Some useful Homeopathic remedies – Part 142.


This remedy is derived from Phosphorus.

It produces a picture of destructive metabolism.  It suits those children who are born sick, who are feeble, anemic and nervous.  It suits persons who grow up too quickly and are slender and delicate, with a quick sense of perception and for those who are very sensitive to light, noise, light, odors, thunder storms and touch.  It also suits persons who are weak and easily exhausted, weary of life and full of gloomy thoughts.

It inflames and degenerates the mucous membranes and causes paralysis.  It destroys the bone, especially the lower end of the jaw and the tibia.

It is suited to tall and slender subjects, who are narrow chested, with a transparent skin, weakened with the loss of animal fluids.

It is useful in muscular pseudo-hypertrophy and neuritis.

It is useful in osteomyelitis with fragility of the bones.

It is useful in subjects, who are low-spirited, easily vexed, those who are clairvoyant, with a great tendency to start, with a loss of memory, restlessness and a tendency to be fidgety.

This remedy is useful in vertigo of the aged, with neuralgia and brain-fag.

It is useful in itching of the scalp, dandruff, falling of hair in huge bunches.

It is useful in subjects, who may have cataract with optic atrophy.  It is useful in loss of vision due to the abuse of tobacco.  It is a useful remedy in Diploplia, Glaucoma and retinal degeneration.

It is suitable in subjects who have hearing impairment.

It is useful, whenever there is a fan like motion of the nostrils, bleeding from the nose, periostitis of the nasal bones and polyps of the nose.

THE KEYNOTE SYMPTOM OF THE REMEDY IS THIRST FOR COLD WATER.  It suits subjects, who have hunger after eating, sour taste and sour eructation after eating.  This remedy is useful for subjects who vomit water as soon as it gets warm in the stomach.  This remedy suits old persons with diarrhea. It is a specific remedy in subjects with constipation, when the feces are slender, long, dry, touch and hard and are voided with great straining and difficulty.


It is useful in Acute Hepatitis, fatty degeneration and pancreatic disease, with fetid stools and flatus.  It is also useful in painless, copious debilitating diarrhea, where the subject feels weak after passing stools.

It is useful in male subjects, who have a lack of sexual power, in spite of a great desire. It is useful in subjects who have involuntary seminal emissions with lascivious dreams.

It is useful in female subjects, who have endometritis, fistulous tracts after mammary abscess.  It is also useful in female subjects, who have early, but scanty menstruation, but lasts too long and weeps before menstruation.  It also suits female subjects, who have profuse leucorrhoea, which is profuse and smarting.  It also suits female subjects, who are nymphomaniacs.

It suits subjects, who have a painful soreness of the larynx and in Clergyman’s sore throat.  It is also useful, when the subject has lost his or her voice and cannot talk on account of pain in the throat.  It suits subjects, who have a cough arising out a tickling sensation in the throat.

It also suits subjects, who have pneumonia with obstruction of the chest. It is a useful remedy in tuberculosis in rapidly growing young people.

It suits persons who have violent palpitation with anxiety.

It is useful in ascending sensory or motor paralysis. It is a useful remedy in cases of necrosis of the inflamed Tibia. It is useful in subjects, whose joints have a tendency to suddenly give way.

It suits subjects who have drowsiness after eating.

It suits subjects, who have ecchymosis, petichiae, and it is also useful in cases of scurvy.  It suits subjects with a hemorrhagic tendency, when small wounds bleed profusely from every mucous outlet.

It suits subjects, who are worse from touch, physical or mental exertion, worse from warm food or drink and change of weather.

It also suits subjects who are better from the dark, lying on the right side, cold food, washing from cold water or sleep.


 Many Surgeons are accustomed to give a dose of PHOSPHORUS in reasonably high potency an hour or two before operating.  They claim that it seems to prevent a great many of troubles, which arise as a result of the shock after opening the abdomen.  When this is done, it often avoids peristaltic troubles, which may follow abdominal surgery.

Dr. H. A. Roberts, M.D.

PHOSPHORUS has been found of value in allaying apprehension before operation in children.

Dr. D. M. Gibson, F.R.C.S., F.F. Hom (Lond).

PHOSPHORUS is useful in clearing up vision after an Iridectomy.

Dr. Charles C. Boericke, M.D.

PHOSPHORUS: Pulmonary edema following acute congestion.

Dr. Clarke, M.D.

