Medicinal uses of Kava Kava.


Kava kava comes from the Piper methysticum plant, which is native to islands of the Pacific Ocean. Traditionally, people made a paste from the plant’s root and mixed it with water or coconut milk to create a drink.

Kava kava is an herbal remedy that some people use to relieve stress and anxiety and boost sleep. However, individuals should use it with caution.

Kava kava, or simply kava, has a long history of use in alternative medicine and traditional ceremonies. More recently, it has found a place in some clinical research studies.  People traditionally mix kava kava with water or boil it into a tea, but it can also come as a tablet.

Health benefits of Kava Kava:

Anti-anxiety effects:

The primary use of kava is reducing stress and anxiety. Research suggests that kava could help treat the symptoms of anxiety disorders.

Sleep promoting effects:

Kava kava could help induce sleep due to its anxiolytic effects. For this reason, people also use it as an alternative therapy for sleep disorders.

The other effective herbs are:

  • Valerian
  • Chamomile
  • Wuling

Safety profile of Kava Kava:

Research has suggested that kava kava may cause liver damage. It appears to be hepatoxic, meaning that it can damage liver cells.

Minor side effects include:

  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Rash
  • Fever
  • Jaundice with abnormal liver enzymes.

In high doses, the long-term use of kava could also cause:

  • dry, scaly skin
  • yellow skin
  • heart problems
  • eye problems
How to use Kava Kava:

Traditionally, people make kava kava root into a paste and mix it with water or boil it into a tea. It is also possible to buy premade kava tea from some stores.  The drug can come in liquid form and mix with other drinks such as juice. There are also tablets and capsules of powdered kava kava available.

Is Kava Kava safe in pregnancy?

There has been little research into the effects of kava in women who are pregnant. Until more definitive research is available on its safety, it may be best to avoid using kava during pregnancy.


Kava kava is an herbal remedy that people use to relieve anxiety and promote sleep. However, researchers are concerned about reports that kava kava can cause serious liver damage.

Several countries have banned products containing this ingredient and it is best to take the advice of your physician before starting this herb.

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