Monthly Archives: March 2016



There are many useful remedies for cough in Ayurveda. However, the Ayurvedic physicians prize the Malabar Nut (Botanical name is Justicia adhatoda) very much and call it ‘BAIDYAMATA’ meaning ‘mother of all physicians.’  There is a Sanskrit hymn in praise of this remedy which says that, as long as Vasaka will remain, patients suffering from spitting of blood, phthisis and common cough and cold need not despair.  Ayurvedic physicians even proclaim that no death can take place from cough from any kind if Vasaka can play its role and be used judiciously to heal the patient.

The Ayurvedic view on cough.

 Ayurveda has a very interesting approach to cough. Ayurveda says cough may be a symptomatic manifestation of a swelling of the uvula, accumulation of wax in the ear, constipation or worm infestation. Allopathic physicians recognize that roundworm infestation can cause eosinophilia which is turn may present itself as cough.  Keeping in line with its philosophy, Ayurveda classifies cough into three varieties.


1) Cough due to vata imbalance increases at night, persists continuously, is generally dry and may be accompanied by chest pain. They recommend an oil massage over the chest followed by hot water fomentation to provide relief. Jeshtamadh or Talisadichurna with honey can be licked as and when there is a severe bout of cough.


2) Cough due to pitta imbalance, is continuous, is accompanied by yellow, mucoid expectoration. A bitter taste persists in the mouth and there are sour eructations. The juice of adulsa leaves mixed with honey is probably the best treatment for this.  A paste made with half a teaspoon of sitopaladichurna and one teaspoon of honey and one-teaspoon ghee makes a good medication to lick when the cough is severe.


3) In the kapha variety, there is heaviness in the chest accompanied by headache. Copious amounts of mucous expectoration occur. The saliva is thick and the mucous is difficult to expel. Ideal remedies include chewing roasted behead (Terminalia bellerica) or sucking a paste of equal quantities of pippali and soonth with honey.

The Malabar Nut is the king of all ayurvedic remedies.


The plant, known, as the, ‘Malabar Nut’ is a small shrub found all over India. The Botanical name of this plant is ‘Justicia adhatoda.’  The bark, leaves, flowers and roots are used extensively in Ayurvedic medicine. It is also commonly called as ‘Vasaka.’

Medicinal uses:

 Charaka used it spitting of blood.  Sushruta found it an excellent remedy in tuberculosis, respiratory troubles and jaundice.  Bavaprakasha found it useful in fevers associated with biliousness and respiratory troubles. Charakadatta found it excellent in slow fevers and leprosy.  Bangasena found it useful in piles. In short, all major Ayurvedic books uniformly extol the virtues of Vasaka.

Homoeopathic physicians find this remedy useful hoarseness of the voice and rattling cough, sneezing and whenever copious yellow mucous is expectorated from the chest.

Allopathic research has revealed that it contains fat, resins, a bitter alkaloid, vasicine, an organic acid, adhatodic acid, sugar gum and salts.  Allopathic research has also revealed that Vasaka has medicinal properties and is useful in rheumatism, constipation, asthma, chronic bronchitis and other chest affections.


Today, there is a sharp increase in respiratory disorders due to pollution. We are encountering antibiotic resistant bacteria.  There has also been a sharp increase in Community Acquired Pneumonias and Viral lung disorders. There is a tremendous resurgence of Tuberculosis.

At such a time, more research should be done on herbs like Vasaka and our rapidly declining Bio-diversity. Our ancient traditions should be researched and preserved.


Some useful Homeopathic remedies – Part 105.



 It is a useful remedy in Angina Pectoris, when the pre-cordial chest pain is preceded by with radiation of the pain in the shoulders and the back.

It is useful when the pulse is feeble, rapid and sinking.

It is useful when the skin is marble cold.


 There are proponents for the use of Nitroglycerine in our own school, but since to be effective, sufficient to cause severe headache must be given.  We have used instead, LACTRODECTUS MACTANS 6x potency, the venom of the Black widow spider.  We have had better than 90% success using this remedy.

Dr. Charles A. Dixon, M.D.

I will not go out without LACTODECTUS MACTANS in my case for the reason that when you want it, you want it very badly.  It will relieve the terrible torture of angina pectoris very promptly and it will hold it for sometime. I have used it repeatedly in these cases. Not only does it hold it, but also, it holds it for a very long while.  You very seldom get a repetition of it afterwards, unless it is a natural pathological condition that has destroyed altogether the coronary artery.

Dr. H. A. Roberts, M.D.




The sun is present every day of our lives and many cultures have worshiped it as a God. Heliotherapy is an alternate therapy that argues that the sun can heal, if we properly sunbathe.

Benefits of the sun:


It contributes to the production of endorphins. These are substances that make us feel “good”, and therefore induce antidepressant effect and promote a sense of well being.
Exposure to sunlight promotes the synthesis of vitamin D, essential for bone health.
It relaxes blood vessels and favors good circulation and activates the production of red blood cells.

It improves circulation in the skin by dilatation capillaries found in the skin surface. So it can help heal injuries from the skin faster.

Induces sweating and enables the body to release toxins.
It improves the immune system by increasing the amount of white blood cells.
Exposure to sunlight has an antiseptic effect. Bacteria are unable to reproduce or die in solar radiation.



Sun exposure should be gradual, and progressive, so that our skin can get used to it. Avoid sun between 11am and 2 pm. This is because these are the hours when solar radiation is generally more intense. It is best to do sunbathing in the early morning or late afternoon. It is best to begin with a session of 10-15 minutes, and then as your skin will adapt, add 5 or 10 minutes in length, up to a maximum of 50 minutes. Another way to start is by exposing only a part of our body; we can start with the feet, and as the days pass, gradually increase the surface of the skin that is exposed until the entire body. It is recommended to change positions every five minutes, so that all our body receives energy from the sun. In the last part of the solar bath, wrap yourself in a light blanket to promote sweating, and thus expel toxins. It is also better to moisturize your body during sun bath.


Sunbathing is useful for cleansing the body, for better bone health and improving skin circulation.

Some useful Homeopathic remedies – Part 104.



This remedy is derived from skimmed cow’s milk.


It is useful in the complications associated with pregnancy, such as
Vomiting in pregnancy, constipation, headaches etc.


This remedy is useful in headaches, which are periodical, intense, throbbing, beginning in the forehead and extending to the back of the head, worse in the morning and associated with nausea, vomiting, blindness and obstinate constipation. It is also useful in those headaches that compel the patient to tie a bandage around his head and for those who are worse from the slightest noise, light or motion.

It is also useful in Diabetes, High blood pressure, and Neuritis.


It is extremely useful in children with milk allergy, causing colds, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea and itchy eruptions.