The big ‘5’ in obstetrical hemorrhage are MILLEFOLIUM, PHOSPHORUS, NITRIC ACID, SECALE CORNTUM, and SABINA.

Dr. Krichbaum.

Repeatedly I have observed that after PHOSPHORUS has been taken (which has exact relations to the male and female sexual organs), pregnancy occurred; hence this remedy should be remembered in Sterility, if the other conditions are in the realm of this remedy.

Dr. Rummel.

For those hypertensives that crave salt, PHOSPHORUS will frequently counteract the bad effects.

Dr. H.W. Eisfielder, M.D.

I know that Dr. Blackman used PHOSPHORUS in hemorrhage from the bowels of the newborn and with success.

Dr. Robert L. Wood, M.D.

9 out of 10 cases of Infective Hepatitis in children need this medicine: PHOSPHORUS.

Dr. Foubister, M.B., Ch.B., D.C.H.

PHOSPHORUS is useful for constipation due to a Gastric neurosis, and when occurring in fevers and chronic diseases of the circulatory and intestinal tract, with prostration of the vital forces.

Dr. Strong.


Dr. R. B. Das.

When there is excessive flatulency in dyspepsia with frequent palpitation, and intermittent pulse, accompanied with much despondency, I have seen grand results from PHOSPHORUS.

Dr. Burt.

PHOSPHORUS is an excellent remedy for gum bleeding.  The treatment should be commenced with this remedy unless it is ruled out by clear indications of other remedy

PHOSPHORUS renders excellent service in chronic gastritis.

Dr. Boehr.

It is dangerous to give PHOSPHORUS in high potencies to patients with advanced Phthisis, as it may start a hemorrhage that may prove to be fatal.  Hence, keep low: 12 or 30.

Dr. Tyler, M.D.

PHOSPHORUS little doses taken before singing, gives great tone to the voice and helps to reach high notes without effort. ARNICA, taken after singing, is a restorative for body and voice.

Dr. Bennett.

PHOSPHORUS occupies a high place in the treatment of Acute Lobar Pneumonia, particularly if it takes a typhoid form.

Dr. Burt.

Dr. Kent states in his lectures on ARSENIC in Pneumonia that ARSENIC, while it ameliorates the condition, rarely cures unless a does of PHOSPHORUS or SULFUR follows. Kent makes the statement definitely. He says, “Those desperate cases that ARSENIC brings up and warms up for a little while will need “PHOSPHORUS”.

Dr. Grimmer, M.D.

I think that those who are the best qualified to judge, believe that the evidence is that PHOSPHORUS raises the opsonic index to tubercular infection, the same may be said of BAPTISIA to Typhoid infections, BRYONIA appears to raise the index to Pneumococcal infections, BELLADONNA & HEPAR SULF to those of staphylococcal and perhaps to streptococcal infections.

Dr. Carl. Williams, M.D.

PHOSPHORUS is very useful for the debility following influenza. It is a great post-influenza tonic.

Dr. Dewey, M.D.

CADMIUM IODIDE along with PHOSPHORUS, are antidotes to Radiation burns.

Dr. A.H. Grimmer, M.D.

I have removed many corneal opacities by a steady course of PHOSPHORUS 6x and SILICA 6x.

Dr. Wheeler, M.D.

PHOSPHORUS is the surest remedy for this disorder and helps more frequently than any other remedy; if a cure is cont completed by PHOSPHORUS, LYCOPODIUM and no less SILICA will be found indispensable.

Dr. Jahr.

A good rule to follow is when any two systems are involved, such as heart and lungs, or brain and kidneys, think of and study PHOSPHORUS.

Dr. H.W. Eisfielder, M.D. D.Ht., F.A.G.S.

Vomiting of water after 5 minutes: PHOSPHORUS.

I find PHOSPHORUS especially indicated in young men who are trying to restrain their natural sexual passion and yet there is locally erethism. This PHOSPHORUS helps most wonderfully to control.

Dr. E. A. Farrington, M.D.

PHOSPHORUS although it has the marked symptom of unquenchable thirst for cold drinks, also is a thirstless remedy, a fact, which is very easily overlooked.

Dr. Rudolph F. Rabe, M.D.

PHOSPHORUS, SILICA & LACHESIS is three very dangerous remedies if there is a pre-tubercular tendency.  The wrong potency or too frequent repetition may drive the patient into active tuberculosis.

Dr. E. W. Hubbard.

Tuberculous women of the PHOSPHORUS type readily abort.

Dr. Ellis Barker.