Monthly Archives: April 2014

Some useful Homeopathic remedies – Part 15.


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This remedy is specially indicated in infancy and old age.

It is used in mentally deficient children. These children may be dwarfish and do not grow or develop, but have a protruding abdomen.

It is also a useful remedy for bashful youth, who have no confidence in them.


It is a remedy of choice for loss of memory in the aged where the tissues are collapsing or degenerating.

It is useful in aneurysms, ruptures of blood vessels, and apoplexy in old persons with degenerative changes.

It is useful in persons who have paralysis of the tongue with dribbling of the saliva in the sleep.


It is a great remedy for enlarged tonsils and when used over a period of time will prevent a tonsillectomy. It is considered to be a constitutional remedy for preventing Quinsy.

It is useful for paralysis of the tongue in elderly patients.

It useful in shrinking enlarged cervical glands.

It is useful for un-descended testes in young boys.

It is also a useful remedy for males with constant seminal emissions that are debilitating.

It is useful for those persons in old age, who prefer to lie down all the time or lean against something.

It is also a useful remedy for spasms of the esophagus of unknown cause and the patient chokes as soon as he has food.


Baryta carb is a useful remedy for high blood pressure.

Dr. F. C. Askenstedt.

Baryta carb and Baryta Muriatica seem to relieve the symptoms of Pulmonary Arteriosclerosis.

Dr. Carl. A. Williams, M.D.

It is frequently claimed that inflammation of the parotid gland, when it affects the ears, causes permanent deafness. These cases of inflamed parotid gland where the ear becomes involved can hardly get well without the administration of Baryta Carb.

Dr. H. A. Roberts, M.D.

Take a dozen cases of Quinsy. All seem to have the same symptoms locally; “extreme pain while swallowing, one sided swelling and inflammation about the tonsil, pain often extending to the ear”, mental symptoms may differ, but without further analysis, the great majority of them will recover promptly following a dose of HEPAR SULF 2C IN WATER, 3 doses at two hour intervals of BARYTA CARB may often be needed.

Dr. T. K. Moore, M.D.

In very old people, we find a sensitive skin, which itches intolerably but there is no eruption (senile pruritis). Baryta Carb is one of the principal remedies to be thought of in these conditions.

Dr. H. A. Roberts, M.D.


From the allopathic viewpoint, I find this remedy extremely useful in children with enlarged tonsils and even Quinsy’s’ (Peri-tonsillar abscesses) can be averted. It also seems to be useful in the elderly with age related changes.

Some useful Homeopathic remedies – Part 14.




The source of this remedy is the Wild Indigo and the mother tincture is prepared from the root and the bark of the plant.

It is suitable for asthenic patients with low-grade fevers.

It is useful in septic conditions, malaria and certain forms of food poisonings.

It is very useful in Typhoid fever and also for eliminating the germs from Typhoid carriers.

It is useful when the subjects have fetid discharges with putrid ulceration of the mouth.

It is useful in viral fevers with delirium stupor and rapid prostration and great soreness in the body.

In several of these patients, the abdomen is distended and the stools are offensive, dark, thin and bloody. It is useful in the dysentery of old persons.


It is useful in appendicitis with great soreness in the right iliac fossa.

It is also useful in Urinary tract infections with involuntary urination.

It is useful to relieve the Rheumatic soreness all over the body.

It suits subjects who are worse in the humid head, in fogs, on pressure and upon awakening.

Extended clinical observation has proved its value when Dysentery assumes a Typhoid character.

Dr. Bell.

If there is any ground to fear an attack of Typhus, HYOSCAMUS AND BAPTISIA are probably the best preventives, with plenty of fresh air and wholesome food.

Dr. Ruddock, M.D.

One has seen startling examples of prompt curative action of BAPTISIA in Influenza – in slight cases and in serious ones.

Dr. M. L. Tyler, M.D.
BAPTISIA is the king of all remedies for Typhoid. No remedy can supplant it in the first stage.
Dr. Burt.

