A Homeopathic Kit for your home

Dear friends,

I have been asked by many of my patients and friends for a first aid kit. I intend to write about a series of homeopathic remedies that would be useful to keep in your home.

The objective of educating the layperson about these remedies is to cut household expenses on costly and needless medications. The homeopathic kit is all about PATIENT EMPOWERMENT OR HEALTH FACILITATION.  I must advise the reader that this kit should not replace the allopathic healthcare provider. It is something like a first aid kit for minor ailments and I would encourage patients to consult their health care physician as soon as there is no improvement of the medical condition.

 As a matter of convention, to make therapy simple, all the Homeopathic remedies selected are in the 30 C potency and the pills are of 30 size and the uniform recommendation for common ailments is 3 globules to be put under the tongue 3 to 4 times per day.

 The mother tinctures are in Q potency and they are generally for local applications unless specifically mentioned. The should be used sparingly about 10 drops diluted in half a cup of water and the therapy should be stopped if any discomfort or reaction is observed.

 Happy Reading!

 Dr. Rajesh Vishwanathan. 

Before we go into the Kit, I thought we should know a bit about the principles of Homeopathy and its founder.






 Homeopathy owes its existence to Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician.  He discovered this Alternative therapy in the year 1790 A.D. and declared his discovery to the world in the year 1796 A.D, in an essay, which was published in the Hufeland’s Journal.

 Dr. Hanhemann started his career as a young German qualified Allopathic physician.  He knew several languages and could translate in seven languages and had a working knowledge of fourteen languages.

 In the year 1785 A. D, he became famous after he translated French Chemist, Deamchy’s book on Chemistry titled: THE WHOLESALE MANUFACTURE OF CHEMICALS OF THE SCIENCE OF PREPARING PRODUCTS IN FACTORIES.  He did this in two languages.

 At this time, he was deeply dissatisfied and disgusted with the then prevailing system of Medicine.  The uncertainty and the lack of any law of any healing disappointed him deeply and he actually dropped out of medical practice and started reading and translating the great works of medical literature of his time.

 Hahnemann makes a startling discovery:

 In the year 1790 A.D. he was busy translating Cullen’s Materia Medica from English to German.  It was at this time that he espied a chapter referring to the Cinchona bark, as a specific medicine for Malarial fever. Underneath the chapter on Cinchona, there was a footnote that said that Cinchona bark is capable of producing Malaria like symptoms, when healthy subjects ingest it.

He was intrigued and even indignant about this fact and he decided that he would ascertain the truth himself.  He started taking four drams of cinchona juice, for several days, twice daily. To his amazement, typical symptoms of intermittent fever appeared in his body.  The paroxysms lasted for two to three hours every time and lasted from two to three hours.  He found that when he discontinued the medicine, his health dramatically improved.   Hahnemann was struck with the idea that probably all medicines were capable of producing similar symptoms to the disease for which they were used as a specific, in healthy subjects.

 He then went into frenzy and started proving drugs one after another on himself, his disciples, his friends and his patients.  His experiments convinced him that MEDICINES CURE DISEASES BECAUSE THEY CAN PRODUCE SIMLIAR DISEASE IN HEALTHY PERSONS.  He then experimented and found that medicines in a diluted state actually cure the diseases that they produce in the healthy subjects, when given in the undiluted form.


In the year 1796 A.D., Dr. Hahnemann elucidated his first law; ‘SIMILIA SIMILUBUS CURENUR’, which means that “like cures like”.  The year 1796 is considered to be the birth year for Homeopathy.

 The greatest works of Dr. Hahnemann:

 From 1790 to 1805 A.D, Hahnemann’s writings and translations consisted of 5500 printed pages.  In 1805, he published a book called as “Medicine of Experience”.  In the year 1810 A.D., the bible of Homeopathy was published called as the “Organon of the Rational Art of Healing”

 The publication of the ‘Organon of Medicine’ made life difficult for Dr. Hahnemann and his disciples.  They were ostracized, condemned, persecuted and even banned from dispensing Homeopathic medicines. In between the years 1811 to 1821 A.D., eight volumes of the “Materia Medica Pura”, a record of symptoms of the medicines tested on healthy human beings was published.  After a lot of debates, Dr. Hahnemann was allowed to deliver lectures on Homeopathy in Leipzig University.

