

Isopathy is derived from “isos pathos” or “equal suffering” refers to the use of the precise substance that causes an illness as a therapeutic tool for that same illness. Isopathy is the principle underlying conventional immunotherapy like vaccinating with measles in an attempt to prevent measles or injecting pollen extract to try to subdue pollen allergies

Homeopathy is derived from “homoios pathos” or “similar suffering” is founded on the principle of similars.  A medicinal substance that can produce a certain set of symptoms in healthy persons in a clinical setting can be used to stimulate a curative response in individuals experiencing a similar set of symptoms in an innate disease process.

Benefits of Isopathy:

Clinical experience has shown that Isopathy may be used for a number of conditions and issues and that the benefits include:

  • Assist in regulating internal ecology (pH and cell respiration)
  • Regulates dysfunctions of the lymphatic system
  • Supports the GI system and its beneficial micro flora
  • Supports the elimination of metabolic and decomposition product
  • Reduces the effects of biochemical stress
  • Improves immune function and microcirculation

How does Isopathy work?

Isopathy is a concept based on the presence of microorganisms in our body that can change form depending on the internal environment of our body. Isopathic/pleomorphic therapy nonviolently normalizes the symbiotic equilibrium between endobiont and its organism on the basis of the species-identical organisms.  Isopathic remedies help in harmonizing and treating imbalances in the body and are useful in treating various medical conditions and providing new potential treatments for different illnesses. Diseases indicate healing processes, which attempt to return a disturbed symbiosis to the original healthy condition. Whether the biological self-healing forces of the organism will win over the disease, or whether the symbiont is able to develop unchecked into a parasite, depends on the condition of the milieu in which the disturbance plays out.

What is a Nosode?

A nosode is a potentized remedy prepared from diseased tissue or the product of disease (from the Greek nosos = disease, eidos = like). Classically speaking, a remedy is only homeopathic when prescribed for a patient whose symptomatology corresponds to that of the remedy – until then it is simply a “potentized” remedy. 
Nosodes are further classified based on the source and recipient. An isonosode is a potentized remedy made from diseased tissues or products of disease from the same group of patients/animals. An autonosode is a potentized remedy made from diseased tissues or products of disease from the same patient.

The fact that nosodes have the ability to resurrect previously suppressed diseases should indicate the need for caution in their use. Nosodes are excellent therapeutic tools and their judicious use can produce wonderful results, but they should not be used alone in preference to the simillimum if you have a choice.


The challenge homeopathy and Isopathy face in this century in order to reestablish themselves as important medical systems worthy of status, funding and development is to address their modus operandi. A satisfactory explanation of how they work is essential – which makes additional research a priority.

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