Strange as it may sound, coming from an Allopathic physician’s mouth. I have found the concomitant use of Baptisia in Typhoid fever useful, in cutting short the morbidity of the disease.  Another advantage is that it seems to reduce bacterial resistance of Salmonella typhi to the Fluroquinolones like Ofloxacin and the patient responds to the therapy and the intensity of the symptoms comes down.  Unfortunately, I have never been able to back this clinical observation with concrete proof.  But, more objective studies must be done to see, if this remedy does help in reducing bacterial resistance to antibiotics.

My grandmother’s awesome home remedies Part – 10.


Summer Boils.

In the summer vacation we used to be in our native place with grandma and we used to get summer boils often. My grandma was a wizard and she had many solutions for the same.


Warm compresses:
She used to give us frequent application of a warm compress and this used to help boils heal without requiring a visit to the doctor. Once the boil ruptured and emptied itself of infectious waste, the sore can began to heal.


Garlic with onion:

She used to also take garlic juice together with onion juice in equal quantity and apply it on the boils in order to ripen them and then break them to expel the pus.


Cumin seeds:

She used to make a paste of cumin seeds with water. She used to apply this paste on boils in order to get rid of boils.


Bitter gourd:

Bitter gourd can also be a very effective remedy for boils. She used to take 1 cup bitter gourd juice, add one teaspoon of lime juice. She used to make us sip it slowly on an empty stomach. It used help in curing boils.


Ginger is one of the most common boil home remedies. She used to grate fresh ginger and pack on top of the boil. She used to do this twice a day. The purpose of the ginger is to increase blood flow to the boil, which will bring it to a head faster. It may turn your skin red and this is normal.


Egg whites:

We were strict vegetarians but sometime Grandma would spread beaten egg whites on the boil and cover with a bandage. This would speed drying and healing of the boil.


My grandmother’s awesome home remedies Part – 9.

Menstrual cramps.



Many of my female cousins suffered from severe menstrual cramps as they were growing up and they were severely incapacitated.


My grandmother was equal to the task and she made a brew of the following:


Basil leaves. This can relieve some of the normal pain associated with menstruation because it contains caffeic acid, which has an analgesic, or pain-killing, effect.


Cinnamon powder: This has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. She added a few teaspoonfuls to the brew.


Fennel. This was another sure shot cramp cure.  This spice is said to promote better circulation to the ovaries. fennel seeds into a powder. Add to 1 cup boiling water, steep five minutes, strain, and drink hot.


Ginger. This is a cramp reliever, and as an added bonus it sometimes can make irregular periods regular. Tea may be the most effective form, however: put 1/2 teaspoon in 1 cup boiling water, and drink three times a day.


Mint. Either peppermint or wintergreen can relieve cramps. Steep into a tea and drink a cup or two a day. Try sucking on mint candy, too.

images7Mustard powder

Mustard. She used to add a tablespoon or two of powdered mustard to the brew and this used to relieve cramps.



Every sixth patient who walks into my clinic in the age group of 28 to 60 has frank Diabetes or Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT). When I screen them for Diabetes and when the test results are positive for high blood sugars, patients greet me with a plethora of emotions. 

 Some tell me that the tests results cannot be true.  Patients tell me that they cannot get diabetes because they cannot get diabetes because nobody in their family has diabetes.  Others say that they feel well and they are sure that they could not be victims of this disease.

  There are yet others, who have Type 2 Diabetes and who think that their disease is mild and once they take their tablets, they could embark safely on a gastronomic extravaganza.

 Yet there are others, who feel that having Diabetes is a death sentence. Some are worried about their jobs, others worry about sports and there are others who imagine that they will lose their eyesight or die soon of a heart attack or will have gangrene in their extremities.

 As a physician it is obvious that there are many myths about diabetes. I would like to dispel some common myths on Diabetes.



 Diabetes is a complicated disease. It is very important to understand how it is caused and often the line drawing the facts from the fiction is thing and ill understood.

 Statistics on the effects of Diabetes:


  • At least 65 percent of people with diabetes die from some form of heart disease or stroke.
  • Diabetes and related complications accounts for about 190,000 deaths a year
  • Diabetes can cause impotence.
  • Diabetics have an average life expectancy of 15 years less than those without diabetes.
  • Diabetes is the primary cause of blindness for people over age 20.
  • Diabetics are twice as probable to develop heart disease and endure a heart attack or stroke.
  • Diabetics are 17 times more likely to develop kidney disease.
  • Diabetics are 40 times more likely to need amputations.
  • The yearly cost of diabetes to the United States is more than $9.7 billion.

