

The concept of Biorhythms was jointly discovered by two scientists working separately: Dr. Hermann Swoboda, Professor of Psychology, University of Vienna and Dr. Wilhelm Fliess from the Berlin Academy of Sciences.

Biorhythm draws on the theory that everyone is affected throughout ones life by three internal cycles – physical, emotional and intellectual and that determines the amount of energy available to the human being.

The Physical cycle affects resistance to disease, strength and co-ordination of other body functions and takes 23 days to complete.

The Emotional cycle takes factors like moods, perceptions and mental well being and takes about 28 days.

The Intellectual cycle includes memory, alertness and logical aspects of intelligence and takes 33 days to complete.

Importance of Biorhythms:

The cycles begin at birth and then rise to a high positive phase, then plateau off and start declining.  The second half of every cycle is generally negative as the energies diminish.

Biorhythms tend to affect behavior, creativity and bodily functions like immunity and a knowledge of these patterns will help scientists research and warn patients to put off major decisions during their down phase.  Although, statistically it has been found world wide that truly critical days in one’s life only make up about 20% of one’s life, it is important that we have a knowledge of these days so that we become careful.

A proper knowledge of Biorhythms may abort accidents:

 Dr. Hans Schwing who earned a doctorate from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, undertook a study based on the data from insurance companies on 700 persons involved in serious accidents, where personal judgment, reflexes and decision-making processes were involved and not mechanical failures were responsible for accidents.

Overall, Schwing’s study showed that accidents are five times more likely on critical days than on others and death was almost 11 times more likely to occur on a critical day than otherwise.


 A research on Biorhythms shows that one can almost predict motorcar accidents, air accidents and other industrial catastrophes. Studies have shown that more accidents do tend to occur on critical days within the cycle.