Medicinal uses of Goldenrod.


Goldenrod is a yellow-gold wildflower often viewed as a common weed. Over 50 species of it are native to the Americas, and it grows widely in Europe and Asia as well.  Many of the benefits of goldenrod come from its astringent and anti-inflammatory nature. It also has antimicrobial and diuretic properties and has been used for everything from fevers to snakebites to urinary tract infections.

Benefits of Goldenrod:

Full of antioxidants:

Antioxidants are key to staying healthy as you age. They protect your cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals, which has been linked to many chronic diseases, including cancer.

Eases inflammation and pain:

One of the most powerful benefits of goldenrod is its ability to reduce inflammation and pain. It’s frequently infused into oil and used topically in salves and creams for sore muscles, injuries, arthritis, etc.

Useful in Kidney health:

Goldenrod has a long history of use for the urinary system and bladder health. It’s an astringent, which means it tones and tightens tissues, and an antiseptic, which means it, fights certain infections. Both of these properties explain its regular use for urinary tract infections (UTIs).   Goldenrod also has diuretic properties. It can increase urine flow, which helps to flush out toxins, potentially preventing kidney stones from forming

Useful in colds and fevers:

Goldenrod can be supportive during a cold or the flu, it helps to break up mucus in your lungs, allowing you to expel it and breathe better. It’s also a mild diaphoretic that will support your body during a fever.

Useful in seasonal allergies:

It is beneficial in helping with the seasonal allergies. Because it’s an astringent (drying) herb, goldenrod is most helpful for symptoms like runny nose, runny eyes, and sneezing.

It is used in wound healing:

Native Americans once used it frequently for wounds, burns, and sores. They would use it as a poultice applied to damaged skin or as a skin wash.

Useful in diarrhea:

Goldenrod has been used as a remedy for diarrhea in the past. Its astringent, drying nature helps to tone tissues in the digestive tract. It likely also helps with inflammation caused by digestive upset and diarrhea.  The bitter nature of goldenrod helps overall to stimulate digestion and improve absorption of nutrients


Goldenrod is used by Native tribes in North America for centuries.  Goldenrod has also been used to treat tuberculosis, diabetes, enlargement of the liver, gout, hemorrhoids, internal bleeding, asthma, and arthritis. In folk medicine, it is used as a mouth rinse to treat inflammation of the mouth and throat.

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