 The Picture in India is very dismal:


 Diabetes affects an estimated 35 to 40 million Indians. According to different estimates and at this rate the number of patients could double by 2025.  India has the dubious distinction of being considered as the “Diabetes Capital of the World”.

 Globally every fourth Diabetic patient is an Indian. The main cause of this epidemic is:


  • Indians are genetically predisposed to the disease
  • Obesity
  • High fat – High Calorie diets
  • High Blood Pressure – Large Salt intake
  • Sedentary lifestyles
  • Lack of exercise
  • Stress factors.

 Some common myths about diabetes.


1) Eating too much sugar causes diabetes.

 Eating too much sugar does not cause diabetes. Rather diabetes is caused by a lack or complete absence of insulin, which is a hormone that helps blood sugar get into cells. When you eat, food is turned into a type of sugar, but it’s not the same as the refined sugar you buy at the store.


 2) I cannot have diabetes because I feel well.

 One third of people with diabetes don’t know they have it. Uncontrolled diabetes damages blood vessels and other parts of your body.  Even if you have been diagnosed with diabetes and feel OK, you still need to take extremely good care of your disease.  The damage from diabetes may take years to show, and you may not be able to undo such conditions as heart disease and nerve damage. Only a blood check up and a doctor can tell you for sure if you have diabetes.


 3) I have diabetes, but it is not the serious kind.

 Diabetes is a serious disease.  Even if you don’t have to inject insulin or take medications, your diabetes still has to be controlled.


 4) I don’t have a family history of diabetes, so it is unlikely that I will get it.

 Some people are born with a greater chance of developing diabetes than others. However, plenty of people diagnosed with the disease don’t have a family history of diabetes. Your weight and lifestyle can be factors in whether you develop diabetes.

 5) One can catch diabetes from someone else.

It is not possible to catch diabetes from others.   Although we don’t know exactly why some people develop diabetes, we know diabetes is not contagious.  It can’t be caught like a cold or flu.  There seems to be some genetic link in diabetes, particularly type 2 diabetes.  Lifestyle factors also play a great part.


 6) People with diabetes should eat special diabetic foods.

Nothing is further from the truth.  You do not need to eat special foods if you are a diabetic.  A healthy meal plan for people with diabetes is the same as that for everyone – low in fat (especially saturated and trans fat), moderate in salt and sugar, with meals based on whole grain foods, vegetables and fruit.  Diabetic and “dietetic” versions of sugar-containing foods offer no special benefit. They still raise blood glucose levels, are usually more expensive and can also have a laxative effect if they contain sugar alcohols.


 7) People with diabetes can’t eat sweets or chocolate.

Diabetes is not a death sentence for living a good life.  If eaten as part of a healthy meal plan, or combined with exercise, people suffering from diabetes can eat sweets and desserts.  They are no more “off limits” to people with diabetes, than they are to people without diabetes.


 8) I won’t be able to eat starchy foods, like bread and potatoes.

 If you are a diabetic, high carbohydrate foods are your main source of energy.   You should talk to your dietitian to work out your daily carbohydrate needs.  Your dietitian will also teach you how to measure out the right portion sizes and to read food labels so you get enough carbohydrates from each meal – and not overdo it.   Diabetics need from six to 11 servings of carbohydrate containing foods, which include starchy vegetables such as yams and potatoes as well as bread, pasta and grains.


 9) I have diabetes and hence cannot eat fruits.

 It is true that fruit is a healthy food.  It contains fiber and lots of vitamins and minerals.  Because fruit contains carbohydrate, it needs to be included in your meal plan.  Talk to your dietitian about the amount, frequency and types of fruits you should eat. Once you become a diabetic, the golden rule is moderation in all types of food.

Eating more can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, some cancers and some gut problems. You should aim to eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. This also helps to improve the overall balance of the diet. Eating a variety of different fruit and vegetables ensure you get the maximum benefit.


 10) I can’t exercise because it will just worsen my diabetes.