 Dr. Hahnemann faces ridicule from his allopathic colleagues:

 In the year 1821 A.D., amidst the antagonism from his allopathic colleagues, pharmacists and government officials, Hahnemann was allowed to practice Homeopathy in Koethen, by the Duke of Anhaltkoethen.  In the year 1830 A.D., Dr. Hahnemann’s wife who suffered with him for 48 years died.

In January 18th, 1835 A.D. Dr. Hahnemann married Madame Melanie d’ Harville. He was 80 years old and she was 45 years younger to him.  They left for Paris in June 1835 A.D and finally in France, Dr. Hanhnemann got everything, name, fame, wealth, honor and much needed peace.

In the coming years, the Homeopathic philosophy spread into all parts of Europe, America and the translation of the “Organon of Medicine” took place in many languages.

 Dr. Samuel. Christian. Gottfried. Hahnemann breathed his last at 5 A.M. on 2nd July 1843. A.D.

 Homeopathy after Dr. Hahnemann:

 In his lifetime Dr. Samuel faced a lot of hardship, but he was a relentless crusader against bloodletting, venesections, irrational poly-pharmacy and he condemned the torture of mentally ill patients.  He was also very particular in matters of Hygiene and Nutrition.  He is perhaps one of the greatest physicians that the world has ever seen and his monumental work on developing Homeopathy into one of the best Alternative therapy is mind-boggling.

 He was a scholar of scholars, a Physician who was feared and respected by his colleagues, he was the master chemist among chemists and above all a dreamer, a philosopher who dare to dream and whose dream no adversity nor honor had a power to change.

After Hahnemann’s time his students carried the torch forward and the world saw Homeopathy come of age with great physicians like Dr. Kent, Dr. Boger, Dr. Boenninghausen, Dr. Boericke, Dr. Dorothy Shepherd and scores of others to take Homeopathy to new heights.  Homeopathy lost its popularity in the U.S due to the discovery of antibiotics and great advances in Allopathic medicine.  But, in India, Homeopathy has flourished and there have been several great Homeopaths who have sacrificed their entire lives for the cause of this great art and science.  Towards the latter part of the 20th century and in this millennium, Homeopathy has made a great comeback after the emergence of bacterial resistance, the emergence of newer viruses and many stress related disorders.  A lot of work still needs to be done so that Homeopathy may be judiciously integrated with the Orthodox medicine.  With the change in the mind set of orthodox physicians, and with the emergence of the concept of HOLISTIC MEDICINE – or mind body and soul medicine. Homeopathy has a great future, because it is Holistic in nature.




 It is virtually impossible for a hard-core allopathic physician to understand or accept certain Homeopathic principles. However, it is increasingly recognized that for a disease to occur in a human being, three things need happen; one the bug or agent should be strong, the next thing is that the host resistance must be overwhelmed and thirdly the environmental factors should be hostile enough to overwhelm the host. Allopathic medicine has been focusing too much on the agent. For the first time, Dr. Hahnemann talked about a concept of the ‘Vital force’, which may actually indicate the immune status of the individual. This was a path-breaking concept considering that Dr. Hahnemann postulated it as early as 1790 AD.

 What is the Vital force?

 The vital force was described by, Dr. Hahnemann as a spirit like, dynamic, automatic self powered power, which preserves the life in living beings.  It is the life principle, which is present everywhere in the body.  It exists in the living body, which is gross in structure and the Vital Force is a subtle energy, which is active.   From the perspective of the spirituality it may be interpreted as a soul force of the body.   From the perspective of Indian Spirituality, it is very similar to ‘Pranic energy’.  Dr. Hahnemann introduced the term Vital Force in the 5th edition of the Organon in 1833. A.D. and this word was replaces with the word Life Principle in the 6th edition of the Organon.

 When the Vital Force is in a normal state, it is orderly and the person is at ease and healthy.  When it becomes disordered or deranged, disease accrues in the body.  When the Vital force leaves the body or ceases to function, the body dies.

In this sense, the concept of the Vital force is spiritual and holistic.  The vital force is not perceptible to our senses, but it helps the gross body to perform its functions.  It is a spiritual conscious energy blessed with an intelligence to power the body and maintain both volitional and autonomic functions.

 Dr. Hahnemann called the Vital Force as autocratic, self powered, self controlling power or energy, which keeps the body intact and without which life as we know it cannot exist.  It is only when the gross or the material body becomes unfit for the Vital Force to utilize it, the Vital Force ceases to work.

