Category Archives: Alternatives

Some useful Homeopathic remedies – Part 26


This remedy is derived from the Fluoride of Lime.

It is useful in bone diseases, like bony infiltration, tumors of the bones, mastoid necrosis, and exostosis in the bones.


This remedy is useful in cystic tumors and ganglion.


This remedy is useful in Adenoids, where there is a thick greenish post-nasal discharge.

This is also a very useful remedy for tonsillar swelling, when BARYTA CARB fails.

This remedy is useful when the cervical glands become hard and indurated.


This remedy is useful in varicose veins and varicose ulcers.

This remedy is said to be useful in Gouty nodes and in Lumbago, which is better from rest and heat.


This remedy is said to be useful in Hodgkin’s disease.


I find this remedy useful in Adenoids and in enlarged tonsils. I also find it useful in dissolving exostosis in the bones, especially the spurs in the heels.

Some useful Homeopathic remedies – Part 25.


It is derived from Calcium Carbonate.

It is a great Anti-psoric constitutional remedy. It is one of the most frequently used remedies.

It is useful for patients of the scrofulous type who take a cold easily and is useful in children, who grow fat, are pot-bellied with a large head.


The typical patient needing this remedy is fat, fair, flabby and perspiring. The patient is cold damp and sore and the children needing this remedy crave for eggs and an aversion to meat and milk and it suits children who eat dirt and other indigestible things.

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This remedy suits children who are fat and flabby, slow to learn, have delayed dentition and it also suits children who have curved legs and spine.

It is useful for patients who complain of increase in perspiration, swelling of glands, rickets and incipient phthisis.

The patient’s mind is apprehensive, fears a loss of reason, misfortune and is forgetful and low-spirited. It also suits old people who become weary of life and tend to become insane and melancholic and get fatigued both mentally and physically.

The patient complains of a sense of weight in the head. The fontanels are open and the head is enlarged and there is a lot of perspiration that wets the pillow. The patient also complains of itching of the scalp.

The eye symptoms include corneal ulcers, excessive lachrymation, and fatigue of the eyes and chronic dilatation of the pupils.

It is a useful remedy when there is muco-purulent otorrhoea (ear discharge) and eczema behind the ears.

This remedy is also useful in cases where the nose is sore and stopped up with or without a fetid yellow discharge. It may also be used to treat polyps in the nose and the patient takes a cold with every change of weather.


The remedy is useful when the tonsils and the sub-maxillary glands are enlarged.

This remedy is useful when the patient has an aversion for meat, boiled things, craving for chalk, coal and pencils, egg, salt or sweets.

Milk generally disagrees with these patients and they have sour eructation, heartburn with belching.

The patient may have inguinal and mesenteric glands that are enlarged.


It is useful in Gall stone colic.

The stools are large; it is useful in children’s diarrhea, the stools are hard and then pasty. It is also useful in cases of constipation, where the stools have to be removed mechanically.

It is useful when there are frequent emissions in male followed by weakness and irritability.

In females, there is leucorrhoea that is milky in nature. There is burning and itching in the vaginal area, before and after menstruation and there is lots of sweating in the genital area. The breasts are swollen before menses. There may be sterility that may be associated with copious menstruation. The uterus may have some polyps. This remedy also suits young girls who grow too rapidly and the menstruation is too profuse and too early and long lasting followed by amenorrhoea.

The cough is tickling at night with dyspnoea and the hoarseness may be painless worse while going upstairs.

The joints of these patients may have rheumatoid pains after exposure to wet weather, there may be cramps in the calves and the soles of the feet are raw.

The skin of patients who require Calcarea Carb, is unhealthy, small wounds may not readily heal and glands may be swollen with nettle rash and there may be peticheal eruptions. This remedy is also useful for all ailments, which arise as a result of suppression of eruptions, suppression of menstruation, suppressed sweats, suppressed catarrh and due to defective assimilation of Calcium.

The patients requiring this remedy are always better in a dry climate, lying on the painful side, in the early morning, after rising, after breakfast and after emissions of flatus.

They are worse from exertion, mental or physical exertion, washing with cold water and with wet weather, cold wet weather, after eating, after mental exertion, from milk, dry fruits, sexual excesses and in lactating mothers from suckling their infants.



In Bunions ARNICA often relieves the acute symptoms and CALC CARB frequently cures chronic cases.

