Category Archives: Alternatives

Some useful Homeopathic remedies – Part 122.


This remedy is derived form Cyanide of Mercury.


It is a useful remedy in acute infections, pneumonia and nephritis.


It is also very useful in Diphtheria.

It is useful when the throat feels raw and sore and the hoarseness is worse while talking and the throat is painful.  It is also useful in the necrotic destruction of the soft palate and the fauces.


It is useful when there is redness around the anus, and there are black stools.

It is useful in Nephritis with great debility and chilliness.


 As a preventive of Diphtheria, MERC CYANATUS ranks high, perhaps equaling, if not exceeding; DIPHTHERINUM when given in the 30x, or C C potencies.  Hering quotes from Allef. Hom Zgt-vol – 88: page 92 thus: “If the remedy is given in the stage of invasion, i.e. before exudation is deposited it will not appear at all; as a prophylactic, it is equally effective.  Paralysis and other diseases have not been observed after the use of this drug.  Several Physicians have never seen any results from it because they give the 2nd and 3rd triturition or dilution, which is much too strong, or rather, not sufficiently developed.”  I have had the opportunity of confirming the above, both curatively as a preventive.

Dr. A Pulford, M.D.

 Bad effects of Diphtheria Antitoxin – these also remove the germs from the throat of carriers DIPHTHERINUM, MERC.CYANATUS.

Calcutta Hom. Med. College Mag.

Diphtheria or any other disease, beginning with collapse, dry skin, not sweating, is a most serious type of disease to meet. MERC CYANATUS will give a wonderful result.

Dr. Boger, M.D.




Zero balancing therapy is a powerful body mind therapy that uses skilled touch to address the relationship between energy and the structures of the body. It was developed by Fritz Smith, MD in the early 1970s.  The therapy typically lasts for 30 to 45 minutes, the practitioner uses finger pressure and gentle traction on areas of tension in the bones, joints and soft tissue to create fulcrums, or points of balance, around which the body can relax and reorganize.


 Zero Balancing focuses primarily on key joints of our skeleton that conduct and balance forces of gravity, posture and movement.  Zero Balancing helps to clear blocks in the body’s energy flow, amplify vitality and contribute to better postural alignment. A Zero Balancing session leaves you with a wonderful feeling of inner harmony and organization.

Benefits of Zero Balancing therapy:

Zero Balancing can help relieve body aches and pain, release restrictions in movement, and provide lasting relief from emotional distress to improve overall quality of life.  It is very useful for certain cases of chronic back pain. It also improves concentration and sleep by releasing unwanted stress, eliminating old behavior patterns, or boosting a sense of well-being. Zero Balancing works in conjunction with medical therapy and is not a substitute for it.

Zero Balancing helps to free the flow of energy in the musculoskeletal system to help relieve stress and boost your body’s natural energy.  Zero Balancing helps open stuck areas in the body’s natural shock absorbers: the tarsal bones in the arches of the feet, the joints where the ribs meet the spine, the neck, the hips and the sacrum. Once these areas are free, the pain is released and it enhances stability, balance and freedom

Zero Balancing helps to create a wonderful feeling of inner and outer balance, alignment and organization. When blocks are cleared and balanced one experiences a sense of renewed freedom, a sense of connection, peace and happiness


Zero balancing is a wonderful Alternative therapy and it releases mental, emotional and physical tension. Zero Balancing helps patients to feel better equipped to handle daily pressures.

Some useful Homeopathic remedies – Part 121.


 This remedy is derived from Mercuric chloride.


This remedy is useful in cases of severe cases of stomatitis with large aphthous patches all over the mouth.

 It is also useful in gonorrhea with tenesmus, while passing urine.


It is useful in conjunctivitis with acrid lacrymation, iritis (corneal inflammation), edema of the lids, redness of the eyes, with severe bleeding and the soreness of the eyes.

It is useful in bleeding and soreness of the eyes.

It is also useful in excessive coryza (cold) with ozena (loss of sensation of smell).


It is a useful remedy when the throat is swollen painful and intensely inflamed, when the swallowing is painful, and there is burning pain with great swelling.


It is useful in dysentery, not relieved by stool, or when the stool is red hot, bloody, slimy offensive with cutting pains in the rectum.  This remedy is useful in subjects who constantly have the sensation of passing stools, which is not relieved by stool.


It is useful when there is intense burning in the urethra, with burning, scanty urine, and tenesmus of the bladder, stabbing pain from the urethra to the bladder.

This remedy is useful when the penis is enormously swollen with gonorrhea, and the urethral orifice is red and swollen.

This remedy is useful in ailments with tibial pains, which are worse at night and better after lying on the right side.

This remedy suits subjects, who are worse in the evening, nights and from acids.

It also suits persons who are better from rest.


