Monthly Archives: March 2014

Unusual Alternative Therapies for wounds:



Chronic wounds often defy conventional treatment because they may be infected with bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. Orthodox practitioners have used many traditional methods of treatment and they include apitherapy (application of medicated honey), maggots and leaches. These unorthodox therapies have been found effective in MRSA infections.

Honey can be used as a topical treatment for wounds:


 Honey which is a plant nectar that is modified by the honey bee called as Apis mellifica has been used since thousands of years and there are references in history dating back to the early Egyptians, Assyrians, Chinese, Greeks, and Romans.

 Honey acts like a sealant and keeps the wound moist and free from contamination. Honey contains glucose (35%), fructose (40%), sucrose (5%), and water (20%). This high sugar content plus vitamins, minerals, and amino acids) provides topical nutrition that is thought to promote healing and tissue growth.

 Honey is also a hyper-osmotic agent that draws fluid from the wound bed and underlying circulation and this action is thought to kill bacteria. Honey has a natural debriding action too.

 Manuka (Medihoney) is a medicinal honey with enhanced antibacterial properties derived from floral sources in Australia and New Zealand. It has been reported that it can stop bacterial growth even when diluted up to 56 times. It has anti-inflammatory properties and can stimulate epithelial growth, advancing closure of skin. 

 Maggot Therapy:


 Military surgeons have always known that soldiers whose wounds got infested with Maggots healed better.  Maggots have been used for centuries to help heal wounds. The beneficial effects of therapeutic maggots were first observed during the Napoleonic war by a surgeon who noted that soldiers whose wounds had become infested had an improved prognosis.

In recent times, medicinal maggots (sterilized larvae of the green bottle fly Lucilia sericata that do not reproduce nor feed on live tissue) work as biochemical debriding agents. They ingest bacteria and degrade them in their intestinal tract. They also secrete an enzyme that disinfects the wound, dissolves necrotic tissue, and stimulates wound healing. Maggots are now being used against a wide spectrum of wounds and are proving to be effective against MRSA and other multi-resistant microorganisms. They also appear to be more cost effective than other methods of wound healing.  Studies indicate that about 40% to 50% of wounds treated with maggot therapy as the last alternative before amputation were healed, and the limbs were saved. 

 Leeches in Wound Healing:


 Using leeches was once an indispensable part of the practice of medicine in the 19th century only to be abandoned in favor of scientific medical advances. Leach therapy is once again seeing a renaissance in the area of modern plastic reconstructive surgery — particularly in microsurgery transplantation.  In June 2004 the US FDA gave clearance to leach therapy and they are used today throughout the world as tools in skin grafts and reattachment microsurgery.

Leeches work by creating a puncture wound that bleeds for hours, while anesthetizing the wound, preventing clotting and dilating vessels to increase blood flow.

 The medical literature describes countless cases of the use of leeches to relieve venous congestions following reattachment or transplantation surgery of fingers, toes, ears, penis, and other skin-flaps; in addition to breast reconstruction, reduction, or augmentation procedures where engorgement of the nipple can be a complication.

 Leeches possess properties that make them uniquely able to assist with venous compromised tissues. Their saliva contains:

  • Hirudin, which acts as a direct thrombin inhibitor;
  • Hyaluronidase, which increases the local spread of leech saliva through human tissue at the site of the wound and also has antibiotic properties;
  •   A histamine-like vasodilator that promotes local bleeding;
  • And a local anesthetic.

 Complications of applying leaches:

Aeromonas hydrophila infections are a recognized complication of postoperative leech application, with reported incidences ranging from 2.4% to 20%. Prophylactic antibiotics are often recommended. In the event infection develops, early diagnosis and immediate initiation of an empirical intravenous antibiotic therapy are essential.

 Another major concern in the use of leeches is their migration from the surgical site, possibly into the body or the wound itself. One study suggested a possible simple solution, which was to attach 1 end of a surgical suture to the leech and tie the free end to a firm object or dressing..

While leeches still aren’t a surgeon’s first choice, they are considered in a transplant that has failed for lack of venous outflow on the patient that has been put on heparin or other anticoagulants, and has undergone repeat surgeries in which as many of the small veins have been attempted to be connected.




Lusby PE, Coombes A, Wilkinson JM. Honey: a potent agent for wound healing. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2002;29:295-300.

Fox C. Honey as a dressing for chronic wounds in adults. Br J Commun Nurs. 2002;7:530-534.

Ahmed AK, Hoekstra MJ, Hage JJ, Karim RB. Honey-medicated dressing: transformation of an ancient remedy into modern therapy. Ann Plast Surg. 2003;50:143-147; discussion 147-148.

Molan PC, Clinical usage of honey as a wound dressing: an update. J Wound Care. 2004;13:353-356.


