Therapeutic touch therapy.


In Therapeutic Touch, therapists lay their hands on or near their patient’s body with the intention to help the healing process. In doing so, therapists believe that they are intentionally directing or modulating an individual’s energies by interacting with his or her energy field. The focus is on balancing the energies of the total person and stimulating the body’s own natural healing ability rather than on the treatment of specific physical diseases.

The Basis of Therapeutic touch:

  The human being is an open energy system composed of layers of energy that are in constant interaction with self, others, and the environment.

  Illness is an imbalance in an individual’s energy field.

  Clearing or balancing the energy field promotes health.

  All humans have natural abilities to heal and enhance the healing in others.

A typical session is:

A session lasts approximately 15 to 30 minutes. You will sit in a comfortable chair and lie down fully clothed. The Therapeutic Touch practitioner will begin by discussing your goals for healing. He or she will then use light touch and/or sweeping hand motions above the skin surface to assess and balance the energy in and around the body.

The Therapeutic touch practitioners do the following:

  1. Center themselves in the present moment and bring themselves to a calm, quiet state of consciousness.
  2. Review the client’s energy field. 
  3. Clear and mobilize the client’s energy field, direct energy to achieve wholeness, and balance the field.
  4. Evaluate and close the treatment. 
  5. Ask for feedback and answer client questions.


The aim of Therapeutic Touch is to assist the recipient in tapping into their own healing process and to restore completeness and wellbeing at the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels of the person.

Therapeutic Touch does not attempt to cure disease, but rather to stimulate the body’s natural healing process. According to Therapeutic Touch texts, the major effects of Therapeutic Touch are a deep relaxation response, reduction of pain and anxiety, and faster wound healing.

Practitioners believe that this therapy promotes health and wellbeing and eases the dying process.  Patients who are undergoing chemotherapy or radiation have found it helpful in reducing side effects of treatment, such as nausea, vomiting, weakness, or fatigue. Others have seen reduced feelings of anxiety or grief.

Therapeutic Touch can benefit people of all ages and all states of health or illness, as well as plants and animals.

This therapy is generally very safe, but precautions need to be taken with pregnant women (since there is more than one energy field), and people with some forms of mental illness. Experienced practitioners will take these factors into account.

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