Dr. C. G Raue, M.D.

CALC CARB when given in repeated doses in the 30 C dilution relieves the pain attending the passage of Biliary Calculi. It has for me quite superseded the need of Chloroform and ever of the hot bath.
Dr. Hughes L.R.C.P.
CALC CARB is an excellent remedy for Galactorrhoea. It will often modify the lacteal secretion and serve as a preventive of mammary abscess after weaning.
Dr. Sheldon. Leavitt, M.D.

CALC CARB is of special value in cases of pedunculated fibroids: CALC PHOS is useful in sessile fibroids.
Dr. Burnett, M.D.
In children with a Tubercular diathesis or a scrofulous diathesis, is well corrected by CALC. CARB.

Dr. C.S. Raue, M.D.
CALC CARB will control the convulsions in rickets and disordered dentition.
Dr. William. B. Griggs, M.D.

In pus forming abscesses, CALC CARB takes care of them and they will not break.
Dr. Kent, M.D.
CALC CARB is useful for deep abscesses; these will get absorbed or become calcareous.

Dr. A.N. Mukherji, M.D.
Patients who come to hospital complaining of severe cramps, especially in the calves – very often have to get either CUPRUM or CALCAREA.
Dr. Tyler, M.D.

I find this remedy very useful in children who are fair and flabby and have delayed milestones, who have an aversion to milk and eat chalk and indigestible things. It is also useful in chronic constipation and has a deep-seated action on mucous membranes, glands, bones muscles and the female reproductory system.




The DASH diet which means Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension eating plan has been proven to lower blood pressure in studies sponsored by the National Institutes of Health This unique diet involves eating more fruits and vegetables, and low-fat or non-fat dairy.
Some important definitions:

Hypertension is defined as a state where the systolic blood pressure greater than or equal to 140 and/or diastolic blood pressure greater than or equal to 90, or on medication for hypertension.

Prehypertension is defined as a state where the systolic blood pressure is greater than or equal to 120 and/or diastolic blood pressure greater than or equal to 80. This is a new category that reflects concern about increased risk of developing heart disease even with mildly elevated blood pressure. This definition is very important for Asians who have a higher incidence of Diabetes, Hypertension and Metabolic syndrome.

Metabolic syndrome is defined as having 3 or more of the following: either being over weight around the waist, having high blood pressure, low HDL cholesterol, high triglycerides, and/or elevated blood sugar. This is also known as syndrome X, or dys-metabolic syndrome.

The DASH diet is highly recommended:

Several important medical associations endorse the DASH diet.
• The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (one of the National Institutes of Health, of the US Department of Health and Human Services)
• The American Heart Association
• The 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans
• US guidelines for treatment of high blood pressure

The DASH eating plan has been proven to lower blood pressure in just 14 days. Best response came in people whose blood pressure was only moderately high, including those with pre-hypertension. For people with more severe hypertension, who may not be able to eliminate medication, the DASH diet can help improve response to medication, and lower blood pressure. The DASH diet is seen to lower cholesterol and when combined with ah weight loss and exercise program, it can reduce insulin resistance.
The Dietary recommendations of the DASH diet program:

The clinical study, called “DASH” for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, found that elevated blood pressures can be reduced with an eating plan low in saturated fat, total fat, and cholesterol, and rich in fruits, vegetables, and low fat dairy foods. The plan is rich in magnesium, potassium, and calcium, as well as protein and fiber.

The DASH diet includes grains and grain products. It is recommended that patients should include at least 3 whole grain foods each day and should have a minimum of 6 to 7 servings.

The recommendation for fruits is about 4 to 5 servings per day. Raw vegetables and stewed vegetables amount to about 4 to 5 servings’ everyday. Nuts, seeds, and legumes allowances are about 3 – 6 per week

The DASH diet recommends low fat or nonfat dairy foods, which should be about 2 to 3 servings per day.

This diet allows Lean meats, fish, and poultry to be less than 2 servings per day.
1.5 – 2.5
2 or less
Fats and sweets are less than 2 servings per week.



A DASH-style diet is essentially high in vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, low-fat dairy, and whole grains, and low in red and processed meat, salt, and sweetened beverages.

Research was done among persons who had a normal diet, a normal diet with fruits and vegetables and the DASH diet. Subjects on the DASH diet were able to lower their blood pressure remarkable within two weeks. Further research also showed that reducing salt to 1500 mg per day significantly reduced blood pressure. Consequently an adherence to the DASH diet is associated with lower risk for coronary heart disease and stroke.


