Some useful Homeopathic remedies – Part 51.



This remedy is derived from Bitter cucumber. It is found in Europe and in tropical countries.

Patients who require this remedy are usually extremely irritable and impatient and become angry or are offended when they are questioned. Such patients may even throw out things in their hands, during fits of rage.

It is generally useful in neuralgic pains better from pressure and heat.

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This is an extremely useful remedy for sciatica and abdominal cramps.

The remedy is useful whenever there is an agonizing cutting pain in the abdominal area, which causes the patient to bend double.

The remedy is useful when the pain comes in paroxysms and the pain radiates down both hips and thighs. The pain is drawing, cramping tearing and better from heavy pressure.

The remedy is useful whenever the patient has a bitter taste in the mouth.
It is useful whenever there is pressure like pain in the eyeballs and for left sided neuralgias.

It is useful in contraction of muscles and pain in the right deltoid.

It is useful whenever there is vertigo while turning the head to the left.

This remedy is useful in ailments that come on after a bout of anger, such as; colic, diarrhea vomiting and suppressed menstruation.

This remedy works best whenever the patient is worse from anger and indignation, and feels better doubling up, from hard pressure, warmth and lying with the head bent forward.


COLOCYNTHIS has been found useful as a palliative of the pain of Glaucoma and Iritis; the pain extending into the head, better from pressure.

Dr. H. C. Allen, M.D.

COLOCYNTHIS cures colic again and again, then KALI C, steps in to end the trouble.

Dr. T. K. Moore, M.D.

STAPHISAGRIA is sometimes to be substituted for COLOCYNTHIS in the effects of violent emotion in women and children when the violent abdominal cramps fail to yield to the latter remedy.

Dr. E. A. Farrington, M.D.

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