 People with diabetes can – and should – exercise.  Working out regularly means better control of your diabetes and helps your body to better use insulin.  Talk to your doctor first before starting any exercise program.


 11) I don’t need to change my diabetes treatment program if my A1c count is lower than 8 percent.

 It is better to keep the A1c count below 7 because that will lower your chances for complications, such as nerve damage and eye disease.


 12) Insulin is bad because it causes atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and high blood pressure.

 Insulin does not cause atherosclerosis, instead it prevents it.  In the laboratory, there is evidence that insulin can initiate some of the early processes associated with atherosclerosis.  Therefore, some physicians were fearful that insulin might aggravate the development of high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries.  But it doesn’t.


 13) Once you take Insulin you will gain weight and it is bad for you.

Several studies in the west have shown that the benefit of glucose management with insulin far outweighs the risk of weight gain. 


14) People with diabetes are more likely to get colds and other illnesses. 

No!  You are no more likely to get a cold or another illness if you have diabetes.  However, people with diabetes are advised flu shots.  This is because any infection interferes with your blood glucose management, putting you at risk of high blood glucose levels and, for those with type 1 diabetes, an increased risk of keto-acidosis.


 15) Having diabetes means you can’t do certain jobs.

Having diabetes should not stop you from getting and keeping a job. There has been a growth in evidence for individual medical assessment. Individual assessment offers a rational, safe and legally defensible system of assessment for recruitment. It is quite possible for most diabetics to do most jobs that normal persons can do.





1) CDC website on Diabetes.





My grandmother’s awesome home remedies Part- 8




My grandmother was a wizard when it came to conjuring home remedies for various common ailments. I vividly remember some of her solutions to constipation.

Lemon with honey:


She used to give us lemon juice in honey and warm water. She believed that the digestive properties of lemon help clear unwanted blockages and control indigestion symptoms and even diarrhea because of increased efficiency in the GI tract

Molasses with honey:


Molasses and honey are both excellent overnight relievers of mild constipation, and she used to give us two teaspoons before bed can help ease symptoms.

High fiber diet:


She used to feed us with beans because she believed that the beneficial fiber from this meal would ease constipation. She also insisted that we have adequate portions of salads and fruits at night.

Grapes and fruit juices:


She used to give us homemade grape juice. Grandma believed that fruit juices such as grape and apple are the first line of defense for constipation for children.


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Odd as it may sound, Grandma prepared a concoction with hot milk, sugar and ginger and I found in excellent in combating constipation.

Castor oil:


When we were stubbornly constipated, we all got an ounce of castor oil at night and wow! We did have a good flush out the next day.



This was one of grandma’s tastiest solutions for constipation. Peppermint in any form was an enjoyable option for constipation.

Triphala Churna:


Grandma used Triphala is an Ayurvedic medicine that when combined with a glass of water in the morning, becomes an excellent remedy for constipation.  

Ripe Bael fruit:


This fruit is really considered to be the best laxative of all other laxatives. This fruit is known to cleanse and also strengthen the intestines. It is an efficient home remedy for constipation. This can be eaten directly or made in to a juice that can be consumed.



Flaxseed is a very commonly utilized laxative. It is a great dietary food which not only assists in proper bowel movements, but also gives nourishment to the body in the form of omega 6 fatty acids. It also provides the body with fiber and that helps ease constipation.


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My grandmother is no longer alive. But, if she were alive today, I am sure she would have found that Aloe vera juice and prunes are very beneficial in constipation.

Aloe vera is an all-natural healthy laxative and therefore, it clears the blocked bowel movements efficiently. Aloe vera does not have any unwanted side effects.

Prunes are available all over the world and it is very beneficial in relieving constipation…

My grandmother’s awesome home remedies Part- 7




As we were growing up and when we were in our teens, we had crops of pimples on our face and we thought that that was the end of the world for us. My grandmother had many wonderful recipes for that and we always ran to her before we consulted our doctors.