“If life isn’t about human beings and living in harmony, then I don’t know what it’s about.”

Orlando Bloom (English actor).



One-third of the food we eat comes from crops that need animal pollinators. Without bees, billions of dollars’ worth of crops across the United States would fail. The importance of bees as pollinating insects has increased all over the world. It is estimated that a quarter of human food depends on bee pollination.

Since 15,000 years, man has been using honey. This has been possible because bees have been visiting flowers by the millions. It .is estimated that that one kilo of honey is produced after bees visit 5-7 million flowers. Bees utilize their glands to produce enzymes, which convert nectar into honey. The end result is a well-preserved, bacteria-destroying, easily digestible, readily energized food.

It is also known that bees can sting badly. The much feared bee sting has a lot of therapeutic value. Bee venom therapy is also called as APITHERAPY. Man has known the medicinal use of honeybee products since ancient times. This is a very remarkable experimental therapy that is useful for humans and does not cause cruelty or death to these precious insects.

The Chemical Ingredients in Bee venom:

Honeybee venom contains at least 18 active substances.
• Melittin is an anti-inflammatory agent, which is 100 times more potent than Hydrocortisol.
• Adolapin is another strong anti-inflammatory substance, which inhibits Cyclooxygenase activity and thus exhibits an analgesic effect.
• Other substances include, hyaluronidase, Compound X, Phospholipase, A2, Histamine and Mast Cell Degranulating Protein, Neurotransmitter like Dopamine, Nor adrenaline and Serotinin.

 Research using Bee venom:
• Patients suffering from phlebitis and thrombophlebitis improved in terms of increased skin temperature and better blood circulation in their limbs.
• Good results were shown in all the sciatica cases.
• When combined with an oral therapy, such as vitamin therapy, good analgesic effects were obtained in cortisone-dependent patients suffering from rheumatoid, polyarthritis. The bee venom is applied for 4 –5 days, followed by a 2 – 3 day break. Treatment is then re-commenced again. Using this method no adverse effects were reported.
• Applying the venom as an ointment topically provided a long-lasting effect and offers significant benefits in arthritic and rheumatic conditions.
• Bee venom therapy was found to be useful in acute and chronic injuries, bursitis, tendonitis and chronic neck pains
• It is useful in dissolving scar tissues and keloids.
• It is useful in Multiple Sclerosis, where its mechanism of action is poorly understood.

How is Bee venom therapy performed?

Bee venom therapy can be performed by a beekeeper and the patient can be taught to use the bees. The bee is taken out of a hive and the number of sites, where the patient is to be stung is determined beforehand and it depends on the condition that the patient is suffering from. A simple tendonitis may respond with a few stings. A chronic arthritis may require 2 to 3 stings for about 3 months, before a favorable result is obtained. Patients with Multiple Sclerosis take many months before they respond. Bee venom is also extracted in sterilized vials and doctors mix anesthetic agents and to prevent the pain of the sting.

The Side effects of the treatment are:


• Inflammation
• Itching
• Rarely a severe life threatening choking may result because of an anaphylactic reaction.


Bee venom therapy is an interesting alternative therapy, which has important uses. It has generated a lot of interest among medical researchers because it shows promise in refractory disease. This therapy is an example of man using nature’s resources for his benefit, without exhibiting cruelty to the bees.

References and links:

Abstracts from The XXIXth International Congress of Apiculture of Apimondia, Bucharest, 1983.

Elena Palos and Filofteia Popescu; Use of Bee Venom in Anti-rheumatic Drugs. (Romania).

Some useful Homeopathic remedies – Part 23.



It is a useful remedy in Cholera and Yellow Fever, where there is exhaustion, vomiting and extreme prostration and the disease runs a deathward course.


It is a wonderful remedy for stomach cancer, where there is nausea, retching and blackish vomit.

There is hemorrhage of the bowels with black clots.

It is useful for pyuria with raw soreness of the urethra

The patient wakes out of his sleep with a sensation of suffocation or stops breathing on going to sleep.

Readers must realize that this remedy only palliates Cancer of the Stomach, which is a deadly malignancy. It just helps to keep the patient comfortable by reducing the nausea or the hematemesis. IT IS NOT A CURE FOR Cancer OF THE STOMACH.


