Full body detox.


A full body detox is a practice that some people believe can eliminate toxins from the body. It may involve following a particular diet, fasting, taking supplements, or using a sauna.

What does a full body detox involve?

There is no single definition of what a full body detox involves, but it may require a person to:

  • follow a specific diet
  • fast
  • drink more water or juices
  • use supplements
  • use colonic irrigation, enemas, or laxatives
  • use a sauna
  • reduce exposure to toxins in their environment

Potential benefits:

While detoxes are not medically necessary for most people, under certain circumstances, they may offer some health benefits, such as:

  • Weight loss: detoxification diets can result in weight loss.
  • Fruits and vegetables: Many detox diets may involve consuming fruits and vegetables
  • Hydration: Many full body detoxes also promote water consumption. Antioxidants: According to some studies have found that certain detox diets can aid liver function and that certain foods can increase the antioxidant glutathione. Glutathione can help remove toxins, such as heavy metals, from the body.

Potential risks:

Some detoxes pose health risks by encouraging people to:

  • restrict food intake, leading to a lack of necessary nutrients
  • drink large quantities of juices or teas, which may lead to a dangerous electrolyte imbalance
  • drink juices that contain large amounts of oxalates, which may raise the risk for kidney problems
  • use detox products that contain laxatives, which may result in  severe diarrhea and  dehydration
  • try diet plans that exacerbate underlying conditions, such as diabetes

Some ideas to support the body’s detoxification system:

·         Stop smoking or drinking
·         Stay hydrated
·         Begin eating a nutrient-dense diet
·         Get enough sleep
·         Improve indoor air quality


A full body detox aims to help the body eliminate toxins. However, there is not much evidence that they provide any long-term health benefits or that they are a sustainable way to lose weight.

Before a person attempts a full body detox or makes significant lifestyle changes, it is advisable for them to consult a healthcare professional.

People can adopt a more balanced approach by using a detox as an opportunity to begin healthful habits, such as drinking more water, eating more fruits and vegetables, and stopping drinking or smoking. However, people should speak with a doctor before making any major changes.

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