Molecular Hydrogen the Ultimate Anti-Aging Therapy.

Anti-aging benefits of Hydrogen water


There is increasing evidence that suggests hydrogen therapy may just be the fountain of youth we have been searching for since the dawn of time. Hundreds of studies confirm it is not only safe. It also appears to be a highly effective therapy for several diseases, for enhancing energy and sports performance, and for the support of best possible health and long life.

Mechanism of action:

Hydrogen therapy uses molecular hydrogen (H2), which is a naturally occurring molecule formed when two hydrogen atoms combine. Molecular hydrogen is the smallest element in the universe, and its tiny size allows it to quickly permeate and penetrate all of the body’s tissues, and cells.

Health and Longevity Applications:

Molecular hydrogen is a powerful antioxidant that helps to defend cells and genes from damage and death caused by harmful free radicals. These properties, in combination with its anti-inflammatory properties help enhance longevity because aging is caused by tissue degeneration, oxidative stress and inflammation.

Disease Prevention
There is currently 150 different diseases in which molecular hydrogen appears to exert a beneficial effect. Some of the most common include: cardiovascular disease, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, diabetes, allergies, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, heart disease, and cancer.

Safety of Hydrogen

H2 is completely non-toxic and naturally produced in the body when intestinal bacteria breakdown dietary fibers. There are no adverse effects associated with H2, and when H2 is broken down, the byproduct is simply water (H2O).

Who Can Use H2 Therapy

Since it has such a high safety-profile, and produces such a wide-range of positive health effects, virtually everyone can benefit from it. H2 is so safe scientists are currently studying it as a therapeutic aid for terminally ill patients, for pediatric purposes, for pregnant women and even for fetuses and newborns.

Potential health benefits of hydrogen water:

1. Anti-wrinkle and anti-sun damage;
2. Anti-diabetes and blood pressure;
3. Anti-tumor and acidic pH;
4. Anti-obesity and cholesterol;
5. Anti-inflammation & free radicals;
6. Anti-stress and fatigue. 

The possibility of protecting against the above mentioned common health and aging problems is enough to get us convinced that including Hydrogen Water in our health routine can really do us good. 

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