Some useful Homeopathic remedies – Part 22.


This remedy is derived from the flowering plant, the Night blooming circus.


This remedy is useful in Cardio-vascular disorders, such as Angina Pectoris and in IHD’s.

It suits patients, who have a suffocative feeling and feel that the heart is clasped by a vice and have palpitation.

It is also useful in cases of cardiac conditions associated with coldness of the extremities and numbness of the left arm.


This remedy is useful in cases of Acute Left Ventricular failure.


It is also useful in cases of ‘Globus Hystericus’, which is a hysterical condition where there is a sensation of a lump choking the throat.

Although this remedy is considered useful in Angina Pectoris and Ischemic Heart disease, I do not think that any allopathic physician would dare to use it as a first line anti-angina agent. With the advances in Interventional Cardiology, this remedy may become marginalized. It must however be remembered that this remedy has come over a hundred years ago, when we did not have nitrates, or remedies like Trimetazidine, Nicorandil, low dose aspirin preparations and the large majority of remedies that we have in the allopathic armamentarium to combat Coronary Artery disease today.

Some useful Homeopathic remedies – Part 21.



It is derived from the White Bryony plant, found all over Europe, especially in Germany and France.

This remedy acts on all the serous membranes and the viscera they contain.

The general character of pain in this remedy is STITCHING, TEARING, WORSE BY MOTION AND BETTER BY REST.

The patient is very irritable, inclined to be vehement and angry.

It suits subjects who are anxious, angry and obstinate.

It suits children who are fretful and dislike being carried or being raised.

It is a useful remedy when the patients are sluggish in nature and their complaints develop slowly.

It suits subjects, who fear death and poverty.

It suits subject, whose complaints develop after an exposure to cold or when warm weather sets in after cold days

The mucous membranes are all dry and there is an excessive thirst.

The stools are dry, hard and stony.

The rheumatic pains and swellings are often associated with effusion of the synovial membranes.

The patient experiences painful stitching pain and stiffness in the small of the back.

It is useful in Pleuro-pneumonia with a dry hacking cough. It is magical in acute pleurisy, where there is a stitching or tearing pain worse from coughing, movement, sneezing and even the breathing is painful.
This remedy is useful in acute mastitis, where the breasts become hot, inflamed, and painful and heave and the patient feels compelled to support the breast to prevent the slightest movement.

This remedy is useful in acute hepatitis, where the liver is congested, inflamed and enlarged with stitching pain in the right hypochondrium, worse from motion or changing position and better from lying on the right or painful side.

It is useful in Typhoid fever, when the symptoms develop sluggishly, associated with a headache, coated tongue and thirst for large quantities of water and the patient lies very quietly, due to the soreness of the body and likes cool open air.
This remedy is useful in meningitis arising after the suppression of exanthematous fevers.

The patient is worse by warmth, the least motion, eating, hot weather, exertion and touch.

The patient feels better lying on the painful side, pressure, rest and cold things.


I use only the most often indicated remedy in the first stages of Appendicitis, usually being BRYONIA, the symptoms being characteristic of this trouble. I recommend surgery unless marked improvement is evident within 24 hours.
Dr. Walter James.

In peritonitis, Bryonia is useful when we desire to remove the effused fluid, as soon as possible.
Dr. Boehr.

The pathological picture, developed by the super-invention of Pericarditis, during pneumonia or pleurisy generally corresponds very fully with the pathogenesis of BRYONIA.

Dr. Boehr.

BRYONIA is generally considered a remedy for acute diseases but I know of no more frequently needed medicine for those elderly women who are constipated and suffer much with vertigo. Bryonia is almost an absolute specific for those cases, many of which are slightly rheumatic.

Dr. William Henry Schwartz, M.D.

No remedy in the Materia Medica has a stronger claim to a position among the anti-pneumonia remedies than BRYONIA, judging from both its provings and clinical experience.

Dr. Goodnough.

In the second stage of pleurisy, after the stage of serous effusion has commenced, no remedy can equal BRYONIA.

Dr. Burt.

For Pleuro-pneumonia BRYONIA is almost a specific.

Dr Burt.

In the acute digestive complication of Influenza, the drug that I have found most frequently indicated is BRYONIA. Here we have a classical picture of acute gastritis, with extreme abdominal sensitiveness, intense nausea, aggravated by any movement; better by eructation and relief from hot drinks. This is not infrequently a complication that yields very readily to BRYONIA.
Dr. D.M Borland, M.B., Ch.B., F.F Hom (Lond).

