The Ashoka tree is a noted plant in our country. The Botanical name of this plant is JONOSIA ASOKA. It is regarded as one of the sacred plants in India. Married Hindu females worship this plant and the festivity for worshipping it falls in spring. The word Ashoka literally means ‘remover or all ailments.’
It is a sovereign remedy for alleviating all sorts of menstrual troubles and uterine disorders. Even the ‘rishis’ of the yore have a high opinion about this plant and recommend this to women who should take it on the festive day fixed to get rid of all menstrual disorders and despondency in sterile women. This herb is said to fulfill the craving for sterile women for motherhood.
Medicinal Properties:
The Ayurvedic physicians like Charakadatta have recommended the bark of the Asoka plant in bloody leucorrhoea and also in the suppression and retention of the urine. Surprisingly Charaka, Sushrutha and Rajnirghanta have not mentioned the value of this herb in their writings in its ability to cure leucorrhoea. Charaka has in fact placed it in the list of insipid remedies, which is quite surprising.
But, the modern day Ayurvedic pharmacy is full of remedies containing Asoka Cordial, Asoka Ghrita, Asokarishta and similar preparations for the uterine complaints, ranging from leucorrhoea, menstrual disorders and sterility.
The Homoeopathic Physicians have proved it and have found it useful in correcting menstrual disorders, leucorrhoea, menstrual colic pain, and in symptoms suggestive of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.
Allopathic research has found that the bark of the Asoka tree has Tannins, Catechins, and organic substances containing iron. No alkaloids or essential oils were found during the research.
The extract from the bark of the Asoka tree has found its place in uterine ailments. It is useful both when the menstrual flow is excessive and uncontrollable and also whenever there is a reduction of the menstrual flow.
It is also useful in complaints of females occurring during menopause.
This remedy is also useful to control bleeding piles when the patient experiences stiffness in the back and suffers from constipation.