I have myself the highest esteem for MERC. CORROSIVUS in peritonitis.  I have used it here more frequently than BRYONIA and with most gratifying results.

Dr. Hughes, L.R.C.P.

 Think of MERC. CORROSIVUS in toxic conditions of pregnancy and PHOSPHORUS is useful in albuminuria in pregnancy.

Dr. T.K. Moore, M.D.

 All the recent cases of dysentery that I recollect have yielded quickly, i.e. within 2 days, to MERC. COR 2x triturition, if without much pain: if with pain in the abdomen, MERC CORROSIVUS, alternated with COLOCYNTHIS, and I do not know of any failures.

Dr. Ruddock, M.D.

 MERC COR. Our great remedy:  An exact SIMILIMUM to all essential features of an ordinary attack of dysentery.  May safely be regarded as a specific remedy for the whole process.

Dr. Boher.

 MERC. CORROSIVUS has a decided curative action when given in small doses for Pyelitis.

Dr. Hale, M.D.

 In the most violent forms of Acute Conjunctivitis, with extreme dread of light, or in chemosis, the 1x or 2x of MERC. CORROSIVUS will often cut short the attack.

Dr. Ruddock, M.D.

 For elongated uvula causing trouble, apply a little of low triturition of MERCURIOUS CORROSIVUS on uvula, and it will relieve immediately and permanently.

Dr. R. B. Das.

Lifestyle modifications and its impact on Health.



Lifestyle includes the behavior and activities that make up our daily

Life.  This includes: the work we do, our leisure activities, the food we eat, our interaction with family, friends, neighbors, coworkers and strangers.

Life style changes can prevent heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer, diabetes, and osteoporosis and increase the well being of a person and increases longevity.


How does the environment affect our health?

The work we do affects our health.  Apart from exposure to environmental

Hazards such as UV radiation and toxic chemicals like smoke, asbestos or

Pesticides, certain types of work involve prolonged repetitive actions and/or reduced

Levels of activity that may lead to muscular or skeletal problems, strained

Vision and other health problems…


Mental stress is also a big killer. It can lead to depression, sleeplessness, and Blood pressure, cholesterol and heart problems.


Food and health:

The foods we eat affect our health. Many studies show that good nutrition lowers the risk for many diseases. Our food habits can bring down many killer lifestyle diseases.


Tips for Healthy Eating:

  • Eat at least 5-9 servings of fruits and Vegetables every day.
  • Choose whole grain bread and cereal.
  • Choose low-fat milk and cheeses.
  • Try to avoid non-vegetarian foods as much as possible Avoid red meat.
  • Eat more beans and grains
  • Use less salt, sugar, alcohol, and saturated fat.
  • Drink lots of water between meals. Avoid carbonated drinks.


Tips for becoming more active:

 Walk as much as possible

Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator

Learn some fine-arts or develop healthy hobbies


Other Things You Can Do to Stay Healthy:

  • Quit smoking
  • Handle stress!
  • If you drink alcohol in moderation.



One of the long-term benefits of living a healthier lifestyle is the prevention of diseases such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes.  However, the benefit is the prevention of arthritis, osteoporosis, stroke, diabetes and other immune-mediated illnesses that are affected by the dietary and lifestyle choices we make every day.

Some useful Homeopathic remedies – Part 120


 It is an Anti-syphilitic Homeopathic remedy derived from the black oxide of Mercury.


It helps ameliorate pains in the joints.  It is a useful remedy, when all the symptoms are worse at night, in the cold, damp and rainy weather. It suits persons, who are sensitive to both cold and heat.


It is a useful remedy in Keratitis (corneal inflammation) of the eye with burning pain.


It is also useful in ear discharges which are thick, fetid and bloody and when there is otalgia and boils in the external auditory canal.

This remedy is useful, when there is coryza with yellowish green pus like discharge and the coryza is worse with sneezing and when the nose is sore and smarting and worse in the damp weather.

It is useful in anemia, ulceration of the mouth and the throat.    It is useful whenever there is a sweetish metallic taste, in the salivary secretions, when the salivation is greatly increased and when the speech is difficult on account of trembling of the tongue.  It is a useful remedy for those who have a foul odor from the mouth.

It is useful when the crown of the tooth decays and the teeth become loose.  It is useful when there is a furrow on the upper surface of the tongue lengthwise, when the tongue is heavy thick moist and coated, flabby with the indenting of the teeth.  This remedy is very useful in Quinsy even after the pus has been formed.

This remedy is useful when there is a putrid eructation from the stomach and there is an intense thirst for cold drinks.  It is useful in flatulent distension, when the liver is enlarged and indurated.


It is useful when the stools are greenish, bloody slimy with pain and tenesmus.

It is useful when the subject has a frequent urge to urinate, with burning of the urethra, which is worse while beginning to urinate.

