Amazing Health Benefits of Mulethi or Licorice.

Liqorice roots


Licorice, scientifically known as Glycyrrhiza glabra, is one of the most popular medicinal plants belonging to the Fabaceae family.

Licorice is the source of polysaccharides, simple sugars, proteins, amino acids, and mineral salts like calcium, sodium, potassium, iron, zinc, copper, phosphorous, magnesium, manganese, silicon, and selenium. It also contains vitamins like B1, B2, B3, B5, E and C. Pectins, starches, resins, and gums.


So here are some benefits of mulethi, and ways to use it.

1 . Boosts Immunity

Daily use of Mulethi is known to boost immunity. The enzymes present in the roots of Licorice plant, help the body produce lymphocytes and macrophages which are the body’s natural defense against microbes, pollutants, allergens and cells which cause autoimmune diseases..

2 . Controls Cholesterol Levels

Anti-oxidants present in licorice root are responsible for dilating blood vessels, avoid accumulation of plaque in arteries and veins, and regulate the quantity of fat in the blood.  Drink mulethi tea everyday to reap its benefits.

3 . Cures Cough and Cold

Chewing on mulethi sticks is an age old remedy for sore throat. Its expectorant and bronchodilator properties help with conditions like whooping cough, asthma, dry cough and bronchitis..

4 . Increases Fertility in Women

Mulethi reduces testosterone levels in women suffering from PCOD, thereby increases chances of conception. The estrogen like properties of mulethi combined with its anti-spasmodic properties makes it a remedy for menstrual cramps.

5 . Maintains Digestive Health

Mulethi has anti-viral, anti-inflammatory & anti-bacterial properties; it maintains mucosal health of the digestive tract, relieves constipation, prevents gastric and peptic ulcers.

6 . Cures Skin Ailments

Mulethi is an emollient which helps maintain skin health. Mix powdered mulethi with rose water for oily skin, or with milk for dry skin, to combat de-pigmentation.  Mix powdered mulethi in bathing water to soothe skin rashes.


Mulethi has many more benefits than just the ones listed above. And just as with everything that’s good for you, there are precautions one must take with mulethi.

  • -Restrict consumption of mulethi tea to not more than 2 cups a day.
  • -Patients suffering with liver ailments and diabetes must not consume it regularly.
  • -Heart patients on medication must consult their physicians before using mulethi regularly.
  • -Pregnant women and those suffering from high blood pressure problems must not use mulethi.

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