Parnés A, Lagan KM. Larval therapy in wound management: a review. Int J Clin Pract. 2007;61:488-493.

Sherman RA, Sherman J, Gilead L, Lipo M, Mumcuoglu KY. Maggot debridement therapy in outpatients. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2001;82:1226-1229.

Sherman RA, Wyle F, Vulpe M. Maggot debridement therapy for treating pressure ulcers in spinal cord injury patients. J Spinal Cord Med. 1995;18:71-74.


Grassberger M, Fleischmann W. The biobag — A new device for the application of medicinal maggots. Dermatology. 2002;204:306.

Derganc M, Zdravic F. Venous congestion of flaps treated by application of leeches. Br J Plast Surg. 1960;13:187-192.

Banis JC, Upton J. Microsurgical reattachment of totally amputated ears. Plast Reconstr Surg. 1987;79:535-541.

Knobloch K et al. Hirudo medicinalis-leech application in plastic and reconstructive microsurgery — a literature review. Handchir Mikroochir Plast Chir. 2007;39:103-107.

Some useful Homeopathic remedies. – Part 9


indexcraving for sweets.

This remedy is deep and long acting and is derived from pure silver.

It is a useful remedy where the neurotic effects are marked.  These patients are anxious and apprehensive about their health.

 It is useful in ailments in persons with a great desire for sweets.

 It is useful when there is a runny nose with sneezing.  It is also useful in cough, with expectoration of gray viscid sputum.

images2improves weak memory

 This remedy is useful in persons with a weak memory with melancholy and useful in examination funk.


 It is useful in headaches caused due to emotional disturbances such as hemi-cranial attacks.

 It is useful when the inner canthi are swollen and red. It is useful in purulent ophthalmia.  It is useful in chronic ulceration of the margin of the lids, which are sore and thick.  It is useful in restoring the power of the weakened ciliary muscles.  It is useful in chronic granular conjunctivitis.

 This remedy suits persons who have a raw throat, which is sore and there is a sensation of a splinter in the throat.  The throat is filled with thick mucous.  It is useful for hoarseness of professional singers and public speakers

 This remedy is useful in most gastric ailments where belching is associated with stomach complaints.  It is useful for explosive belching in neurotics.

 The colic is associated with flatulent distension and the stools are water, noisy, green like chopped spinach and offensive.  This remedy is useful diarrhea occurs after eating and drinking and after sweets.

This remedy is useful when the urine passes unconsciously, day or night.  The urethra is inflamed with burning pain and itching as if there is a splinter.  The urine is dark and scanty and there is emission of a few drops after it is finished.  It is useful whenever the urinary stream is divided.  It is useful in the early stage of gonorrhea, where there is a profuse discharge and terrible cutting pains; with bloody urine.


 This remedy is useful in males with impotence when the erection fails when coitus is attempted.

 This remedy is useful in females with profuse leucorrhoea with erosion of the cervix.

 It is useful in respiratory diseases with chronic hoarseness and high notes cause cough. It is also useful in Angina Pectoris with nightly aggravation and palpitation, with irregular pulse.

 This remedy suits persons who are worse warmth in any form at night, after eating, from cold food, at the menstrual period, from emotions and lying on the left side.

 This remedy also suits persons who are better from eructation, fresh air, cold and pressure.


 ARGENTUM NITRICUM is best applicable when heart attacks set in severely, after meals.

Dr. Leo Bonnin.

In the gastrointestinal sphere where there is a history of an old duodenal ulcer with intolerable burning epigastric pain and much flatulence, ARGENTUM NITRICUM is our remedy: patients are usually thin, high strung and chronic worriers.

Dr. Eisfielder, M.D.

In simple paraplegia from exhaustion, I have more than once found ARGENTUM NITRICUM of signal service.

Dr. Hughes, L.R.C.P.


 A) In Post-Diphtheritic paralysis (CAUSTICUM, CONIUM, NATRUM MUR, PHOS, NAJA.)

 B) In paralysis of the lungs following Diphtheria (LACHESIS, GELSEMIUM, OPIUM).

 Dr. C.P. Bryant, M.D.


The greatest service that ARGENTUM NITRICUM performs is in purulent ophthalmia.  With a large experience in both hospital and private practice, we have not lost a single eye from this disease and everyone and everyone has been treated with internal remedies, most of them with ARGENTUM NITRICUM of a high potency, 30th or 200th.  We Have witnessed the most intense chemosis with strangulated vessels, most profuse purulent discharge, even the cornea beginning to get hazy, and looking as though it would slough, subside rapidly under ARGENTUM NITRICUM internally.  The subjective symptoms are almost none.  Their very absence, with the profuse purulent discharge and the swollen lids from a collection of pus in the eye, or swelling of the subconjuctival tissue of the lids themselves indicates the drug.

 Dr. Tyler, M.D.