This remedy is useful in males, when they have vesicles and ulcers, soft chancres in the genitals. This remedy is also useful when the prepuce is irritated and the nocturnal emissions are stained with blood.

This remedy is useful when the menses are profuse with excoriating leucorrhoea, which is greenish and bloody, with itching and burning worse urinating and better washing the genitals with cold water.

This remedy is good for cough, when the subject cannot lie on the right side and the cough is associated with yellow muco-purulent expectoration.

It is useful when the subject has excessive perspiration in the skin, which is odorous and viscid.

It is a useful remedy when there are pustular and vesicular eruptions in the skin, which are worse from itching, from warmth and is associated with yellowish brown crusts.

This remedy is useful for glandular enlargement, which become worse when the subject catches cold.

This remedy suits persons who are worse in the night, wet damp weather, lying on the right side, perspiring, worse in a warm room and from the warmth of the bed.  It also suits persons who perspire easily and who have great weakness and trembling from the least exertion.


 It is the frequently exacerbating fever, with creeping chills and copious perspiration after the heat, which points MERCURY.

Dr. Boehr.

 MERCURIOUS SOLUBILIS AND SEPIA after BELLADONNA are most reliable in uterine congestion.

Dr. Moore.

 In children with leucorrhoea, MERCURY OR CALC CARB is mostly indicated.

Dr. Wassily.

 In glossitis, MERCURIOUS is the main remedy and seldom fails to cure.

Dr. Custis.

ACONITE in the first stage to be followed by MERCURIOUS later are often the only medicines needed in acute catarrhal bronchitis.

Dr. Hering, M.D.

For simple boils in the ear, the administration of BELLADONNA 6, 12 OR 30 in hourly alternation with MERC SOL will frequently prevent the development or suppuration of boil.

Dr. Moffat.

In acute rheumatism, the more frequent the relapses set in, the more is MERC SOL indicated.

Dr. Boehr.

 MERCURIOUS is a specific remedy in a great number of cases of jaundice.

Dr. Laurie, M.D.




 Hundreds of medical practitioners in the West are trying Chelation therapy for the prevention and treatment of degenerative circulatory diseases. Proponents of this therapy assert that it is useful in Coronary Artery disease, hypertension, Atherosclerosis, peripheral circulatory disease, premature senility and many age related diseases.

What is EDTA?


EDTA is the most commonly used agent for Chelation.  EDTA is a synthetic amino acid it expands as Ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetic acid. It is administered into the body as a series of intravenous infusions. Initially, EDTA gained its reputation for removing toxic metal poisoning from the body and was used in a rare condition where the Calcium levels in the blood are high in the body. It was an accidental finding that EDTA also helps restore the impaired circulation, which has lead to its widespread use in Alternative Medicine.

How does EDTA work?


To put it in a simple way, EDTA acts as a scavenger and binds to atheromatous concretions in the blood vessels, thus cleansing the blood vessels, and helps making them supple, less hard and reduces their narrowing.

So, in chronic circulatory dysfunction, where the coronary arteries may be blocked, EDTA opens up narrow and blocked coronary artery and reduces the angina pain.   If there is a circulatory deficiency in the legs, EDTA helps by improving the circulation by removing the obstructing plaques in the lower limb blood vessels.  It works similarly on the kidney and the brain and improves their function.

Is Chelation alone enough?

 If elderly patients have a crippling disease and are bed-ridden, then Chelation should be tried in isolation.  But, if the patient is able to comply, then Chelation must be tried with Diet modification and Graded exercise programmes as a part of a comprehensive approach, which will help improve the normality of circulation in the entire body.


Despite its wide spread use in Degenerative conditions, Chelation therapy has remained controversial; it has been much misunderstood and grossly under-investigated by mainstream medical professionals.

It is unfortunate that today, Cardiology has become extremely invasive and millions of patients are undergoing Angioplasty or Coronary Arterial Bypass Grafting.  The recurrence rate of Coronary Artery disease despite these procedures is high.  Many patients have to undergo repeat bypass operations or repeat Angioplasty, procedures which are extremely expensive, risky and emotionally painful.

A more open-minded search for a painless and a non-invasive option for these diseases should be made and perhaps, Chelation therapy may be the answer to the crippling and potentially fatal vascular diseases.

Some useful Homeopathic remedies – Part 119.



It is a great remedy for whooping cough with a suffocative feeling and asthmatic paroxysms.

It is useful whenever there is a tendency for the food to go to the esophagus.

It is useful whenever there are mucous rales in the upper part of the chest.

This remedy is similar to Drosera, Corallium and Sticta Puls.


We have been neglecting this in the acute phases of Asthma. If one sees an asthmatic attack, with difficult exhalation, marked coughing and aggravations at night, this remedy is well indicated: MEPHITES.

