Medicinal uses of the Wild Columbine Plant.


This plant is commonly known as Granny’s Bonnet or Columbine, actually consists of approximately 70 species of perennial plants that have been used as both a medicinal substance and a food source by Native Americans throughout the northern hemisphere. It is typically found in high altitudes in open meadows and woodlands, and is easy to identify due to the spurred petals of the flower, which look somewhat like a claw.

Medicinal uses:

Skin Health

For thousands of years, columbine has been used by the indigenous populations of North America and Europe to treat a variety of skin conditions. You can crush the seeds or roots and combine them with water to create a paste or salve that can be placed directly on rashes and irritation. The anti-inflammatory nature of columbine helps to reduce the irritation and redness of these affected areas. It is also effective for mild acne, psoriasis, and poison ivy, as well as other plant-derived rashes.

Eliminate Pain

Columbine also works as an effective pain reliever on various parts of the body. The same sort of paste can be applied to bruises and strained muscles to reduce the aches and pains, as a result of the same anti-inflammatory compounds found in the roots and seeds. Lotions made from the crushed root and the extracted oils are very popular for rheumatic pains as people age. Those suffering from arthritis can use these herbal lotions to significantly reduce their discomfort. Using columbine on open wounds is not a good idea, as the toxicity could negatively affect the body if it gets into the bloodstream.


One of the most popular uses of columbine has been in the amelioration of headaches. Using tiny amounts of crushed seeds and often mixing them with wine or water, headaches can quickly be relieved. Again, the seeds contain toxic substances, so very small amounts are necessary for this treatment, and should not be used without consulting an herbalist.

Respiratory Issues

It is commonly used by crushing the roots and mixing them with water as a treatment for certain respiratory ailments, including congestion and sore throats. By eliminating the inflammation of the respiratory tracts, Columbine can help to speed up the healing process, reduce irritation, and eliminate congestion and it also prevents bacterial infections.

Detoxify the Body

Columbine has long been used to stimulate perspiration, and is known traditionally as an effective remedy to break a fever. Mixing the flowers with water and drinking this mixture help eliminating fevers rapidly. This same property also induces urination, so its diuretic action makes it valuable for detoxifying the body. By stimulating the elimination of excess toxins, salts, fats, and water, columbine helps relieve pressure on the kidneys and liver.

Stomach Issues

If the roots are prepared correctly, they can be consumed as a tonic for the stomach, as it can ease inflammation and irritation in the bowels that cause diarrhea and symptoms of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). It should however be consumed in small quantities and prepared by a trained herbalist.

Menstrual Bleeding

The effects of Columbine on women have been known for generations. A small tincture can be used to induce labor in pregnancy, and its properties as a coagulant and an astringent can help to reduce bleeding after delivery. Also, Columbine is used by many herbal practitioners to lessen menstrual bleeding and reduce some of the discomfort and symptoms associated with menstruation.


Columbine is a lethal flower, so despite all of the health benefits we’ve just explained; you should not try to create decoctions, tinctures, or salves without proper training or consultation with an herbalist or traditional practitioner. Before adding any powerful herbal remedy to your health regiment, always consult a medical professional.

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