 In dull chronic headaches of literary and businessman, ARGENTUM NITRICUM is much recommended.

 Dr. Hughes, L.R.C.P.

index4Cures Claustrophobia.

ARGENTUM NITRICUM cures claustrophobia.

Dr. Tyler, M.D.


Natural Skin Care.



Beauty may be skin deep, but ugly goes clear to the bone.


Redd Foxx

  Humankind today spends billions of dollars on cosmetics and skin creams to look good and have an ageless skin.  Skin care begins with our birth. When we are young, we have diaper rash. In our childhood, we often get boils and scratches. As adolescents, we have pimples and in old age; we have wrinkles.  It is very important that we understand that the skin is a delicate organ and we should use natural skin products that do not harm it.

  Natural skin care is often available to all of us in our own kitchen cabinets and requires a few minutes to prepare. What is more encouraging is that these inexpensive homemade solutions contain natural ingredients that are bereft of costly chemical filled products.

Some simple home remedies for a glowing complexion:

Baking soda:


It makes great sense to rub baking soda over the skin once a week when we shower. It renders the skin smooth and silky. This treatment also helps removing black heads.



This home remedy is great to remove the oily areas of the face, Rinse the face with fresh tomato juice and rinse it off with Luke warm water after a few minutes.

Olive Oil:


Olive Oil is a great moisturizer for the skin and it soothes sunburns.



 Pour 1 cup boiling water over one tablespoon of coltsfoot.  Allow it to steep for 30 minutes. Strain this mixture and wash the face with it. It is useful if you have and oily face. In a few weeks the skin starts glowing.



 This is a great treatment for dry skin. Avocados should be mashed and put as a paste on the skin and should be rinsed after 20 minutes.

Skin-Care & Herbs


Homemade pastes made from Rosemary, lavender, mint, ginger and chamomile, are good for skin irritations because they contain essential oils. 

Skin-Care & Fruits:


Packs made from strawberry, pineapples and more are good for skin conditioning, softening and have plenty of natural vitamins and essential oils.

Ayurveda and Skin Care:


The first step in the Ayurvedic approach to skin care is finding out your Ayurvedic skin type. There are three essential types namely; Vata Skin type, Pitta skin type and Kapha Skin type.

Vata skin is in generally dry, thin, delicate and cool to the touch, easily gets dehydrated, and is very vulnerable to the influence of dry windy weather. Vata skin may age faster, and tends to be dry, rough and flaky when out of balance.

For Vata skin to stay youthful, skin care products used should be very nurturing. They must include some essential oils or herbs in combination, which can nourish the skin and rehydrate it. Otherwise it may be susceptible to wrinkles and premature aging.  Eating meals that balance the Vata is very essential, as is going to bed on time, eating regular meals, and following a regular daily routine are essential components of the approach to Vata skin care,

Vata skin types should eat warm, unctuous foods and favor the sweet, sour and salty tastes to balance the dry, rough, moving Vata dosha. People who have a Vata skin type should nourish the skin by including organic milk, whole grains and green leafy vegetables in their diet.  They should drink lots of lukewarm water every day for internal hydration.  They should eat plenty of sweet juicy fruits which, will help cleanse the body from within and provide hydration as well. They should also include a little healthy fat such as Ghee (clarified butter) or olive oil in their diet for added lubrication. A warm oil self-massage is excellent for keeping skin lubricated. They should use a gentle, all-natural moisturizer to keep facial skin hydrated. They should also get plenty of rest so that the mind as well as the body will have an opportunity to recharge. Such persons of the Vata skin type could use a gentle, moisture-balancing cleanser and splash the face with water several times when they cleanse the face

Pitta skin type tends to be fair, sensitive, soft, warm, and of medium thickness. It has less tolerance to hot food, less tolerance to fieriness in temperament.  Pitta skin types tend to be more prone to freckles and moles than the other skin types.  When out of balance, Pitta skin can flare up in rashes, rosacea, acne, or sunspots.

Pitta Skin Care:

The Pitta skin type needs both cooling and nurturing to keep it in balance. Use skin care products that help enhance resistance to the sun. Avoid tanning treatments and therapies that expose the delicate sensitive skin.  Avoid steaming the face for extended periods of time.

The ayurvedic herb Flame of Forest can help protect Pitta skin from photosensitivity. But this has to be used in combination with other herbs for a balanced effect on the skin.

