Marshmallow and its medicinal uses.


Marshmallow root, or Althaea officinalis, is a flowering plant that has played a role in herbal medicine for centuries.  Many people use marshmallow root for various ailments, including coughs, skin irritation, and digestive problems, such as ulcers. It comes in the forms of a powder, capsule, tea, and cough syrup.

Medical uses of Marshmallow:

Relieves coughs

Some natural and herbal cough syrups and cough drops contain marshmallow root. The mucilage may have a soothing effect on the esophagus by coating.

Improves the dry mouth:

Chronic dry mouth also called as xerostomia can cause an increase in cavities, gum disease, and dental infections. Dry mouth usually means that a person has too little saliva in their mouth. To treat dry mouth, people can use marshmallow root lozenges. It is important to allow the lozenge to dissolve slowly in the mouth and to avoid chewing it.

Protects against ulcers:

Marshmallow has the ability to prevent gastric ulcers.  Based on these results, the authors suggest that the mucilage and flavonoids in the marshmallow plant may cover and protect the mucous lining of the stomach, which may reduce the risk of certain ulcers, including NSAID-associated ulcers.

Soothes skin inflammation:

Marshmallow root may help with skin irritation and inflammation.  Although marshmallow root may have a healing effect on sun-damaged skin, people should not use it in place of proper sun protection. UV radiation as it can cause premature aging of the skin.

Healing wounds:

The soothing effect of marshmallow plant extracts may also help speed wound healing.  Marshmallow extract was effective in killing specific types of bacteria, which could help prevent skin infection.


Protecting the throat from gastric reflux:
Marshmallow prevents gastric reflux which can cause damage to the esophagus from acid reflux. The demulcent effect, whereby the mucilage coats a person’s esophagus, can protect it from the stomach’s damaging acids.


Due to its low risk of side effects and long history of medicinal use, marshmallow root is a good natural option for treating minor ailments. As with any herbal remedy, ask a doctor before using it, and do not use herbs in place of a doctor’s recommended treatment.

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