Dr. Robert. L.  Redfield.

 MEPHITES if taken in a low potency when one is exhausted; it tones up the nervous system and relieves the exhaustion.

Dr. E. A. Farrington, M.D.

  Dry cough following Influenza: Sudden, spasmodic burst of violent cough, hurting the lower ribs greatly: MEPHITES.

Dr. O. S. Haines, M.D.




 Laughter is an infective phenomenon and among all the 84 lakh creations of God, only man is endowed with the faculty of laughter.  In fact, man is the only animal that ‘laughs and weeps’.


 Many laughter clubs have sprung up in Mumbai, where senior citizens gather in parks and bellow their guts out.  Many people snigger at these practices, but laughter is definitely associated with good health.

 Mindex3edical Benefits of laughter:


  • Studies by reputed Medical organizations have endorsed the value of laughter for positive health and in the control of neurosis.
  • It is useful in helping release pent up emotions, resentment, anger, malice etc.
  • Regular laughter before sleep has been seen to help insomniacs.
  • Laughter has been useful increasing the Endorphins levels in the body and relieves pain in chronic sufferers of arthritis.
  • It helps muscle relaxation.
  • Promotes abdominal breathing and thus helps better oxygenation of the body.
  • It helps in regulating stress by reducing the levels of cortisol, adrenaline and nor-adrenaline.
  • Laughter increases the Immunity of the body by increasing the body’s natural killer cells, antibodies and immunoglobulins.
  • Laughter has been seen to improve brain function, which has been studied by SPECT scanning.

 The Perspective from Indian Spirituality:

The Vedic view is that every person is made up of five sheaths, which cover the soul and they are;

  • The Annamaya Kosha, which corresponds to the gross body and this, is nourished by nutritious and moderate food.
  • The Pranaymana Kosha, which corresponds to the breath and it, is sustained by deep breathing.
  • The Manomaya Kosha, which corresponds to the mind and its thoughts. This sheath is affected with negativity and has to be nourished with proper thoughts, pranayama and mind control exercises.
  • The Vignayamaya Kosha, which corresponds to the Intellect and is sustained by knowledge.
  • The Anandamaya Kosha, which is a sheath of joy and aspirants on the yogic path are extorted to discover this sheath and sustain this state.

 It is believed that the purpose of existence is for joy and all Indian Spiritual masters encourage laughter and positive thoughts and extort the neophytes to dump their sorrows and negativity into the graveyard, before plunging into a Spiritual way of life.


 Studies at Stanford University by Dr. William Fry have revealed that laughing 100 times a day is as good as jogging or exercising briskly for ten minutes.

It is not yet very clear, as to how laughter helps the body.  But as we grow older we laugh less.  A 6-year old child laughs about 250 to 300 times a day and an average adult laughs about 40 times per day and the serious and glum persons laugh less than 5 times a day.




Astrology is one of the ancient sciences that have been generally debunked by the Medical fraternity.  Historically there is evidence that Babylonians and Assyrians priest used to study the signs and omens and used Shamash- the Sun God and Adad- the Storm God. Astrology further developed in Rome and Greece.  After the Greeks, it was the Arabs who studied astrology.  Indian astrology has been a highly developed science and the astrological chart is plotted when the child is born, with meticulous care.  It is only in recent times that medical astrology has developed and astrologers are able to tell what a disease a person is likely to suffer from.

The Zodiac Signs and Diseases:

 ARIES Those under this sun-sign are prone to epilepsy, headaches, ringworm, paralysis and convulsions.

TAURIANS are prone to melancholia, violent and vindictive behaviur.

GEMINIANS are prone to rheumatic diseases of the arms and shoulders, aneurysms and insanity.

CANCERIANS are prone to breast and stomach cancers, Tuberculosis, asthma and swelling in the feet.

LEO’S are prone to heart diseases, spondylosis, fevers and jaundice.

VIRGOS are prone to intestinal diseases.

LIBRANS are prone to disease of the kidneys.

SCORPIOS are prone to disease of the sexual organs.

SAGITTARIANS are prone to hip joint disease, gout and rheumatism.

CAPRICORNIANS are prone to skin diseases, melancholia and hysteria.

AQUARIANS are prone to disease of the legs and ankles and are affected by cramps.

PISCEANS are prone to diseases of the feet, chronic fatigue and are vacillating in temperament.



Several doctors who study astrology feel that it is possible to predict the genetic tendency of a child to develop a kind of disease.  Astrology can also predict casualty in an individual.   A Czechoslovakian Gynecologist, Dr. Eugene Jonas has used astrology to predict monthly fertility in women.  This method has been found to be 85% accurate. When this method is combined with the rhythm method, the reliability rates rise up to 98 %.  It may be fair to say that Medical Astrology might be able to point out one’s mental disposition and susceptibility to disease.