The benefits of Manjistha Plant (Rubia Cardifolia).


In Ayurvedic medicine, Manjistha is a blood purifying herb. It cools and detoxifies the blood, removes stagnant blood, and dissolves obstructions in the blood flow. Manjistha also helps protect gums from receding. It is also believed to have astringent and anti-oxidant properties.  It has shown that it regulates blood pressure, blood vessel constriction, and helps protect from blood clot formation. Manjistha can also be used to treat uric acid and arthritis. Combined with other products, it can treat urinary infections, diarrhea, dysentery, and chronic fevers.  Manjistha can be used to treat irregular menstruation. This herb can be used both internally and externally to bring luster to your skin and make it glow.  Manjistha also helps removes pimples, freckles, other discolorations, and promotes the healing of skin tissues damaged by injury or infection.


Blood purifier

Manjistha is a great blood purifier. It cleanses the blood and removes all toxins from it. Symptoms of skin diseases are effectively tackled by Manjistha. It also boosts immunity levels.

Heals skin injuries

Manjistha is a medicine benefit which treats cuts and bruises on our body whereby skin tissues get damaged. Manjistha promotes the healing of skin tissues damaged by. injury or infection.

Calcium deficiency

It is useful in the treatment of rickets and calcium deficiency

Useful in skin diseases

Manjistha is important herb used in skin pigmentation or skin whitening treatment. It offers antibacterial and antioxidant properties to skin which help in skin infection, skin complexion and acne. It is also useful in treating eczema, psoriasis, herpes, dermatitis and itching of the skin due to varied conditions.

Useful in dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation)

It is useful in correcting painful menstruation in women. It is also useful in natal conditions of the uterus.

Removes gall stones                

In addition to removing gall stones, Manjistha herb cleans and regulates the pancreas, spleen, liver, and kidneys. All of these organs have a role in digestion and cleansing of the body. By regulating these organs, Manjistha indirectly promotes proper digestion and a clean bodily system.

Useful in Diabetic ulcers

Manjistha has the capability to heal diabetic ulcers. It can be consumed in the form of capsules or decoction.

Has anti tumor effects

Manjistha has the power to destroy many benign as well as malignant tumors.

Side effects of Manjistha

It is not recommended for uses during pregnancy. It can change the colour of urine perspiration, tears and breast milk. Some of the chemicals in Manjistha can rarely cause malignancy.


Traditionally, Manjistha has been used in the treatment of liver fluke, maggots, dysentery, wounds, and intestinal worms in animals. Manjistha is commonly used as a blood purifier. It has many other therapeutic properties like calcium channel blocking, anti-diabetic, anti-stress, and anti-platelet. Before starting the treatment it is recommended that subjects should consult their health care provider.

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