Caring for Pitta skin:

People who have a Pitta skin type will have to thrive on sweet, bitter and astringent tastes, as found in sweet, juicy fruits, rose petal preserve;. They should have plenty of cooked greens. They should avoid hot, spicy foods.  They should stay away from harsh, synthetic cosmetics that can damage their sensitive skin and cause breakouts. They should strictly avoid hot spicy foods and an excess of deep-fried foods, as such foods add heat to an already fiery constitution. They should eat lots of sweet juicy fruits and have some rose petal jam in cool milk every day.  The rose is considered cooling for mind, body and emotions. They should only use cooling oils, such as coconut oil, for the daily massage. They should cook their meals with cooling spices such as fennel and licorice.  They should take extra care to protect their skin when going out in the sun. They should use gentle, natural skin care products for cleansing and moisturizing their delicate skin…

Kapha skin tends to have all the qualities of water and earth — it can be oily, thick, pale, soft, cool and more tolerant of the sun. Kapha skin tends to age slower and form less wrinkles than the other two types. Kapha skin types may struggle with their dull complexion, enlarged pores, excessive oil, blackheads, and pimples, moist types of eczema and water retention.

Kapha Skin Care

“Kapha skin, because of its thickness and oiliness, is more prone to accumulate toxins under the skin.  People with Kapha skin need to do detoxification on a regular basis, both internal detoxification and external detoxification to flush toxins from the skin.   Scrubbing the skin with gentle exfoliating clay can help external cleansing.  Kapha skin types may also need to take herbal formulations to cleanse the skin from within.

Patients with the Kapha type skin need a diet that is warmer, lighter, less oily, and free of heavy, hard to digest foods. They should eat more bitter, astringent and pungent food that help stimulate digestion and balance Kapha skin. They should avoid too many sweet foods or deep-fried foods, which add to the oiliness in the skin. They should exercise everyday to improve the general circulation. A daily warm oil massage can also help circulation. They should eat plenty of organic vegetables and fruits to help cleanse the body from within. They should cleanse your skin twice everyday; exfoliate with a mud-mask at least once a week. They should cook with warming spices such as ginger and black pepper to stoke the digestive fire and inhibit the accumulation of toxins inside the body.

Nourishment for skin – General Principles in Ayurveda:


Besides following the diet for the various skin types, one must eat foods that are t skin-enhancers. These are: leafy green vegetables. They should also eat foods that have easily digested proteins such as paneer, milk, tofu and sunflower seeds.  Foods high in zinc are found in quinoa; and beta-carotene-rich foods are found in carrots and sweet cherries.  Almonds and walnuts support the skin with their protein and lubricating fat content. Some skin-friendly spices include turmeric to nourish the first four layers of the skin.  Cumin gets rid the body of toxins. Black pepper cleanses the channels, and fennel balances the transformational ability of the skin.  All antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, such as pomegranate, apple, pear, and bitter, green leafy vegetables are also excellent for the skin. It is better to eat only fresh, whole and organic foods.     


 Homeopathic remedies for a flawless skin:


Homeopathy offers many remedies for a flawless skin:


 Psoriasis and different kinds of eczemas:  Many remedies like Psorinum, Graphites, Chrysorobinum, Mezerium, Syphillinum, etc come to mind  and these can be used with certain Bach flower remedies bring back the smile of the patients..


 For itching chilblains and fungal infections: Many medicines like Tellurium, Bovista, Mezerium, Sulphur, can clear the lesions and make the skin flawless…


 Recurrent boils, carbuncles, acne, abscesses:  These stubborn conditions can be very effectively treated by remedies like Hepar sulph, Belladona, Merc sol, Silica, Arnica, Berberis, Tarentula cubensis, etc.


Pruritus or Itching:  This may be with or without eruptions may be associated with many disorders like diabetes, depression, old age dementia, etc. It can be at times very distracting for the day-to-day activities. Here remedies like Fagopyrum, Cicuta, Mezerium, Bovista, Graphites and Petroleum .come to mind

Unhealthy skin in children:   In children, many mothers often complain that the skin that is torn or cut after the child falls.  Every lesion tends to pus formation and delays healing.  Here, remedies like Hepar sulph, Silica, Borax etc. help to cool the lesions and heal the child…



Painful, terribly itchy allergic rash makes life very uncomfortable for the sufferers. It is not always possible to identify the allergen. In these cases remedies like Apis mellifica, Urtica urens, Sulphur are simply marvelous and the patients can get rid of the allopathic anti-allergic tablets…

A natural skin conditioner:

Pound half a cup each of pumpkin, gourd and cucumber seeds until it is ground into a fine powder. Mix it with any cream base to make a thin paste.  To this add a few drops of lemon oil. Massage it into the skin and leave it overnight if possible. Wash off the skin with lukewarm water. The skin starts glowing


  Different homemade remedies are suitable for different people. What is good for one may be a poison for another.  With all these therapies, one must not forget to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day for a healthy skin.

  For a beautiful body and skin, it is very important that we accept ourselves as we are and take care of our bodies.

‘People often say that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”, and I say that the most liberating thing about beauty is realizing that you are the beholder.  This empowers us to find beauty in places where others have not dared to look, including inside ourselves.’ Salma Hayak.

 References and links: