing all kinds of physical, mental, and neurological damage.  Many “mystery illnesses,” like muscle weakness, brain fog, fatigue, nausea, headaches, and even constipation, can be traced to heavy metal exposure and accumulation. The higher the concentration, the worse can be the problems.

Some consequences of heavy metals:

  • Depression
  • Hair loss
  • Learning disabilities
  • Immune disorders
  • Cancer
  • Death

Avoid additional heavy metal exposure when at all possible:

  • Eat only organic produce.
  • Rice is one of the most arsenic-contaminated crops—it is better to limit your consumption and check if your organic source is tested for heavy metals.
  • Limit your consumption of fish, which is often contaminated with mercury.
  • Heavy metals build up in animal fat—make sure your meat is from good sources
  • Install water filters on your home
  •  Switch to a dentist who uses non-toxic procedures and can safely remove metal fillings.
  • If your home was built before 1952, have pipes and paint checked for lead.
  • Wear protective masks and clothing if you work in industries using heavy metals.

Dietary methods to get rid of heavy metals from the body:

  • Dietary fiber: Various foods rich in fiber, such as fruit and grains with bran, may help remove heavy metals. Researchers have found fiber to reduce mercury levels in the brain and blood.
  • Chlorella: Studies have shown that chlorella increases the detoxification of mercury in mice.
  • Foods containing sulfur: Foods rich in sulfur, such as garlic and broccoli, may be good chelation agents. Research has suggested that garlic may have prevented kidney damage from cadmium and reduced oxidative damage from lead in rats.
  • Cilantro: Cilantro may help, but there is currently limited evidence to support this.


Certain supplements may also work to detoxify the body from heavy metals. People should consult their doctor before taking any new supplements, however, and they should always follow the guidance of their healthcare professional when aiming to naturally detoxify from heavy metals.

Medicinal value of the Lotus root.

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Lotus root, also known as Kamal Kakdi in Hindi, is a versatile vegetable that is an integral part of Indian as well as some Asian cuisines. The lotus root is the lower, edible part of the lotus plant. It is crunchy and sweet, similar to the taste and texture of a raw potato. It can be steamed, braised and fried. It is also used as an herbal medicine in dry and powdered form. 

Nutritional Value of Lotus Root: 

The total energy obtained from 100g of lotus stem is 74 Kcal.3 the following nutrients are present in the lotus stem. 

Nutrient Content  
Carbohydrates  17.2g 
Fiber  4.9g 
Protein  2.6g 
Fats  0.1g 
Calcium  45mg 
Iron  1.16mg 
Potassium  556mg 
Sodium  40mg 
Magnesium  23mg 
Phosphorous  100mg 
Zinc  0.39mg 
Manganese  0.261mg 
Copper  0.257mg 

The vitamins present in the lotus stem are:   

  • Vitamin B1 (thiamin) 
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 
  • Vitamin B3 (niacin) 
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) 
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 
  • Vitamin B9 (folate) 
  • Vitamin C

Health benefits of the Lotus root:

Helps in controlling blood pressure: 

Lotus root is an excellent vasodilator as it is good source of Potassium. It helps in reducing bad cholesterol in your blood. Its consumption can reduce the risk of heart attack and prevents blockage of the arteries. The presence of pyridoxine in Lotus Root helps to manage homocysteine ​​levels in the blood and keep the heart healthy. 

Helps in curing infections and allergies: 

We can prevent our body from various infections and fungal diseases such as smallpox, leprosy and ringworm by consuming lotus root. We can also cure bleeding disorders, excessive sweating, nosebleeds and hematuria by using the leaves of this plant. It is a good source of antioxidants as it contains sufficient amount of vitamin C.

Helps in curing inflammation: 

Inflammation is often accompanied by a burning sensation. It is an unpleasant side effect or symptom of many conditions. White lotus can help reduce inflammation. A 2013 study by Trusted Source showed that two polysaccharides in lotus plum have significant anti-inflammatory effects.  

Helps in reducing stress:  

Lotus root has a vitamin B complex, which contains a compound called pyridoxine. This compound interacts with nerve receptors in the brain, which are responsible for reducing stress, irritability, and headaches. 

Helps in maintaining balanced mental state: 

Lotus root is also a very good source of vitamin B6. Insufficient consumption of vitamin B6 can cause Short term memory loss, depression, irritability, and difficulty in concentration. One hundred grams of vitamin B6 can give you 0.258 mg or 20% of your daily vitamin B6 that your body needs to function properly. 

Gives healthy skin and hair: 

Consumption of lotus can bring you glowing skin and silky smooth hair as it is good source of vitamins like B and C. Vitamin C stimulates collagen production in the body, which is responsible for skin firmness. 

Helps in maintaining weight: 

It contains very less calories and more fiber. This property of lotus root does not let you feel hungry and thus reduces your consumption of fatty foods. . In addition, it also helps stimulate your digestive system, helping to lose weight. 

Stimulates digestion: 

Lotus root contains a large amount of fiber, which helps to stimulate digestion. It helps to combat constipation while ensuring the absorption of nutrients through the secretion of gastric juice and further stimulates peristaltic movement (intestinal contractions) in the intestinal muscles to facilitate easy and loose bowel movements.  


Lotus stem is known to be high in fiber. As it is rich in fiber, it might also help in digestion. It is also a good natural source of protein, fiber, and iron. Therefore, it might be good for gut health.