Natural Remedies:

images2 Sandalwood index3



Wood sorrel

index5Leebeck tree flower

She used to take some sandal wood, and turmeric, wood sorrel and lebbeck tree flower and grind all these ingredients and apply the paste on the pimples.

index6Quassia indica leaves

She also added Quassia indica leaves. These leaves have potent antibacterial properties and have ether and ethanol extracts that exhibit antibiotic properties against several skin pathogens

index7 Dry ginger

When the skin was oily she used dry ginger and mixed it water and applied it on our pimples.

index8Basil leaves index9Camphor


No South Indian household remedy was complete without Basil leaves and she used to grind Basil leaves and camphor and apply it on our pimples. Basil leaves contain volatile oils that have therapeutic effects against pimples.

index10 Sesbania grandiflora

When the pimples were stubborn and nothing worked, Grandma used spinach leaves (Sesbania grandiflora) called in our language as Keerai.

index11 Black pepper index12Garlic index 12

Abutilon leaves

She used to grind these leaves in water to make a paste and she used to mix a dash of black pepper, garlic and abutilon leaves with castor oil and make a paste which she used to apply on our pimples.

This used to work magically and I must say that most of us cousins have good skin thanks to the efforts of our grandma.



Your comments are valuable…


Dear readers,

Your comments are valuable to me.   I would request you to place the comments under the appropriate articles that you like or do not like. You will find a comment box under each blog post.

Please do not place comments in the headings as under family or about etc.

I welcome both bouquets and constructive brickbats alike.

Thank you for your continued support.

Loads of love and good wishes.

Dr. Rajesh Vishwanathan.


My grandmother’s awesome home remedies Part- 6

Eye irritation.



My grandmother had many home made remedies for common conditions. She was not formally educated but she had native wisdom and used home remedies that were coming from generation to generation.

Common eye irritations:

Honey and milk:


She used to make eyewash with warm milk and honey. Honey is known to have many amazing anti septic properties. If there were lactating women, she used human breast milk. She used to take equal parts of honey and lukewarm milk and mix them together and with a dropper she used to instill 2 to 3 drops of this mixture three times the day in each eye and this used to work wonders.

Castor oil:


Sometimes, she used to use pure castor oil for eye irritations. She would administer one drop of castor oil in each eye, thrice a day and that used to magically reduce the swelling and redness.

Cucumber slices:


Sometimes she used to cut two slices cucumber and place it in cold ice for a few minutes. Then she used to place the cool cucumber over our closed eyes and it used to be wonderfully soothing and it reduced the soreness in our eyes.



When our eyes were irritated we used to be told to rinse our eyes with rose water and I found it very soothing for my irritated eyes. Even instilling 3 to 4 drops of rose water were found to be useful.


I am fortunate to have had many wonderful exposures to harmless and useful home remedies. One of the most proven home remedy in recent times is Aloe Vera.


Aloe vera is readily available in different forms at drug stores and natural food stores and is fairly inexpensive. This natural remedy has proven antibacterial, anti fungal and antiviral properties. This makes it the perfect way to treat irritated eyes, no matter the root cause. .Aloe Vera eye drops also contains Aloe to soothe inflammation. Aloe is gentle enough to be used in and around the eye.

Aloe vera was not known to my grandmother and I am sure she would have gladly used it on us, if she had got her hands on it.

My grandmother’s awesome home remedies Part – 5.

Home remedies for hair growth.



In the South Indian state of Kerala, India. Women have long and thick hair and they use a lot of traditional home made hair oils for hair growth. My grandma was no exception and she made her own hair oil from local ingredients

Natural Remedies:

index2Eclipta Alba leaves (Bringraj)

My grandma used a mixture of 200 ml of Eclipta Alba leaf juice (this is called as Bringraj in India).

index3Curry leaves

To this she added 100 ml of curry leaf juice.

index4Henna juice

Then she added 10 ml of Henna juice,

index5Cumin seeds

10 gram of cumin seeds.


Then she added 100 ml of amla juice and 2 teaspoonful of lime juice.

index7Shoe flower

She added 10 shoe flowers to the mix and mixed and boiled this with 300 ml of coconut oil. She had this ready-made when we came for our holidays.


Bringraj is a famous Ayurvedic ingredient in hair oils for hair growth. Henna is good for hair grown. Shoe flower is a cooling herb that has a number of valuable pectins, organic acids and other useful ingredients for hair growth. Fenugreek and cumin seeds accelerate hair growth and protect the natural color of the hair.