BRYONIA takes care of the vaccination reaction following Anti-typhoid and anti-paratyphoid shots.
Dr. A. H. Grimmer, M.D.

This remedy is extremely useful in fevers, where the patient just lies still and has a thirst for large quantities of water. I have also seen that it is useful in cases of Post-viral Pleural effusion and it aids in re-absorption of the pleural effusion and reduces the pain during the inspiration. It is also useful in many case of constipation.


Some useful Homeopathic remedies – Part 20


This remedy is derived from a fungus called as Lycoperdon bovista.


It is useful to overcome stammering in children.


It is useful for persons who are clumsy and keep dropping things.


It is useful to treat Urticaria (Hives) that comes on whenever the patient is excited.


It is useful in Dermographia (a condition, where blunt instruments leave a great impression in the skin).


It is useful in treating Herpetic eruptions.

Bovista is the remedy of choice to antidote coal tar applications.

It is useful in acne arising due to the over use of cosmetics.

It is useful for intolerable itching in the tip of the tailbone.

It is useful even in certain forms of eczemas.


Looseness of bowels before or during menstrual period: BOVISTA.

Dr. William R. Powell.

BOVISTA antidotes effects of local applications of tar; suffocation from gas.

Dr. H.C. Allen, M.D.


I find this remedy useful in some cases of Urticaria. It is also useful in some cases of Psoriasis, where coal tar based ointments have been used. I do not have much experience in eczemas. It is said to be very useful in Herpetic infections.


Some useful Homoepathic remedies – Part 19


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Fear of the Roller coaster. Fear of descending stairs.

This remedy is derived from the bicarbonate of soda and it was Dr. Hahnemann who proved it.

THE KEYNOTE SYMPTOM OF THIS REMEDY IS ‘DREAD OF DOWNWARD MOTION’. It is a useful remedy for those who dread taking a ride on roller coasters, giant wheels etc.

It is also useful in children who have fear of falling and a dread on looking down.

It is also useful for those persons who have a dread on walking down a flight of stairs.


ANOTHER KEYNOTE SYMPTOM is that this remedy is useful for Mouth ulcers. It is useful in sore mouths, worse after eating salty or sour food.


It is a useful remedy when children wake up suddenly from the sleep and scream, grasping the sides of the cradle, without any apparent cause.

It is also extremely suitable for extremely nervous persons, who are easily frightened by the slightest noise or unnatural sharp sounds.

It suits women with a shiny red nose.


It is used in Enteropion, a condition where the eyelashes turn inward, causing inflammation of the eye, especially on the outer canthus, where the margins of the lids are very sore.


It is useful for babies with oral thrush infection.

It is a useful remedy when the child has burning urine and screams while passing urine.

This remedy is also useful for fungal infections in the vagina.

This remedy is used in sterility as it favors conception. It is also useful in leucorrhoea, which is profuse, albuminous, and starchy with a sensation, as if warm water were flowing down the vagina, in the inter-menstrual period. This discharge is acrid and like that of the white of an egg.

The patient is always worse after downward motion, noise, and smoking and in warm weather.

The patient is better by pressure, in the evening and in cold weather. It is also useful in subjects, in whom the slightest injuries suppurate.

This remedy is suitable for subjects who are worse from downward motion, from sudden noise, smoking, and damp cold weather and before urinating.

It also suits subjects who are better from pressure and holding the painful side with the hand.
Inflammatory stricture in the rectum: BORAX.

Dr. Tyler, M.D.
It is the observation of Dr. Gowers that BORAX is useful in Psoriasis.

Dr. Hughes, L.R.C.P.


BORAX acts on the majority of cases of Airsickness, because it is the sudden dip, which affects most people, and particularly their terror of falling. I have had a number of cases in which I have completely stopped air- sickness by 3 or 4 doses of BORAX before they have started flying.

Dr. D. M. Borland, M.D.
This remedy is magical for mouth ulcers (aphthous ulcers). The results are amazing. When it works, it works faster than Metronidazole, or Vitamins or even steroid, which are used to combat this disease in allopathic medicine. It takes away the rawness in the mouth and the patient is comfortable in a few doses. I have also found it useful in children who suddenly cry out in the sleep or while urinating.