 The Vital force in health:

 During the state of health, the Vital Force animates the gross or material body and keeps it in a harmonious order.  A healthy man feels no discomfort and is generally unaware of the existence of his internal organs or the functions carried by them.  He remains unconscious of his body and caries on consciously the working of the mind.  The Vital force maintains the balance between body and the mind. This fundamental principle makes Homeopathy a holistic system of medicine.  The Vital Force protects the body from hostile influences, both from the mind within – negative thinking and from the external disease producing influences; like the bacteria, viruses, atmosphere etc.  Dr. Hahnemann postulated that the Vital force is ever alert and a never resting preservative force.

The Vital Force in Disease:

 The body is endowed with the Vital Force, which is constantly fighting with inimical forces.  But, the Vital Force can be overwhelmed with a long continued exposure to disease or due to wrong living.  When the Vital Force is disturbed, the subjects senses an uneasy sensation in the body, thorough the agency of the Cerebro-spinal nerves.  In simple words, a disease or discomfort in the body is a cry of the Vital Force seeking Help for restoring its balance.  In Homeopathy, a disease by itself has no separate objective existence; there are no diseases but only diseased individuals.

The Vital Force in Cure:

 The harmonious flow of the Vital force is disturbed in a diseased state.  This can be restored with the aid of medicinal substances, which make all abnormal sensations and diseased states disappear.  The body – mind equilibrium is restored and a cure essentially signifies the removal of symptoms and not their suppression.

The Vital Force in Recovery:

 The Vital Force is a self-preservative force and protects the body from exposure to inimical forces, without external air and it is capable of maintaining the harmonious flow of it in the body and this results in good health.  Thus, recovery is just the natural process of maintaining the body-mind equilibrium and when this happens, all complaints disappear.





Dr. Hahnemann originally proved this remedy.  Its source is a plant called as Monkshood.

It is a great remedy for persons who are afflicted by fear and anxiety.


 It is a useful remedy when the subject has physical and mental restlessness.  It also suits subjects who find music unbearable.

It is useful when there is a sudden invasion of violent fever.

It suits subjects who do not want to be touched.

 It is useful when all complaints are aggravated by dry cold air.

 It is the first remedy in all-acute inflammations.

 It is useful when the head is heavy, hot and bursting and when the face is red hot and flushed.  It is a useful remedy in fever, when the skin is dry, hot and the face is red with burning thirst for large quantity of cold water.

 It is useful as an anticonvulsant remedy in teething children with high fever.

It is a useful remedy in cystitis whenever the urine is red hot and painful.

It is useful whenever there is a hoarse, dry croupy cough with labored breathing.  It is also useful in Aphonia, where there is a loss of voice.

 It is a useful remedy whenever there are palpitations with anxiety.

 This remedy suits people who are better in open air and are worse while lying down on the affected side.


 Oh! What a comforting remedy ACONITE is for toothache.  It has been so useful in toothache that nearly every old lady nowadays knows enough to put a drop of ACONITE on a bit of cotton and put it in the old hollow tooth.  It will quite often palliate.  A dose of ACONITE will act much better.

Dr.Kent, M.D.

In acute gastritis, what ACONITE is capable of accomplishing in this affection excels all belief.

Dr. Jahr.


In the very beginning, ACONITE is often able to cut short dysentery, without any other remedy.

Dr. Bell.



In cystitis, ACONITE often removes the whole trouble in a very short time.

Dr. Jahr.


ACONITE is the principal remedy for retention of urine in the new- born; hardly any other one will be needed.

Dr. A. D. T. Pulford, M.D.


ACONITE cures most violent cases of Orchitis (testicular inflammation) that come on suddenly.

Dr.Kent, M.D.


A dose of ACONITE given to nervous soldiers who are full of fear of death or other horrors and anxieties, who are full of fear of death or other horrors and anxieties, would soon help them to face their ordeals with strength and resolution.


Dr. A. H. Grimmer, M.D.


ACONITE is good in jaundice of infants.

Dr. Wallace Mc George, M.D.

This remedy is extremely useful for combating fears.  It suits patients, who are fearful of crossing the street, and are rendered miserable with fear and think that they are sure to die of the ailment that they have.  These patients even tell you the time of death. This remedy is very useful for all sudden fevers that come with a dry cold air.  It is a short acting remedy and has to be repeated frequently.  When it is properly selected, the results are magical.  It can abort high fevers and many seemingly life threatening conditions.




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